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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: August 24th, 2020, 8:27:01 am
by bookrage
see you are a subeta player too, use the same username there.

Those are all things I don't like. I'm just nervous using sharp things without a cutting glove because I cut myself pretty badly with a chef's knife a couple years ago, but all those are very understandable things to get nervous about.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: September 2nd, 2020, 11:47:30 pm
by HoshiLockhart
Underwater wrecks is my strangest fear. But like a lot of my fears, I also love looking at them.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: September 8th, 2020, 3:32:24 pm
by luika421
That's interesting HoshiLockhart.

In my case it's ants, I can't, I just fear them, they're scary.
At the same time though they're really fascinating I just can't help but stare at them. The complexity of their societal structure is just mesmerizing but at the same time I can't help but have this irrational fear over them taking over things.

Just sends shivers down my spine, cold sweat down my face and makes my skin goes pale just from the slightest thought that they might be crawling somewhere near the vicinity right now.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: September 9th, 2020, 5:33:39 pm
by bookrage
I get pretty uncomfortable around flying insects myself. It isn't that I have a phobia, but I'm blind and often can't tell by touch or hearing the stinging insects from those that are just annoying. I never know if I slap at a bug whether it's a bee or a housefly.

I also don't like ants because they surprise me if I put my hands where they are. Often the first sign of them being around is that they are crowling over my arms or legs, which is a really icky feeling.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: December 10th, 2020, 12:35:36 am
by BlueOrchid
I don't know if I have a phobia necessarily, but I have a few things that do terrify me. Specifically, Whales (or any other really big fish), large clouds and tornados (obvious one on the tornados but like... have you seen the pictures??? I can't look at those things...), the ocean (went vacation there once, and I never want to go again), and spiders... I just... Hate. Spiders. I had two crawl up onto my face when I was little and I just... I can't be around them anymore.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: February 27th, 2021, 12:30:55 pm
by ShrimpMan
I'm pathetically scared of heights. I know the fear by itself is normal... but I get scared when I'm even just 10 feet off the ground. It's kinda sad.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: March 8th, 2021, 10:31:50 pm
by ATeaWithBee
I’m afraid of lightning and thunder. Rain itself doesn’t scare me but I have been in lots of bad storms and they are very scary.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: March 14th, 2021, 9:33:04 pm
by vanillaerose
ATeaWithBee wrote:I’m afraid of lightning and thunder. Rain itself doesn’t scare me but I have been in lots of bad storms and they are very scary.
oh i can see how it would be scary. where i live it's pretty rare, so i haven't experienced it very much.
earthquakes are pretty frightening though, i've lived through many, but there was a big one a few years ago that really scared me, more than i thought it might, i'm always scared it will happen again, or be worse. (it was a 7.1, the epicenter like 70 miles away from where i live)

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: June 3rd, 2021, 11:13:04 pm
by Zander
I have 2 phobias, one I can kinda deal with and the other nope.

The one I can't deal with and has come up recently is my fear of needles. Specifically getting any kind of shot.
Now, I'm not anti-vax and in fact I think vaccines are important and it's probably best for you to get one. However I can never force myself to do what needs to be done. I even have a hard time trying to do those yearly blood draws for insurance purposes. Just anything where the needle does medical stuff as I'm fine with sewing needles since you don't purposely stifk yourself with them. The last time I had a shot of any kind, I was in the ER and had a cut (long story I'm not going to explain, but there were fears of it getting infected because of the location). And the nurse recommended to my mom that I get a tetanus shot. I was still hooked up to the machine that monitors blood pressure and pulse and it started going of. The nurse just commenting that a tetanus shot was a good idea put me into panic. So yeah, I do NOT like needles. And I'm quite certain this is a bit more than your average "no one likes shots."
This phobia I can deal with better. I have a fear of dolls, stuffed animals are fine dolls are an absolute no. I avoid walking through the doll isle in stores, they just feak me out.
ok so I've had a fear of dolls long before this happened, but it definitely made things worse. So when I was in junior high there was a required home ec class and the teacher was a snobby jerk. Part of the class we had to take care of this electronic baby demon thing for 24 hours. Without "killing" it, support the head, feed it, just care for it like an actual child. And they would cry during your classes, other girls loved it, they scarred me. The teacher announced it, when things weren't busy, I went up and asked discretely "what if you're afraid of dolls?" She laughed loudly, got everyones attention and just said get over it. It was the worse 24 hours of my life, I was sobbing at times. I really just wanted to fail the assignment because then the doll would be quiet, but I didn't want to get in trouble for getting an F. I think those stupid robots should be banned.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: June 5th, 2021, 6:27:28 pm
by Bluewyrm
YEARLY blood draws for insurance, what the heck? That's crazy, I've never heard of a company doing that...
I used to scream operatically at the sight of a needle, up to like, age 13 or 14; it wasn't something I was choosing to do, it just happened... and then I had to get a ton of blood draws (for a reason that turned out to be bunk...) and suddenly turned into the Implacable Man. Bizarre experience.

I'm extremely scared of stepping on small animals and killing them. Unfortunately for me, Currently, Cicadas, so I'm basically trapped inside oTL