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Honey Garlic Beef Quesadillas [Staff Entry]

Posted: February 23rd, 2016, 8:08:46 pm
by Sochitelya
Because sometimes I forget to buy taco shells

You will need:

Ground beef
Onion powder
Diana's Honey Garlic BBQ sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Some vegetables or something, I dunno, I'm not your mother

1. Have parents who own a farm and give you free ground beef

2. Forget to thaw ground beef

3. Stick ground beef in the microwave so at least it's not just a solid chunk

4. Break up in pan

5. Throw on enough onion powder that it smells kind of onion-y

6. Get distracted and burn some of the beef, but whatever, you like slightly burnt food anyway, or at least that's what you keep telling yourself

7. While beef is cooking (or burning), lay out tortillas on aluminum foil on your baking sheet, because you're lazy and don't want to wash it

8. Shred a whole bunch of cheese

9. Spread the cheese over half of each tortilla, while making sure not to drop any on the floor, because it's the one food your cat will steal, except she can't stomach it (literally) and will puke all over the only carpet in your entire apartment

10. Pretend your ground beef is just browned and not actually burnt, take it off the burner, and mix it with whatever amount of BBQ sauce seems good at the time

11. Toss ground beef on top of shredded cheese

12. Add vegetables if you're an actual adult, or whatever other ingredients you like. Lettuce is kinda gross, don't do it

13. Fold other half of tortilla over and squash down

14. Toss in oven until something smells edible

Unlike a certain other mod, I remembered my username.

Re: Honey Garlic Beef Quesadillas [Staff Entry]

Posted: February 23rd, 2016, 9:41:17 pm
by PKGriffin
Unlike a certain other mod, I remembered my username.
Psht, perfectionist. :P

Re: Honey Garlic Beef Quesadillas [Staff Entry]

Posted: February 28th, 2016, 3:32:04 pm
by Revan
I like your instructions. XD