Twisted Remake OoC

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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Glad to see you back~
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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Yeah, it feels good to be back. I'm still slow getting back into things, especially since I have a touch of writer's block, but I'm working through that well enough so. Trying to just take it one post at a time, this time of year is pretty rough for me so things tend to go a bit bananas :lol: . At this point it's just not getting distracted x3. But yeah, I'm back, a bit slow but back ^^;.
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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

So Griffin's bumped the IC thread like three times now, and I'm thinking of cutting Brianna's trip to lala land short just to keep things kinda moving a little. :sweat: And I kinda came up with something to do with Rashma. Does anyone want me to wait to post? I know that'd be me skipping a bunch of people's "turns", but since it doesn't seem like most people are in a position of being able to get a post out anyway... *shrugs*
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by Foleo »

Kirorokat1132 wrote:So Griffin's bumped the IC thread like three times now, and I'm thinking of cutting Brianna's trip to lala land short just to keep things kinda moving a little. :sweat: And I kinda came up with something to do with Rashma. Does anyone want me to wait to post? I know that'd be me skipping a bunch of people's "turns", but since it doesn't seem like most people are in a position of being able to get a post out anyway... *shrugs*
Wren can't really do anything past lying on the ground again, and I'm not sure if you guys would want me to post that one line. :derp: Just,,,assume he's not pursuing Dread.

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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

I have no problem with you posting and moving it along a bit, since that's kind of why I've been bumping it. Sorry for doing that a lot by the way, I don't want this thing to die again when I know there are still some people who are interested.
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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Hi guys. I'm alive, I've just been busy, but. I've been working on a post so I should have one up sometime today.
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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by slipsxknot »

Username: slipsxknot/knot Lucis Zelos
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Lucis has spiky dark hair, pale green eyes almost devoid of color altogether, and fair skin. Standing at 5' 4", he's smaller than most boys his age and is considered a "runt" - especially by his twin, Moros. He has light freckles and thin lips that are usually drawn in a frown, his thin, dark eyebrows often furrowed in thought. While slender in build, Lucis compensates for his seeming lack of strength with his agility and quick thinking. His voice is soft and often has a husky edge from lack of use, but he speaks with clarity and precision. He usually wears a sleeveless, plain black V-neck and pinstriped kimono pants with a pair of tattered red Converse. Silken black, red and gold cords loop around his left index finger and extend to his elbow, and a jade dragon pendant is tucked under his shirt. A handmade bracelet adorns his right wrist, alongside a colorful charm bracelet.
Personality: The more reserved of the two brothers, Lucis is extremely shy (and thus reserved as a result), polite, compassionate, thoughtful, empathetic, and above all else, extremely soft spoken. While Moros is generally outspoken and brash, Lucis takes time to think about what he wants to say before verbalizing his thoughts. He refrains from jumping to conclusions, keeping an open mind and remaining optimistic in even the most dire of situations. He is generally forgiving and will often give people the benefit of the doubt if they wrong him. However, his forgiveness does have limits: Lucis can't stand dishonesty, and has difficulties forgiving liars. Once one loses his trust, it's extremely difficult to earn it back. Even then, he'll take that person's word with a grain of salt. On the other hand, he's largely understanding and empathetic. He tries to avoid judging people, instead placing himself in their shoes in an attempt to better understand their current situation and the events that have defined him until that point.
History:Though he has a sharp memory (for the most part), Lucis scarcely remembers fragments of his life on earth. The only memories he retains of his former life are the days he received his bracelets; anything beyond that remains shrouded in mystery.
Ability: Light

Username: slipsxknot/knot Moros Zelos
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: While he and his twin share the same mess of dark hair, Moros's eyes are as a blue and radiant as the sky and his skin is slightly darker. He's taller and bigger than Lucis as well, as the elder twin was born prematurely, roughly standing at 5' 7" and well built while retaining his elegant complexion. Unlike Lucis, his freckles are also more apparent. His voice is rich and rings clear, even in chaotic situations. He wears a black jacket over a plain black V-neck, similar to Lucis, dark hakama and black boots with purple soles. He hears a long white headband tied around his forehead and a ring on his right index finger.
Personality: Though he's more open than his twin, Moros is still something of a closed book. His motivation for escaping Twisted mystifies those around him, and his aloof façade serves to obscure his true goal: to keep Lucis safe, no matter the consequences - even if it means laying his own life down.

Underneath this carefully constructed mask, he's cocky, headstrong, sarcastic, and above all else, fearless and outspoken. Moros is loyal only to himself and Lucis, and will go out of his way to secure his twin's safety and happiness. He fears nothing, and is not the type to turn down a challenge or run away in desperate times versus facing his demons (much to Lucis's chagrin). Moros can sometimes be reckless in this regard, most notably in the pursuit of ensuring Lucis's safety, as he refuses to be deterred, brushed or swatted aside, regardless of his opponent. He has a dry and sometimes dark sense of humor, and is generally quick on the lip.

While he may come across as bullheaded, Moros does have a well preserved and hidden caring side. However, it sort of goes without saying that this side has only been displayed to carefully selected individuals - namely family and childhood friends. He doesn't completely believe in luck, and despises fatalism with a passion.
History: With evanescent memories of home, the ones who raised him and seemingly long since forgotten stories told of ancient heroes and deities, Moros fondly recalls the majority of his life on earth. As children, he and Lucis were told Greek myths (from which Moros's name is derived) when they couldn't sleep at night, and taught to always look forward to whatever the future holds with silent anticipation. From the time they were toddlers, he tasked himself with looking after his twin and would go to great lengths to entertain him and secure Lucis's happiness. As they grew older, Moros would defend his brother in school and would make time to do whatever Lucis wanted. More often times than not, this meant going for walks to the local ice cream shop with their family or spending hours on end walled up in the library. He vaguely remembers the day they entered Twisted, recalling only scattered fragments in "fuzzy" details.
Ability: Darkness

Username: slipsxknot/knot Druid
Age: 27 (physically)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Druid is a rather tall, squarely built individual with deeply sun-kissed skin, forest green eyes, and dark, waist length moss green hair with bark brown highlights. A pair of horns, one a ram's, the other a goat's, can be seen poking out from underneath his hood. His nose, cheeks, and arms are speckled with star-like freckles that stand out against his dark skin. He has broad, relaxed shoulders that tense up at the slightest signs of movement and oddly narrow hips. His voice is rich and soft, but deep, and his hands are rough, calloused and scarred from the years he's spent climbing trees and exploring the wilderness.

On top of this, Druid has thin lips that never smile and slightly larger and longer than average canines. A long scar darts across his nose, a few centimeters away from his bridge piercing. Underneath his cloak he wears a dark blue kimono held close by a frayed sash. He is always seen in an ornamental black cloak with his hood up, under which his hair is tucked, while his serpent Delphi likes to "hang out" on his shoulders. He also wears an intricate, onyx headdress molded in the shape of a serpent, a reference to his bond with Delphi.
Personality: Druid is the ever haunting shadow in the trees lurking just out of your peripheral vision, the sudden rustling of the leaves in the otherwise dead silence...cold, mysterious and stern, he fell in love with his distance from "life" long ago, and is loyal to himself and his beloved serpent Delphi before anyone else.

But in spite of this, he's not heartless. On the contrary, he's merciful in most conflicts that arise with fellow Nightmares and Dreamers; he will willingly spare one's life, in spite of any potential exchanging of words or blows. He will not hesitate to restrain Delphi should her temper get out of hand, and refuses to use her as a weapon altogether - as in, he won't send her to attack his opponents for him, no matter the circumstances, or permit her to attack and maim them on her own free will. He's humble and disciplined, and when feeding, will never take more than he needs, and tries to make the most of what he's got. He doesn't allow himself to become intimidated nor deterred, no matter the obstacles he faces.

Despite this, Druid usually tries to avoid Dreamers and Nightmares alike and prefers to watch their journeys unfold from the shadows, only making an appearance when they've come too close to him for his liking. He rarely stays in one place for very long, and upon growing restless, will move on to see greater sights. He gets bored easily, but remains fascinated by the world around him despite the years he's spent in Twisted. He's also easily amused, and will often lightheartedly tease a Dreamer, should he take a liking to them, before pulling one of his infamous vanishing acts. On rare occasions, he'll stick around long enough to at least guide them until they can stand on their own (figuratively speaking).

Above all else, Druid can sometimes act like a helpless child and is skillfully passive aggressive. In fact, he's so subtle about it that many who cross his path don't realize this until much later.
Food: Being a sanguivore of sorts, Druid feeds off of the "blood" of animals to sustain himself. However, should such a resource become scarce, he will adapt and feed off of the life, or essence, of plants and animals instead. He rarely feeds on a Dreamer (succumbing to this option only as an absolute last resort), and only takes what he needs to sustain himself.
Powers: Because he has an affinity for nature, Druid can manipulate the environment around him and alter his physical appearance to better suit his environment via the use of illusions. He especially likes creating elaborate labyrinths out of the trees and thick underbrush to confuse his victims. He can create afterimages of himself as well, and will use these holographic projections of himself to manipulate his opponent into believing they're hallucinating and drive them insane. However, his manipulations are canceled out and will wear off - altogether, or until he can go unnoticed in using his ability again - as soon as his victim realizes this and shakes themselves from their deluded state.
Other: Druid has a serpentine pet named Delphi that he is never seen without.

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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Things have been a bit busy with me, and I do seem to have a bit of writer's block... Or rather, I want to write, I know what I want to write, but have literally no motivation for it and am physically incapable of doing so because of this... I'm sorry I keep making you guys wait, I really am -__-;

Also, I...think I'm a tad lost on where some people are, I've read through the posts but I may have skipped over something. I'm going to try and get an idea of where everyone is after I current post (English, what is this strange language?) to try and see if anyone needs someone to interact with.

@slipsxknot I'll look at your character forms in a bit, I just really need to get this post written up because... I'm a terrible thread-owner, it's just been a bit of a strange couple of months for me. Not that anything has actually happened, in fact everything is fine, but I've been in such a weird...slump that it's been hard to concentrate on anything that didn't involve me mindlessly watching shows/videos.
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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by slipsxknot »

Don't worry about it.

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Re: Twisted Remake OoC

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

It's fine Paddie. I've been quite busy myself. I hope life gets easier for you! Sometimes a good way to get rid of writer's block is to take a piece of paper and write for a minute about whatever you're thinking about or absolutely anything you want. Basically don't think about it and write. That usually helps me.

Well for where everyone is.. Sihn is still with Mira somewhere in the forest. Bree is unconscious and Dread is trying to drag her away while Wren is also there. You know Rasha, Joker and Adam are all together. Nuzz is introducing himself to Noelle and Rosalind. Luke is somewhere in the woods. Rashma and Rae are together. That's all that I know.

As a heads up, I'm going to be out of province next week. I'll have internet in the hotel, so I'll be able to check the thread but I don't know if I'll be able to post, that is if I need to.
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