Porn - Yea or Nay?

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by ToxicFlame »

Yeah, I think I've heard somewhere that the earliest recorded known age of "masturbation" was like....7 weeks or something.. Inside the womb. Yeah. I'm serious. XD Technology is stupid crazy these days.
But yeah... I know where you come from. Not because I've been there, heaven's no! But because my Mom had a similar experience. Her parents were never open with her and she ran away and got married at 17. She actually had 3 miscarriages before she had me. 2 with her first husband and 1 with my father. (The first husband was the one she ran away with.) She didn't want me to ever be in the same boat she was in so she was always honest with me.
If and when I have children, I hope to be the same way. It's such a healthier and happier and more harmonious way of living. I think hiding things from children only hurts them in the long run.
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by JellyJaks »

I fully agree with that. If they see that you're ashamed or weirded out when you talk about something, they're going to pick up on it and think it's something bad.

And don't get me started on hiding things from my kids. My ex husband [my wasband lol] is famous for lying to our daughter. Like when her fish died. He got her a new one that was a different color and then told her he gave it a bath and it changed o_O And because he's a big fat liar, the first time she ever experienced death was when her grandmother died. He also refused to talk to her about our divorce so she felt like she was to blame. I just told her in simple terms what happened. Mommy and Daddy weren't getting along anymore and we decided that it was better for us to be apart. We both still love you very much.

I figured she's very bright she'll figure out that Daddy is a manipulative egotistical abusive asshole all on her own...

But wow I'd better get back on topic before I derail a thread and get myself in trouble :lol: Um porn is good. Yay porn! LMAO

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by ToxicFlame »

Rofl. Yeah... I (obviously get off topic too).
Well I can tell you're a good mama. :3 You're kid(s)? are lucky to have you. ^_^

So why do you think Japanese are more accepting of public porn than Americans?
Woot for coming up with a conversation topic! XD
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by TheStrangeWeirdo »

Just gonna intercept here... -intercepts my hand into the convo-

o_o Where does it say that japanese peeps are more accepting of public porn? Are you basing that off hentai...? :S

Lmao at the fish changing colour! Made me lol so hard x]
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by ToxicFlame »

Not really...
I'm basing it off the fact that in Japan the legal age to have sex and to purchase porn is 14 years of age.
And also that they have more 'accepting' views - to the point that they have shops out in the open at malls with stuff like that with pictures - even if kids are there.
They treat it as if it isn't a "bad" thing I mean.
In general of course. Not completely one-sided.
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by JellyJaks »

Aww thanks hun (:

So far as the Japanese question, I honestly think a lot of other countries are more open about porn and sex than the United States. Honestly I think people in the US are too busy being wrapped up in what everyone else is or isn't doing to enjoy sex like they should. [Take the whole question of gay marriage for instance. What business is it of ours if homosexual people want to get married and be miserable like straight people LOL] I read somewhere that like 80% of Americans are Christian and from what I've seen of my parents and siblings as Christians, sex is a big no no only do it with your spouse in the missionary position thing. [This is by no means meant to make anyone who is Christian or feels strongly about sex before marriage feel bad. I'm simply stating what my personal experience with the particular religion has been.] If people would stop worrying so much about being PC and telling other people how to live their lives, I think we'd be much better off as a society.

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by JellyJaks »

TheStrangeWeirdo wrote:Just gonna intercept here... -intercepts my hand into the convo-

o_o Where does it say that japanese peeps are more accepting of public porn? Are you basing that off hentai...? :S

Lmao at the fish changing colour! Made me lol so hard x]

This is the second post you have made that I have found offensive. I don't find it funny at all that my husband lied to my daughter and made death that much more difficult for her to deal with...

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by ToxicFlame »

JellyJaks wrote:Aww thanks hun (:

So far as the Japanese question, I honestly think a lot of other countries are more open about porn and sex than the United States. Honestly I think people in the US are too busy being wrapped up in what everyone else is or isn't doing to enjoy sex like they should. [Take the whole question of gay marriage for instance. What business is it of ours if homosexual people want to get married and be miserable like straight people LOL] I read somewhere that like 80% of Americans are Christian and from what I've seen of my parents and siblings as Christians, sex is a big no no only do it with your spouse in the missionary position thing. [This is by no means meant to make anyone who is Christian or feels strongly about sex before marriage feel bad. I'm simply stating what my personal experience with the particular religion has been.] If people would stop worrying so much about being PC and telling other people how to live their lives, I think we'd be much better off as a society.
Totally agree with that. That's what I tell my strict Babtist Christian family. XD I mean... From a Christian standpoint.. It is part of our "job" to spread the Word and all. (As long as it's done respectfully I might add! And not pushed!) But there's a difference between sharing and reprimanding.
And it sadly gives Christians a bad name... You're right. And I can't stand it when Christians judge. Especially about sexual issues. My thing is this, religion aside or not: Just give them the option. If you don't wanna get married to your same sex, then don't. Ignore them. That' how I am. I don't want to be married to a woman. Just because same sex marriage would be legal doesn't mean I have to do it. Same thing with religion and porn. And yeah.. I believe you're right. It's okay in Europe as well. Americans just have a habit of trying to be the best I guess. XD lol Kidding of course...mostly...

And try to stay calm you guys. I'm sure no harm was meant by it.
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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by JellyJaks »

I totally agree with the comments about the US thinking it has to be the best at everything. Seems like we as a country as always trying to tell someone how to live or feel...

I have a major problem with someone else trying to force their ideals on me. A lot of people seem to get the impression that I hate God. I always tell them "it's not God I have a problem with, it's his fan club" I have met some nice Christians but the majority of them want to come and tell me how I'm going to hell and this and that. As a Wiccan I try to respect other people even when I don't agree with them. If people ask about my religion I am happy to talk about it and I don't feel the need to "recruit" people to be Wiccan either...

Dude I am really bad about staying on topic tonight. I swear I usually do better than this...

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Re: Porn - Yea or Nay?

Post by ToxicFlame »

Well a true God "fan" wouldn't push it on you. That's my belief. ^_^
I don't like it when they push it on others just to be right.
But there are some who try to talk nicely about it, and as for those: They just are doing what they thing is right/trying to help you.
But I'm all about equality and free will. I would never DARE tell someone what to believe. When I talk about my faith, I just try to portray it and myself as best I can, because I think that does a better job of sending a message than reprimanding.

And you're Wiccan? That's pretty cool. I've always thought that was interesting. Would never do it of course, but it is very interesting indeed. I've got a couple Wiccan friends.

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