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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: May 11th, 2022, 2:39:49 am
by CorruptedUnicorn
I've got several hobbies, but the one I can fall back on the most is drawing. Just pencil on paper. My art pops way more when it's digitalized and adorned with the brightest colours a screen can offer, but there's something on the act of putting pencil on paper that makes me relax and focus only on the white canvas. From simple doodles to more complex and detailed drawings, I always feel like I draw better on paper, and that's why all my drawings start "on the physical world" before digitalizing them.

Is there a particular Magistream creature you love the most? What's the reason/story behind that? It can be either an actual pet you own, or a species in general.

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: May 11th, 2022, 10:57:23 pm
by Kittemmmmmm
My love the is Menchu’an bengolo!! The reason is cause it’s cute for some reason for me.

What’s the most favorite things on magistream? Is there anything you’d love tell me the reason or why?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: May 12th, 2022, 2:48:42 am
by bloodyneptune
My favourite things that I'd love to have are the Styx/Acheron Sphingids! Because they look like Death's Head Moths, and Im a suuuuper big Silence Of The Lambs fan (I even have a taxidermy Death's Head Moth! You know, the kinds in the glass cases? Which I swear isn't weird, lots of people collect those xD)

Whats your favourite thing you've named one of your creatures?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: June 5th, 2022, 7:40:40 pm
by KhaleesiKiyiyaWolf
Oh no that depends lolz! I think my favorite thing is seeing how they grow up and evolve from eggs to hatchlings then to the final product. I love the artwork that some of them can come with as well (such as the koi and direwolves). I'm not entire sure what all else to say aside that I just love the name I gave to my most recently hatched kiddo which was Destan because Prince of Persia vibes so why not right x'D

What's your favorite thing to do on MagiStream?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: August 2nd, 2022, 10:56:04 pm
by MoonShine
play forum games :woo:

do you play any other online adoption games?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: August 4th, 2022, 2:22:24 pm
by Pumpkin676
Yes! I'm playing them right now in fact. I'm playing Dragon Cave, Chicken Smoothie, and The Final Outpost right now.

Do you collect any magistream creatures? Why or why not?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: August 10th, 2022, 6:11:13 am
by Flufferis
Cause im not very online. Hehe

Do you play pokemon games?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: August 10th, 2022, 6:14:36 am
by Kittemmmmmm
Yep! I play this pokeheroes game its fun!

Did you ever have a cat?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: August 18th, 2022, 10:02:38 am
by Flufferis
Yes i have...

Dead mouse have you seen it?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: October 16th, 2022, 9:43:41 pm
by LunarCut47
I have not.

Have you ever dyed your hair? (if so what color? if not what color would you want to)