Transformers: Tales Untold

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Transformers: Tales Untold

Post by DaedAir »

Transformers: Tales Untold
By DaedAir

+ This is based on the Transformers (TV shows, movies, animes, books, comics, ect. It's a mix of everything)
+ All OC (Original Characters) belong to me. The rest belong to Hasbro.
+ Transformers dialogue (Cybertronian words and phrases) will be put in here along with an explanation as to what they mean. Some of them are made-up words that I've created. Others are from shows, movies or comics, etc.
+ Helpful tips and such -- Good, Constructive Criticism are always welcome and encouraged.

Original Characters:
GravelHide (I own this picture, no art theft please.)
Hasbro Characters:
Cybertronian Phrases/Words:
+Scrap = Sh*t
+Frag = F*ck
+Cybertronian = A transforming robot from the planet Cybertron.
+Cybertron = The Cybertronian's home planet.
+Overdrive = A condition in which a Cybertronian loses control of itself and the 'survival mode' is activated (much like the flight or fight response in humans). When this happens, the Cybertronian loses who he/she is and does not respond to their own name. They attack anyone in their sight. This condition is taken into effect when the Cybertronian is mentally or physically incapable of handling what is front of them. This could take anywhere from hours, days, months, or years to settle down from. Sometimes the Cybertronian never recovers from an Overdrive. (My Own Phrase)
+Optic(s) = Eye(s)
+Servo = Hand or limb
+Audio-Log = A device used to record one's thoughts. (much live a vlog or blog).
+Energon = The life blood of Cybertronians (blood for us).
+Aft = A**
+Mech = Male Cybertronian
+Femme = Female Cybertronian
+'Bot = Autobot
+'Con = Deception
+'bot = Any Cybertronian (generic word)
+Spark = The heart


Last edited by DaedAir on April 30th, 2016, 2:10:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Transformers: Tales Untold

Post by DaedAir »

Audio Log

Cyberton. Once a peaceful world. But now it is ravaged by war. As the cities began to fall, one by one, it was clear who the dominate factor was. Megatron - Leader of the Decepticons. His "words of wisdom" were unification, equality for all.

ONly now do I realize my mistake. Only now do I realize the horror that I -- We did. How young and naive I was then. How ashamed I am now. This story is unlike any other; for it tells both sides of the war...both sides of good and evil -- and everything inbetween...



Renegade stood in front of GravelHide's door, his fist banging on the metal. He had been doing this for nearly five minutes now. He was starting to get frustrated with no response, so the mech's pounding became harsher.

"GravelHide! If you don't get your metal aft out this door now, Megatron will NOT be pleased!" There still was no response from his best friend. Renegade was ready to kick the door down when it slid open, GravelHide standing in the doorway. Renegade dropped his arm down to his side as he saw the weary look on Gravel's metallic face. They both stood there for a moment, looking at each other, but not really thinking of anything. That's when Renegade noticed how his friend was composed.

Aside from the weary look, GravelHide stood tall and alert. He was fully decked out in the latest gear of equipment a Decepticon could have. Thanks to Megatron no doubt. From a sniper rifle strapped to his back, to a belt around his waist integrated with grenades and other supplies.

"You're leaving..." Renegade said with dismay. GravelHide gave a slow but solid nod, confirming his friend's fear.

"Megatron's orders. Another mission. I don't know when I'll be back." GravelHide said taking a step forward into the hallway light. Renegade stepped back and to the side to let him through. GravelHide turned his head to look at Renegade, a deep understanding shown in his red optics as he gazed into his friend's own harsh red optics.

"I will come back. You know I will." GravelHide said calmly. Renegade only nodded and looked away from him. Saddened at the fact that Gravel' had to leave again.

"You just got back. I was hoping that we might pass the time, you know?" Responded Renegade. GravelHide gave a small smile in return. Squaring his body to his friend's, he placed a hand on Renegade's shoulder.

"I will return. Then, then I promise to spend some time. But right now, my place is heading out towards that mission." GravelHide turned and walked away, his hand falling from Renegade's shoulder and back down to his side, falling into a rhythmic swing with the rest of his body. He left Renegade standing in the hallway, wondering when his partner would return. Not once did GravelHide look back at his friend.

~~Earlier That Day~~

GravelHide stood at the forefront of Megatron's verbal and near physical assault. Gravel' had disobeyed a direct order from his Leader and was now facing Megatron's wrath. As to be expected, Megatron was pacing the floor, yelling and expressing his anger by flailing his arms every once in awhile. But never once did Megatron lay a finger on Gravelhide; and never once did GravelHide flinch. It was an unnerving game between the two of them really. Who would be the first to strike and who would be the first to react. Megatron was getting dangerously close to raking his fingers across the face of his best warrior. But GravelHide stood where he was, not flinching, he stood watching his leader express his dislike for him.

"You should have known better! You should have never went to talk to that wretched Autobot!" Megatron's deep voice boomed. He knew he shouldn't have stopped and talked to the Autobot, but he just did. And why not? He got useful information out of it anyway. Besides, he snuffed the Autobot's spark afterwards, so its not like the Autobot got away.

"Sir, I was just--"

"Don't you 'Sir' me, GravelHide!" Megatron spat as he whipped around. He was now inches from the warrior's face, almost daring the warrior to move. But GravelHide stood firmly where he was, unaffected by the sudden and harsh movements of his leader. Megatron stood back up, folding his hands behind his back. GravelHide was the only warrior that Megatron even tolerated being called 'Sir' by. Megatron was calming down, GravelHide could tell, but the warrior also noticed something else in his Leader's optics. He was forming a plan.

"Here's what I want you to do," Megatron replied with a sinister grin as he glanced at GravelHide, "Infiltrate the Autobot base. Scan the place for weaknesses and send me the scans. We'll attack within a week of your final scan." GravelHide nodded sternly, a small sneer upon his face as he got what his Leader was explaining to him.

"I've prepared a new form for you as well. You will become completely unreconizable by the Autobots. I've left no trace of your old form and no Decepticon symbol either. I suggest you find a name. Can't be GravelHide, not around the 'Bots anyhow."

"I will find a new name. Just send me on my way." GravelHide said, interrupting his Leader at the end of his sentence. Megatron glared at the mech for a moment, staring at the warrior, seething in his dislike for the mech's interruption.

"Then I suggest you be on your way." Megatron stated coldly. GravelHide nodded, taking Megatron's request into action. The warrior turned on his heels and started to walk out of Megatron's chambers. No sooner did he reach the foot of the stairs that he turned around to see Megatron's fist coming for his face. GravelHide caught Megatron's fist in midair for a moment. Both mech's stood locked in a battle of strength. But only when Megatron tried swinging his other arm, did GravelHide react with all his might. GravelHide quickly began to crushed his Megatron's fist and as he did so, Megatron fell to one knee, letting his other arm recoil with the rest of his body. Megatron's only move now was trying to rip free from the grasp of his best warrior. The more Megatron struggled, the harsher and stronger GravelHide's grip got.

GravelHide's optics were burning brighter, more intense then they were before. And he seemed to over power Megatron. The Leader of the Decepticons was now down on two knees, cringing at the pain he was in. GravelHide was standing directly over Megatron, peering down at him. As GravelHide spoke, the Decepticon Leader looked up at him with the one thing he rarely expressed -- fear.

"You moved first. You lost," The warrior gave a cold chuckle and sneered at his helpless leader, "Your emotion of fear is correct. You and I both know who the victor is here. I could crush you and take your place right now. But I would much rather earn my spot then forcefully take it." GravelHide let go of Megatron's fist and powered down from his overdrive mode. He stood up and angled his body away from Megatron. GravelHide had his power, he knew that. Megatron stayed where he was. If there was one thing he feared -- it was GravelHide.

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