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The Spotlight Kid

Posted: June 9th, 2018, 5:03:07 am
by WaxRose

The soft, light fabric made the perfect nesting spot. The gentle sway of Master's cloak was the perfect pace. All was heaven. Sweet, perfect, dreamy heaven. Then, a murmur, a familiar grumble, lifted to the contented mouse's ears. The soft speech was too low for Dorothy to make out to whom it belonged. She gave a soft sound of defeat and rose herself onto her hinds to peek out from the pocket. No sooner had the bright, harsh light impacted little Dorothy's closed eyes, then a shriek pierced her little ears.

Ah, yes. What a familiar sound. Well, guess it's time to go...

Dorothy heard a soft chuckle and the Master's hand lift her from the cloak pocket. She had yet to open her eyes still hoping that the Magi People would think that she was sound asleep and would let her stay in the pocket. But, alas, such luck did not belong to her at this moment. She lazily lifted her right eyelid, followed closely by her left, to see what humans were about her. Master was holding her close to his face which was bearing a grin and a slight glimmer in his eye.

His mouth opened and sounds came to Dorothy's ears, but she could not make out the speech. Master slowly placed her down on his desk and gave her a little pat on the nose as if in reproach. Dorothy sighed. Another, higher pitched, voice came from behind. Dorothy turned to see her Magi awkwardly stepping forward to claim the troublesome mouse.

As Dorothy was lifted up into her Magi's arms, she waved her tail at Master. Bye, bye Master. Same time and place tomorrow, then? Sounds like a date dude. She had very nearly forgotten about the coin she was holding firm to her belly. Whoa, please don't see it People, please don't see it People. She pressed it close to her permitting her fluffy coat to adequately conceal the dull, rusty coin.

Dorothy's Magi gracelessly swaggered out of the Master's room and the sly, mouse had managed to sneak yet another treasure from the Master's room of shiny stuff. Dorothy could tell from her Magi's tone and body-language that she was in deep trouble. Well, she thought, it was so worth it. She let her head dip back into her Magi's arms and tightly closed her eyes allowing sweet sleep to welcome her, and her new treasure, back into dreamy heaven.

Re: The Spotlight Kid

Posted: June 9th, 2018, 1:12:55 pm
by WaxRose

Pluto's night had been restless. Overbearing silence usually left him with an empty hollow feeling deep in his gut. But, daylight had finally arrived bringing his body a much needed reprieve from his loneliness. He allowed himself to drift as close to the dock as he could. And, yes! Just as he had wished for! His Magi was right there waiting for him.

He took a moment to allow her gentle, low voice to flood his ears: "Oh, poor, little Pluto! Nasty stomach bug again, huh?"

He grunted his agreement.

"Well, that last brew didn't seem to quite do the trick so, I've brought something else. It's got a little bit of an ingredient from home in it so we shall see how it works, huh?"

Pluto let out an exaggerated shudder. Ingredients? From Ev? The place with no real knowledge of sea life?

"I do believe that I shall simply suffer the illness ma'am. " he politely stated with a grimace looking distrustfully at the medicine.

Magi's eyes lazily squinted at him. Her lips pressed together and she planted a firm fist on her hip.

Pluto released a long and dramatic sigh as he permitted himself to become her obedient patient. She popped the lid and gestured for him to tilt his head back and prepare for the liquid. He submitted and assumed the position. The liquid was of a light, brown color and tasted like purple, deep-water coral. It wasn't, actually, so bad and it was over before he had a even a chance to complain.

"There," she boasted "wasn't that bad, now was it?"

Pluto was formulating the perfect snark reply when his attention was pulled away. In the distance, he could just make out the shape of his bestfriend. He addressed a short, polite thank-you to the Magi and swam swiftly towards his old friend. It had been a lengthy time since they had chatted and he needed some close companionship.

Re: The Spotlight Kid

Posted: June 12th, 2018, 1:04:21 pm
by WaxRose

Grodi reclined leisurely across the warm sand. He could make a few set of curious eyes watching him, unblinking. Grodi sighed. Very well, He thought. "All right small ones. Another story before bed, then?" The glowing sets of globes bobbed up and down.

"You all remember me telling you about the Desert, right?" The globes bobbed again. "Well, when I was just a very small hatchling, my father believed that I should become accustomed to the heat of midday and he took me from my mother and carried me out of our den. As my eyes were attacked by the intensity of the light, my skin burned beneath the extreme heat of the sun. My father permitted me a few moments to adjust to this new sensation. I did adjust quickly, of course, being the creature that I am, and my father rested me upon the harsh sands so that my paws could master the many qualities of the terrain.

I saw many new creatures scurry over the sand dunes and, upon gazing upwards, I saw flying creatures lit with the fire of the sun. My little heart was filled with excitement! I began to chase the small lizards and scorpions until I grew very tired of the activity. They scurried left and right, trying to evade my hunt. I was successful, at times, capturing my prey and, at other times, my prey managed to escape. And yet still, at other times the predator and prey became switched, and I found myself being pursued by a mightily angry reptile!"

A small burst of giggles erupted from the little audience as the image of Big and Mighty Grodi running, scared, away from a little lizard filled their imaginations.

Grodi let the laughter subside before continuing, "I had become so engrossed in the hunt that I had forgotten about my father until his roaring voice hit my ears. 'To the den!' he yelled. About that time, I noticed a solid wall of sand rushing towards us!" A small gasp of anticipation escaped from the listeners. "My father ran towards me and grabbed me up in his jaws. Just as we slid into our den, the sand storm had reached our position and covered the entrance.

We spent the night silently listening to the roaring of the storm outside. When I woke the next day, my parents were already digging out a new exit for us. I assisted some and, in a few hours, we had a glimpse of the outside. The entire terrain had magically changed form. Where once large sand dunes had loomed, there were flat-lands. And new dunes had emerged in places that were once flat or dug-out."

The little band of hatchlings, by this time, had drawn close to Grodi so that he could grab them up and place them on his belly as he was laying on his back. The small ones' eyes were filled with inexplicable wonder as they tried to imagine the scene described to them and Grodi softly whispered "One day I will show the Desert so that you can see this magic for yourself." The children nodded and voiced their approval of this trip.

"Until that time, though, off to bed with you all. Sweet dreams!" Grodi gently gave them all a goodnight kiss and sent them off to their beds. He rested his head back, closed his eyes, and, once more, was lost in vastness of the Desert.

Re: The Spotlight Kid

Posted: July 26th, 2018, 2:27:00 am
by WaxRose

Thick, frigid fog loomed and hugged the earth. Somewhere in the distance a short crack was heard like a crisp bone snapping beneath enormous pressure. Two pale, blue eyes pierced through the cold mist glaring at something shadowy far off. Crackles and small snaps could be heard like whispers coming from Jaelsa’s lungs as she murmured the creation of ice blades so that she might defend herself from this unknown foe. A muffled cry slowly flitted towards her ears. A familiar sound. All at once the pounding of Jaelsa’s runaway heart seemed to reign itself back in allowing her to exhale a frightened sigh. The murmured shouting had grown nearer, but no discernable words could, yet, be heard.

Jaelsa was almost overcome with relief to the point of betraying her position to this new comer, however, she quickly regained herself. Plotting her retaliation, she speedily fashioned large snow dunes fashioning the side facing the comer with plush, frothy snow whilst the side opposite was hard and slick so that once the comer had struggled over the soft side, she would instantly find herself dropping fiercely and swiftly towards a massive, insidious ice beast that Jaelsa crafted for this specific payback moment. Ah, the sweet, icy, refreshing taste of revenge.

“Jaelsa! Where are you? Jay? Can you hear me?” The Magi’s voice had always sounded pleasant to Jaelsa’s ear. Soft tinkling of tiny ice cycles with undertones of faint, rousing avalanches would best describe Magi’s melodic voice. But none of hat mattered now. Jaelsa positioned herself in a place concealed by her magnificent beast so as to better witness the coming display.

Grunting could be heard over the ridges of the new dunes. A struggle, perhaps? Hehehehe Jaelsa muffled. “Oh. My. Gee!”, a winded puff exhaled as a head popped over the dune. “Jay don’t make me swear ‘cause I can promise that when I find you, I’ll take you down, kid!”

Empty threats won’t save you!

“Bhrwhoa”, came the triumphant call as Magi managed to stand tall upon the peak of the dune. “Jay where ar-!” the call was cut short due to Magi’s complete lack of balance and the slight chance that Jaelsa forced the wind to push Magi down the slick side. In a blink the fall was over, and Magi shook herself to recover, but as she lifted her head she came within inches of a monster. A screech with alien-like pitches escaped from Magi’s throat. Magi violently threw herself back, away from the beast and onto a plush, feathery snow mound.

Jaelsa rolled out from hiding barely catching a breath as she aggressively wheezed the joyous laughter. After Magi’s mind stopped twirling and she could properly assess the situation, her eyes fixed upon the Snow Dragon. “Ok, but if I had DIED of a heart attack…..”, she snapped.

“But”, Jaelsa sneered lovingly, “you didn’t.”

ISTP, Chaotic Good, Orange

Re: The Spotlight Kid

Posted: July 27th, 2018, 1:04:16 am
by WaxRose

Rifts of dull, sliver notes lulled through the cavern. A gentle strumming wreathed in a leisure atmosphere would be the welcome call to any who entered the stone home. The sound was hypnotizing and drowsy, but Magi pressed on endeavoring to combat the sleepy music. The power of the great Sonerus Dragon had grown beyond measure, it seemed that even the dragon’s heartbeat had the paralyzing effect upon humans. Magi managed to force a murmur “Thank you for not singing, girl.” A subtle grunt was the reply.

“Goulavy…please……stop…playing," Magi whimpered as the intense pressure from the poisonous music was forcing her to her knees as though the vacuum of space had been relocated beneath her. The notes stopped, and the dragon sauntered out of the darkness. Magi welcomed back the alertness that the melodic music had stamped out. A deep sign flowed from Magi’s lungs welcoming clarity of the mind. The large dragon shook herself and slowly laid herself onto the cavern floor. Magi placed a firm, but gentle, hand upon the dragon’s head. Goulavy’s eyes were of deep gold. Not shiny, new gold, but gold that had seen the passing of many ages. There were spots of dullness where Magi knew the ancient dragon was losing her sight.

Though Goulavy knew the common language, she had refrained herself from speech around other creatures due the paralyzing effect that it contained. And, should she begin to speak, no doubt a wonderous song would manage to escape from her lips which would be terrible indeed. No matter, though. Goulavy and Magi had formed a magically intense bond which did not require speech. I am old, Goulavy moaned speechlessly, too old.

Magi placed both hands on the dragon’s face and rested her head upon Goulavy’s snout. Though they spent little time together, the girl and the dragon were sewn as one being and used this powerful bond as a respite from their magical taxation. All at once the mental vacation ended. Someone, or something, was trying to call to Magi for aid and Magi kissed Goulavy on the cheek. She bowed deeply to the magnificent and ancient dragon. Goulavy, in turn, bowed low to the powerful and young Magi.

As Magi wondering back towards the Keep a distant tilt of a strange lullaby could be perceived floating down from the cave. She smiled. A flute, that’s what she needs. Surely someone would have an old copper flute for sale and Magi intended to acquire one for her marvelous friend.