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Toriel NightWatcher

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 1:00:50 pm
by Hopefire
From some secluded place in the castle a girl starts to sing an old song to a few newly hatched companions hoping to lull them to sleep.
Oh nigh has fallen
Just as long ago.
Oh safe the walls seemed that night.
On that wall quiet still did one stand watch.
Oh Toriel oh Toriel.
What did you see to have you stand watch.
Oh child of the night.
Oh fateful night.
That you would steal our watcher away.
For on that night the wall strong was breached.
On last breath or watcher did call to warn.
From that day it is said
Should one stand watch on fatefull wall.
One should hear a cry of warning.
Oh child of night.
Oh watcher brave.
Guard our hearts and minds tonight.
For on that wall you did fall.
Oh Toriel NightWatcher.
In night Long ago far away
a lady did stand watch on silent fatefull wall.
Stay safe.

The girl then sighed as she gently tucked in her new companions before sitting and opening her book. A book of legends. She smiled and ran a hand over the text gently before reading aloud.
Legend states that long ago a Lady of unknown descent with pointed ears and long golden hair stood wounded before the king of a city now lost to time and told him that she had seen his enemies fast approaching with a great army. She told him that if he gathered his best men and stood guard lighting up the city his enemies would turn back with fear. But the king laughed and mocked her saying she must be wounded in the head. So she shook her head and left a single raven black feather hiting the floor in her wake. That night she stood upon the wall staring out into the night. At midnight the kings enemies attacked. She uttered a single cry of warning before a sword pierced her heart and she died. When she died the single feather transformed into a beautiful Black Tundra Tylluan that hooted softly and sadly three times the king telling the Tylluan that he was sorry before it flew into the night. In the morning the city lay in ruins all dead and the Lady gone. But from afar a single Black Tundra Tylluan watched the ruins. Ever since it is said if you ignore a Black Tundra Tylluan you take your fate into your own hands as the king once did. Later the Lady was given the name Toriel NightWatcher for her bravery and decision to stand guard even though she owed the king nothing but scorn. However no one knows if this is true.

When she finished reading the story the girl sighed. I wish I knew if this was real. she thought quietly. She then stood and left for a class that she would be late for. Unbeknownst to her A Black Tundra Tylluan leaving a single egg and feather on her desk before flying away. A soft sad hoot lingering as it returned to its tree over looking the place his companion died never to be seen again.
The End