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Re: The Atrium

Posted: November 20th, 2023, 10:56:18 am
by sammythethief
"I do love a good festival," Red commented. "People are always studying so hard, it feels like we barely see one another. The festivals seem to draw us all out of the rooms we've stuffed ourselves in."

She glanced over at one of the large windows in the Atrium, which was facing the vague direction of the Stream. "I'm glad to hear the Amagnae are back; it's a good sign that things are well and as they should be." She looked down at her hand, which bore a scar from a long-past attempt at bonding with an Otrovian Amagnae, and her lips pulled down in a slight grimace. "Let's hope we see more along the lines of the Wugu or Dulcine varieties this season."

Red looked back over at Thane, smirking at him. "Something tells me Remy isn't ready to pony up his secrets of Direwolf egg acquisition just yet, so I'm eager to see what he's cooking up. I'm sure he's looking forward to distributing what could be some of those elemental creatures lost in time, as well." She paused, looking thoughtful. "Or lost to time. Whichever the case may be."

(I'm thinking about bringing a new character in. I think Theo would be an excellent fit for magi life. I'll have to work on them a little more.)

Re: The Atrium

Posted: November 23rd, 2023, 7:43:33 pm
by PaleoMage
Mathias passes through the atrium, seemingly headed elsewhere, but he overhears the conversation and pauses. Several ambula bats cling to his garments, and a very different winged beast- a hattema- looms close by.

"Creatures which time forgot are a particular interest of mine," he says, joining the growing throng. "I expect Remy will tire of me well before this collaboration materializes." As if for emphasis, the hattema behind him croaks and clicks its beak.

Mathias spares the reptile a nod of acknowledgement before continuing. "Speaking of time, these are exciting times, aren't they? I practically feel like a different person since I attuned." Despite his cheery tone, the mage's expression turns pensive.

Re: The Atrium

Posted: November 27th, 2023, 10:24:17 am
by sammythethief
A little sunset talvar zips into the Atrium through an open door, a small scrap of parchment clutched in its sharp claws. The bird deposits the parchment on a table and lands, looking around at the empty Atrium, likely expecting a treat for completing its task. Seeing no one around with any bulging pockets or tasty tidbits on a plate, the talvar ruffles its feathers more than a little indignantly and shoots off in the direction it came from.

The note flutters to the ground in the wake of the talvar's departure, slipping under the table, likely to be ignored until someone comes along to sweep.

Fellow magi,

I don't know which of you is doing this, but please stop feeding the helias amagnae hatchlings dead decessus hatchlings. I wouldn't feed them live decessus hatchlings, either, to be quite honest. Their belches smell like rotting flesh and I really don't want to think of the magical repercussions of feeding a magical creature the corpse of another.


Re: The Atrium

Posted: February 3rd, 2024, 12:33:46 pm
by Thane
The morning has broken cold and crisp, and everyone's breath marks their passage with small whiffs of steam. Archmage Thane is admiring the view from the Eastern windows of the Atrium, his eyes calmly following a couple of Ornate Sylphs playing and racing in the air.

"Such a lovely weather, don't you think," he mentions nodding a greeting to a couple scholarly passing magis. "How wonderful it would be to have more vibrancy and life around! With the new elemental magics and joint efforts of Master Belmos and Remy enabling the resurgence of many rarer creatures we are looking forward to seeing many more of those around the Keep. I am also enjoying and appreciating all the work Naomi has been coordinating around the records kept at the Keep."

"Lady Alua and I have also been conversing about her upcoming project. She's most likely going to need help and will be looking for research assistants at some point. She says she's on the verge of figuring out something big. I can hardly wait!" Archmage Thane smiles briefly as he takes another glance outside before one the the Keep's record keepers appears next to him to show him a long parchment and ask about something in low voice.