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Salmon pizza

Posted: February 21st, 2016, 10:09:25 am
by vipor
Serves 3

Pizza dough (I had premade but any will do)
125 gram of salmon (I used smoked salmon mouse)
2 red onions
175 gram of cheese (or more if you love cheese)
4 eggs
Salt to taste.

It is a simple but tasty pizza.
You may ask where the tomato sauce is, but I hate that stuff so I don't use it.

Preheat the oven acording to the pizzadough instructions.
Dice the onions.
slice or shred the cheese.
Chop the salmon in small chunks.

Fold the edges of the pizza together, but don't stick them down with water. Should rise up to form a pizza bowl.
Cover the pizza with the onions, then cheese and finally salmon. This way the onion doesn't dry out. For a dryer pizza spread the cheese first and then the onions and salmon.

Pop in the oven for about 20 minutes. In the middle.
Take it out of the oven and mix the eggs together in a bowl. If the mixture is fully mixed you get a yellow pizza. Little less and you have white spots. The taste remains the same.
Spread the mixture evenly over the pizza and bake for another 4 minutes.

Cut into pieces and add salt to taste.