559-562: King Nimbii, Fortis Beetles, Nimbii

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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by tornadofan2 »

Same. I don't have the beetles.
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by umbreon241 »

It turns out that I have ten beetles, so I bred two and now I'm waiting for them to grow up. :orly:
Busy with school but you can find ways to contact me on my profile if you need to reach me. ^_^

Feel free to call me Umbry! :bounce:
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by Varnayrah »

I had only 6 beetles and was able to breed one so I have 7 now... if anyone per chance has bred vasants left to sell, I'm all eager top spend gold on them ^^
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by MistyoC »

I'm working on growing 2 hatchlings. I already have someone borrowing them as soon as they're grown, but after that, they'll be available again along with the 4 adults.
Feel free to click my entire keep. Anything I don't want to grow is protected.

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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by BBkat »

Quest text-
Part 1
Quest - Foenara: In Need of Ink (Keep)
A faint buzzing comes from nearby, and you jerk out of your restful daze on the Keep's lawns. There's no way you're going to be caught unaware by another of those annoying wasps Talyn saw fit to mail to everybody.

As you sit up, you realize the buzzing isn't from wasps at all, but is coming from a din of voices near one of the Keep's towers. Curious, you get to your feet and head toward the sound, making out distinct voices as you do.

"It's gotta be the word 'here.'"

"No, it's clearly 'help'. It's Talyn, after all. Maybe he's in jail again."

"Why is the ink green?"

As you join the crowd, you make out what everyone is staring at. It's another letter from Talyn - but this one is completely illegible. It looks like he dunked it underwater before sending it. All you can make out are a few words, especially the phrase "I hate boats" in the beginning, and the second paragraph down does indeed look like he might be asking for help. Other than that you can't make heads or tails of what he wrote. You wonder if he tried to send this letter in a bottle. Maybe he's across the ocean.

The crowd hushes as Master Belmos wades through the throng of people, and you respectfully take a few steps back. The master has a resigned look on his face, and he sighs when he sees the note.

"I can restore this," he said. "But I'll need help. Ink will be required - stop by my office at the Keep with an ice kraken hatchling or and ice octopus hatchling. It may take a few tries, but soon enough I'm sure I'll have a solution."

Requirement: Ice Octopus or Ice Kraken hatchling (Quest does not take it)
Part 2
Quest - Foenara: In Need of Ink (Keep)
Once you arrive in Master Belmos' office, you notice that several other students seem to have beaten you here. Master Belmos has a bottle of ink on the side of his desk, next to a fish tank where several tiny ice octopus hatchlings swim with contentment. Carefully, he tilts the bottle over, splashing some of the ink on the parchment containing Talyn's letter. When it fades, the writing is just as unreadable as before.

Master Belmos frowns, then looks up and notices you. "Ah, another young creature - excellent. May I?"

You hold out the small jar with your hatchling, and Master Belmos sticks in a thumb, the small creature wrapping its tentacles around it. Before he can place it in the tank, it lets loose a squirt of ink, perhaps in protest to leaving your side, and it hits the parchment dead center.

You freeze, about to stammer an apology, when words begin forming on the letter. Master Belmos smiles and extends his hand, your ice octopus plopping back into your jar with a pleased chitter.

"Well then," Master Belmos says. "Let us see what Talyn has sent us this time."

He urges people to step closer.
Part 3
Quest - Foenara: Into the West (Keep)
Having successfully revealed the contents of the note Master Belmos holds up the parchament and starts reading aloud what's written on it.

"Hey Everybody,

I HATE BOATS! I had to cross an ocean to get to a place called Foenara, and man was it awful. I felt so sick the whole time. It was just like the time I tried to learn to fly, and I spent the day dizzy. I just can't deal with riding on things. I got better when I got to Foenara, though. It's super pretty here, and they have a special kind of ocean - a grass ocean!

But maybe you'll get to see it for yourself. I need help. So, listen, there's this weird thing where apparently a bunch of people from Alveus - yeah, those guys that don't like us much - decided to settle in Foenara since, you know, no food and all from the mage wars. They even decided to smuggle food and stuff back to Alveus. Well, the Foenarans sure weren't happy about that. Apparently they've been trying to kick these guys out forever, but they won't leave.

Anyway, recently some guy named Jonthan gave the Alveans an ultimatum. A bunch of smugglers stole something precious from the Foenarans a while ago, which messed up the climate somehow. Maybe that's why its so hot here. Anyway, I'm not too clear on what it is, but they say if the Alvean settlers give it back, Foenara will be more "open to talks" about the settlers staying. Otherwise, they're gonna kick the Alveans right out with soldiers and everything!

I sure don't want to see a war the first time I get here! I told the Alvean settlers I'd help them find the things, since they said whatever it was that got stolen was dropped in the grass forest a long time ago, because the smugglers didn't think it was valuable. It wasn't food, I guess.

Anyway, I kinda told them magi could fly and search through the forest easier than a guy on foot. But... uh... I'm not the best flyer, really. But I'm sure you guys back at the Keep are!

So what do ya say? Bring on over some pegasi, hippogryphs, or anything that can fly, and search through the grass forest for some treasure! Foenara is just past Alveus, over the ocean! Meet me at the encampment, a day's flight from the port!

"Well," Master Belmos says, rubbing his forehead as though he's getting a headache. "I will certainly make an announcement to the Keep. And if you want to head out to Foenara, I'm sure you'll have plenty of company. Going sooner is probably better than later. I'd rather Talyn not be our only representative in a case like this."

"Be sure to take a steed that can carry you and is fit enough to stay airborne as long as is needed. I have a feeling this is going to take a while. A gryphon, pegasus, manticore, hippogryph, enox, or torveus dragon would suffice."

A gryphon, pegasus, manticore, hippogryph, enox, or torveus dragon (not taken)
Part 4
Quest - Foenara: Into the West(Keep)
Eagerly you get your companion creature ready, take one last glance at the Keep and start heading west to the new exiting lands.
Part 5
Quest - Foenara: A Token of Good Will (Grass Forest)
The journey to Foenara is far, and made longer by the frequent stops you have to make to let your flying companion rest. After the frigid air over the mountains you are glad to reach Silva Forest, but after a while, the monotonous green of the tree tops under you make your eyes droop from boredom. Soon enough you recognize the orderly city states of Alveus below you. Though you know magi are no longer banned from this area, you keep away from the more densely populated areas. The few people you do meet watch you suspiciously upon noticing your companion, but they leave you in peace.

You land at the coast, the ocean stretching ahead on to the horizon, and purchase passage to Foenara from one of the small towns dotting the coastline. The ship is small and crowded, but you're relieved to see others from the Keep on board. Your creatures keep each other company, either flying above the ship or relaxing on deck.

Two days later, as the air around you grows hotter and more humid, you spot land on the horizon, which soon turns into a seemingly endless line of green. You entertain the idea of taking off without waiting for the ship to port, but considering Talyn's letter mentioned Foenarans not appreciating people entering their land without permission, you wait and go through legitimately. After registering with the port authorities and paying a small fee for a passport, you can finally continue on your journey. As you fly inland, signs of inhabitation quickly fall behind and all you can see are endless, undulating waves of grass under you. Here and there, the grass is broken by large swathes of brown, the vegetation looking almost burnt, and the larger patches have no grass left in the middle. You wonder if these are signs of the destruction the Alveans supposedly brought to the region.

The sky is cloudless and while the wind at this height keeps you cool, you soon feel the beginning of sunburn on your skin where it isn't protected by clothing. Luckily, you then spot the encampment Talyn spoke of and you guide your mount into a gentle descend that lets you have a good look at the city. Dirt roads wind in circles, and the houses are constructed of the giant grass stalks of the region, lashed together. You do notice, with a tightening of your stomach, that a short walk away are rows of orderly tents. Those must be the Foenaran soldiers.

Talyn isn't hard to find. His makeshift tent, constructed in a style you recognize from your lessons, sticks out like a sore thumb. Pegasi, hippogryphs, and gryphons surround it, most of them asleep. You land a short way off, your mount's feet throwing up dust as they hit the ground with a thump. Kepper, Talyn's Rekel companion, raises her head from where she was lying in the shadow and gives a short bark. Her owner steps out of the tent, squinting at you while shading his eyes from the glare of the sun with his hand.

"Did ya find any...Oh, a new arrival!" Talyn grins. "Great! Go look for stuff!"

You just stare at him.

"Er, right. Maybe you should talk to Litha." He runs a hand through his hair, wiping away sweat. "She's at the tent closest to where the grass ocean starts. She'll tell you a little more about what we're looking for. Thanks for coming to help!" He beams. "So many people have already signed up! I'm sure we'll help these two groups reach an agreement! I would search too, but I'd probably just get dizzy and puke if I tried to fly."

Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you head toward the area Talyn pointed out. As you approach the grass tent, which is large enough to rise above the surrounding huts, you can hear loud voices. In front of the tent, a group of men and women wearing colorful woven cloth stand, facing another group of people who are clearly recognizable as soldiers by their attire. Their leader, a man with a face darkly tanned by the sun where it isn't covered by a short beard, is talking angrily to a woman sporting a long, grey braid.

"This is taking too long, Litha! More and more of the grass forest gets burned to crisp in this sun. There is no telling how long it can endure until permanent damage is done. Your people caused this and you promised you would fix it. I have yet to see any progress on that. If you destroy our livelihood with your careless ways, I promise there will be an accounting!"

"I know it has taken some time, Jonthan," the woman replies. She is talking quietly, far less agitated than the Foenaran soldier, but there is a firmness in her voice that tells you she will not be browbeaten by his boisterous ways. "We will do what we can to undo the damage, you have my word for that. But you cannot hold everyone here accountable for what one person did. Our livelihood is as much in danger as yours. We should be working together, not throw blame at each other."

Jonthan is just about to reply when you step up to them. "Excuse me," you say, as the heads of everyone turn your way. The soldier looks angry at the interruption while there is a curious look on the face of Litha. "If I may, I would like to offer a token of goodwill on behalf of the Alveans. I have companions that can make plants revive and grow strong again. They won't be able to heal the whole grass forest on their own, and it will only help so much if the problem isn't solved at its root, but it will give all of us time to find a permanent solution."

Litha's grateful look tells you that she is happy to accept any help to diffuse the situation. The soldier looks doubtful, but then he gives a gruff nod and gestures toward the grass forest. "There is a small patch of burnt grass only a few minutes from here. If you can indeed do what you say, you can prove it there."

You and Litha follow Jonthan toward the place he indicated. While you walk you carefully pull out your Vasant Beetles from where they are hiding inside your clothes. When you arrive at the place, you judge its size. "I think a dozen adults should be enough for an area this size. Everyone step back, please!"

12 adult Vasant Beetles (not taken)
This is about as far as I've gotten since I don't have 12 adult beetles xD
And the fact that it's repeatable is awesome.
Last edited by BBkat on January 4th, 2015, 1:29:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by PrincessOfVampires »

Yeah, I got there too, now I'm waiting on the Vasant Beetles (I have only 5).

The new creatures look good.

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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by SunsetShimmer »

-The quest is not permanent, but it will be available until the requirements are met. If people contribute enough I'm sure there'll be fancy rewards! The creatures obtained from the quest will be obtainable after the quest has ended, as well.
I wonder where we will be able to get these creatures, after the community quest? Will the quest be available for us individually after that, or will they just be breedable?

Also, the important question... What are these elusive requirements that have to be met? XD

So many questions!
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by BBkat »

Seems I need somemore Beetles. I have 4 adults and one growing hatchling. So I need 6 adults.
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by tornadofan2 »


Upon reaching adulthood, foenaran nimbii can soar higher than any other creature in existence, spreading their cloud-like bodies over vast amounts of space. King foenaran nimbii are the largest of all, their draconic bodies spreading condensation and shade over acres of land. They can condense themselves into near-solid forms to be close to their mage if they wish, and their ability to control the weather and bring clouds into existence, or fetch clouds from far away, make them valuable and feared all at once. Some magi claim it is dangerous to allow them to use their abilities, as they may change the weather for the worse in unknown locations. Histories suggest these creatures were used as spies during the mage wars, as many old parchments and papers declare how important it is that secret meetings be held under a clear blue sky.
Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Raneth
6/25 creatures.
sanus, coal wyrm, all crystal wings, light zalon, dark zalon, akhlut, caerulean hammerhead, squall setova, ridged setova, tiexos ixsu
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Re: 559-561: King Foenaran Nimbii, Serf/Imperial Fortis Beet

Post by tornadofan2 »

Even when offering 3K to 5K for beetles i'm not having any luck. ;-;
6/25 creatures.
sanus, coal wyrm, all crystal wings, light zalon, dark zalon, akhlut, caerulean hammerhead, squall setova, ridged setova, tiexos ixsu

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