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Late in the Night (Compressed Version)

Posted: March 18th, 2019, 12:04:37 am
by Timiyo
I guess this is my entry! I've been working on writing a long story to put up here for this competition. It’s really not all about Alethin, but it should still meet the requirements. Realized I definitely won't be able to finish it in time, so here’s a short compressed version. :haha:

Alethin received information on a valued treasure he very much desired, one worth a fortune, from a good friend of his. Breaking into the Synarian home late in the night to steal it, the treasure worth any risk he could take, he was startled by two nkoe and a tau, the family’s guards. With help from his black cobra Adela, Alethin defeated the creatures in a quick and silent fight, awakening no one. He escaped with his treasure, not knowing that the house he had just entered contained much more than what he’d taken. But someone else knew.

Alethin’s friend, the one who had given him the information on the Synarian home, had been long posing as the family’s gardener, waiting for the perfect time to strike, unbeknownst to Alethin. He had seen the father bring home a Valcerian dragon egg from the Auction House and had arranged for Alethin to come and steal it, knowing that he himself could not kill the nkoe or tau, but Alethin could. Posing as the gardener for the family, he knew that they had many, many valuable plants. Flowers that could heal, flowers that could kill, plants worth even more than a Valcerian. Even just the seeds had many magical properties.

So when Alethin ran off with the dragon egg, after eliminating the family’s guards, the nkoe and tau, the gardener had the perfect opportunity to strike. And strike he did. The moonlight shined down somberly on the city of Synara, the streetlights casting shadows all around as, shortly after Alethin had escaped, the gardener slit the throat of the young daughter and pierced the father through the heart. He left the mother, Lilliad, alive, her weak heart crushed by witnessing cruel death of her family, the gardener curious to see if tragedy would shape her the way it had once shaped his twisted heart. And it did shape her. That night in her tears she vowed to hunt the murderer down and the Alethin, whom she had heard him speak of.

Nearly two years later the gardener was hiding out in the Jungle of Raza, planning a quick and silent raid on the Keep, when he saw her. He was sitting by a campfire and across from him, on the other side of the flames, there she was. Out of shock, he called for his two partners, but she had slit the throat of one and pierced the other through his heart. She had been driven insane and overpowered him, tortured him, and demanded that he tell her where Alethin was, constantly breaking into tears. The gardener was forced to reveal Alethin’s latest route, and when he did she disappeared into the woods, leaving him to tend to his newfound wounds.

Lilliad watched Alethin silently from her perch in the darkness, he was quietly dragging his cart along. She desperately wanted to leap down on him and end her twisted hunt, but something about him compelled her to hesitate. Suddenly she heard loud voices and saw a group of people come out of the surroundings and grab Alethin. He cursed and fought back, but was overpowered. They took him away towards the prison. Jumping down and landing softly, tears once again fell down Lilliad’s face. She was following after the men who had taken Alethin when suddenly a hand came out of the darkness and covered her mouth. And then it was over. She fell to the ground and the last words she heard were, “I should have never let you live.”

The gardener had set up Alethin by revealing his location to the magistrate, knowing that when he was taken away Lilliad would go after him, which gave the gardener the easy opportunity to end her. The gardener later freed Alethin, strengthening the gardener’s forged relationship as a friend to him. As of now Alethin is still in the dark as to what had really happened.

But I know. Who am I? I am a watcher, and I will soon not only be one who watches, but also one who reveals.

This whole story is really a work in progress, but I’ll put this up and if people like it then I’ll finish the full version. ^_^