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Long Days, Warm Breezes:

Posted: August 18th, 2014, 1:59:32 am
by ExplicitiveUhoh
Evelyn raised her hand to shield her eyes from the harsh sunlight, squinting across the golden sand dunes that rose and fell across the Etain Desert. It was barely entering into the dawn, but the dangerous glare of the sun was already spreading its harsh reach across the desert. Unable to see past a few feet while the sun reflected its golden light back at her eyes; Evelyn whistled to Myrrah, her Dark Saebra Unicorn. Myrrah's ability to sense the proper direction would be able to guide her better than her own failing sight.

Myrrah, barely coming into view from only a few feet to her left, more due to Myrrah's ability to blend into her environment than due to the sun, pranced up to Evelyn. Myrrah's soft snorts of breath stirred Evelyn's bangs; while her soft nickers seemed to wonder at what Evelyn wanted from her. Evelyn smiled, before bowing to Myrrah and extending her arm in the universal gesture of 'you first'. Myrrah whinnied, gave a quick toss of her head, and took off at a canter in the opposite direction that Evelyn had been looking at. "Of course I'm headin' the wrong way," she grumbled, before calling out to Myrrah, "Not too fast, Myrrah. We have ta keep up with ya, remember!" Myrrah's striped tail lifted higher, tauntingly, and Evelyn groaned in dead-pan amusement. It seemed as if she'd kept Myrrah at the keep for too long, if Myrrah was so spunky on an outing.

"Hershmaeial! Let's get on our way," she called out to her Savannah Serpaen. As he lifted his long, elegant neck off the floor, Evelyn noticed his thick russet mane was covered in fine dust and that his typically gleaming scales were dulled in the sand of the Etain. However, judging by the large doggish grin sporting across his face; he'd been enjoying rolling through the sand dunes while she tried to discern the proper direction to the ancient ruins before the great volcano. "I'm gonna be having sneeze attacks any time I come near ya, ya know that right? Why in the world would you bury yerself in the sand?" Hershmaeial gave a barking laugh, deep and raspy, before bringing its dust-covered head down to lick her cheek. "Alright, alright, you go keep an eye on Myrrah before she leaves us behind." Another sharp barking sound and the giant Serpaen began to tunnel powerfully through the sand dunes, his fluffy tail flicking up a storm of sand as he passed her. "Hersh!" Evelyn shrieked as she tried to shake the sand off of her robes, once again muttering about the spunk of her desert-loving companions.

Gloria, her powerfully built Sand Gryphon, stepped out from behind her before taking a couple of strands of Evelyn's hair into her beak and tugging. Smiling, Evelyn gently patted Gloria's gold-feathered shoulder. "Hey there, Gloria, lets keep an eye on those two, yeah? I imagine they're raring to go onwards but we've still got some time before we'll hit the volcano's ruins and they'll be wantin' the food I've brought soon enough."

Evelyn hitched up her desert robes, a lighter cotton variety that protected against the sun and kept her cooler than in the thicker robes commonly worn at the keep, to swing herself up onto Gloria's back. "Onwards!" she called out, before leaning forward to fight the jerk of her Gryphon's strong lurch forward. Gloria burst into a strong trot, wings spreading out as far as possible before giving one powerful flap when the gryphon leapt to gain flight. Another couple of powerful flaps had Gloria and Evelyn safely in the air, and they soared in the direction that Hershmaeial kicked up dust. "Whoo hoo!" Evelyn yipped, watching from her aerial view as Myrrah and Hershmaeial tried to race each other across the fields of sand. Gloria chimed in with her own roars, sending smaller critters that lived in the desert scurrying for shelter.

It'd been too long, Evelyn thought to herself, too long to leave her companions left at the keep whilst she continued her research into the Great Forest and its herbal properties for her schooling during the other seasons. Only her summers tended to be free of projects, free of homework and lectures and free of long hours spent potion-making., As such, she spent as much time as possible trying to bring her companions to their closest natural environment during her off time.

She couldn't tell how much further she had to go before they would make it to the ruins, but Evelyn trusted her companions to guide them to the right area before they'd have to worry about sand storms or the worst of the desert heat. They'd never let her down before, and there was only so much free time to take her companions on their yearly trips across the lands. It wouldn't even matter if she learned anything new upon reaching the ruins, so long as her companions could continue chasing each other, race each other, and otherwise enjoy the freedom she so craved herself in these summer months.