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The Stars Don't Align (WIP)

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 11:17:05 pm
by dinsfire24
The sun blazed in the sky as, trembling, a young Poochyena slunk away from a terrible event... As she ran away from the sharp caw-caw of the Mandibuzz circling over her p- No, no, no, she couldn't think about that. The Poochyena ran, she ran like she had never ran before to get away from that horrible scene. Finally, when the sun had gone away and the stars shone in the sky -they're mocking me, she thought, her mind blurring with exhaustion- her muscles seemed to be set on fire and the edges of her vision was darkening. Stumbling to a halt, she dropped onto her stomach. Her exhaustion overtook her and when she looked up the sky was dark blue and the stars were fading away. Climbing to her paws, she examined her fur, checking for wounds. Her muscles still ached from running so far so fast, but other than that, she felt fine. Slowly she ran through the herbs her parents had taught her. Blueberry leaf? No, that was for sickness. Glowlichen? That was part of her mother's energy mixture, she remembered. She could use some of that. And... sweetmint, her father had said, was good for shock. Glowlichen and sweetmint were what she needed to find to help her. She focused on that, and when she stumbled across them growing in a neat garden along with blueberries, sun lilies, and many other plants she couldn't name, she pawed them into a messy bundle and ate them. Feeling her mind calm, she settled under a hazel bush nearby, watching the sun climb. The Poochyena sat up, memories swimming in her mind of the night she had been named. Her parents had tossed around a few ideas, but ended up with the name Stella. "What do you think?" her mother had asked. "I think it's beautiful!" she had replied, looking up at them with huge amber eyes. Her parents had grinned at her. She whimpered, staring up at the sky above her. Why did they have to go out? They'd had plenty of herbs, and my brother (who was nearly ready to evolve) was ready to go out and hunt. When they decided to go out to search for some rarer herbs, he had immediately wanted to explore. When the rockfall had happened, I watched from a distance and quickly fled.