Reflections in a Koi pond

Anti-Love Poem
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MagiStream Donor
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Reflections in a Koi pond

Post by Firebird »

I look into the water, and it is there I see
your eyes looking back to me.
the soft pull of the moonlight, a memory
of a time when you could be you, and I could be me.
A smile on your lips as you hold me tight
as in my hands you were alright.

My love for you holds forevermore,
a distant cry along the baron sea-shore
as waves of life come crashing down
and no hope could ever be found.

I look into the water and it is there i see
your eyes looking back at me.

even in distress, it is your hand I seek to get out of the mess.
I know in dreams it can only be
as I come free.

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