Hana's Letter - Jaktus Dragon Story

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Hana's Letter - Jaktus Dragon Story

Post by StormCry »

Jaktus dragons are thought to be from the east, from lands unknown. Their arrival was abrupt and unexpected...
Jaktus Dragons are my favorite creature on Magistream (next to ferrets). I started playing around with ideas of the their history and where they might have originated, and this is one of the stories I came up with.
Hana's Letter

The sky is clear and the sun is shining and warm, making it a beautiful day for visiting the beach. As you walk across the beach, your foot suddenly brushes against something buried in the sand. With visions of a treasure chest running through your mind, you eagerly hit your knees and begin scooping the sand away only to find…
“A jar? Seriously?” you ask as you pull a large, filthy canning jar from the sand. You can’t very well leave it to litter up the beach, like some other person obviously did, so you slip it into your bag for appropriate disposal.
Later, when you have returned to the village, you find a nearby garbage heap and chuck the jar into it. The jar lands on the heap with a crack and it breaks open, spilling out a very old, stained scroll.
Having not seen the scroll through the filthy glass of the jar, you quickly pick it up and very carefully unfold it, curious as to what is written on it.
The parchment is cracked and torn, and the strange purple ink is slightly faded, but you can still read the written words with ease:

To whom this may concern,

My name is Hana. I am, or rather, was, a Magi at the Keep. Over a year ago, led by hints written on an ancient tablet I discovered, I set off on a quest to the East in search of rare creatures.
My quest led me across the Eastern Ocean where I found a long forgotten land, lush and beautiful, filled with untold riches and creatures.

There is an ink blot on the paper, along with some angry scribbles.

Drat this pen! I made it from the feather of a native bird here, and the ink is from some nasty tasting berries. The berries are not very good for writing either, but it works for the present distress.
Now then, where was I? Oh yes…
I have been exploring this land for the better part of the year now. During my explorations, I discovered a creature which has been a very useful guide and helpful companion. The ancient writings I’ve found in this city (a long abandoned city) terms these creatures as “Jaktus Dragons”.
These Jaktus Dragons are gentle souls and quite easy to tame. They love to explore and have an overpowering curiosity as well, which can tend to get them into trouble. They’ve been the guardians of some ancient secret hidden here in this land, a secret which I have yet to learn.
Anyway, I have found these dragons also love to swim. They are quite intelligent (and incredibly scatter brained), and it seems to me that they would make excellent companions for the Magi.
I am sending a group of them back to the mainland, to find the Keep. Hopefully they will remember the directions I’ve given them and not get sidetracked (which I am expecting will happen). I am sending this letter with them as well, in hopes that they don’t lose it when they become distracted by their new surroundings.
I am staying here, in the ancient land. I still have many secrets to unlock.
Should these busybody dragons find the Keep AND deliver my letter in one piece (which I suspect will take a miracle), I would request that the Archmage send a few Magi to aid me. There is so much here to explore and learn and document, I cannot possibly do it alone.
As for how to find me: the Jaktus Dragons can show you the way back. Just ask them.
Thanks in advance.

Signed, Hana

Judging by how old the jar and letter are, you guess that it must have come with the first Jaktus Dragons that arrived so unexpectedly years ago. All this time there had been an explanation to their sudden appearance, sealed up in a jar. The easily distracted creatures must have dropped it and forgotten about it.
Poor Hana.
Carefully rolling the scroll up, you set off to deliver it to the Archmage. Although old, the story it tells is not any less important.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie

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