The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Dauntless »


Things I like to do;
Angels and/or Demons ♥
Supernatural Academy
Hunger Games
Divergent ♥
Science Fiction ♥
Dystopian Society ♥
A Dream plot line ♥

If it has a heart beside it, it means I would really like to do it. :wave:

Things I will NOT do;
Warrior Cats
Animal roleplays
Anime (Never.)
High School
Most Romances
Modern Day Society
Alice in Wonderland (I love it, but hate to roleplay it.)
Depressed characters/ asylum

What I expect;
Be active; post at least once a day.
Semi-Lit; post at least a paragraph.
Characters; Start with at least two.
Be my friend; I like friends, do you? :t-hugs:

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by MinervaClay »

>> I post according to what is necessary. On forums like this, generally several paragraphs. If we retire to something live-time like a chat or messenger, I do enjoy moving conversation along and just exchanging necessary dialogue and basic interactions--because you don't have to flail around like a mime trying to fill out actions while you're sipping coffee and asking someone how their day is. Scenario determines post size.

>> I don't care how big your post is, as much as the amount of effort put into it.

>> My cast is incredibly varied in personality, class type, etc.

>> I generally can get on for at least a little while on any given day.

>> What happens, happens; my character's preferences are rarely my personal preferences or beliefs. I'll never get offended at something done in-character and expect the same. That means anything from a wide range of personal, political, sexual or any other preferences and approaches to life will show through in my character.

>> I never aim for romance. It may happen. I don't push for it. Callow romances bore me and I design personality types that make it difficult to have love at first sight as a potential. If a relationship happens, it's something dedicated and built on, natural.

>> I love plot. Plotplotplot. My ten year GMing streak may be passed, but I'm more than willing to work out a cooperative story, as long as we don't set so much in stone that there's no mystery on what might happen.

Genres I like:
Mild Sci-Fi (more shadowrun and less star trek)
Pinches of comedy; I want it to be fun

Things I definitely do:
Spirits (angels, demons, gods, ghosts, whatev)
New worlds
Psychology elements
Canon THEMES (Persona, Slayers)

Things I definitely don't do:
Instant romance
Direct smut
Mega-chimeras ("I'm half angel/demon/vampire/neko" "But... that's two." "Shhh")

Things I might do:
Slave (MIGHT, because some people focus on the smut aspect and I prefer the actual turmoil)

I don't make new characters anymore, but I have a pretty laundry list including--

The Moon, Anthropomorphic snow leopard cleric, lawful good
The Perfect, Senile enormous crippled wyrm cleric, lawful good
The Diabloist, Crossbreed sorceress, chaotic good
The Serpentmaster, Force Avatar of destruction--lawful neutral or lawful evil depending on your interpretation of either; abides by a purpose
The Serpent General, servant of Serpentmaster-- Neutral Evil
The Principle of Pain, dark general, abomination-- makes Chaotic Evil look good
The Accountant, slavekeeper-- Neutral Evil
The Messenger, the vagrant-- Chaotic Neutral
The Huntress, the recluse -- True Neutral
The Satyr, the philosopher, the mentor-- Lawful Neutral
Lost, the slave, variant of the Wraith, AU -- Neutral Good

Wraith, human by day and vigilante by night-- neutral good
Ash, modern variant of the satyr, an old bar dweller-- Lawful Neutral
Luci/Coyote, modern variant of the messenger, a paparazzi magnet-- Chaotic Neutral
Ferous, modern variant of the Huntress, lawyer and scientist-- True Neutral

Wraith 2280, variant of the Wraith, more antihero streak-- mostly neutral good still.

Any era, or Feral-Fantasy:

Auroch, the son of the great kings, wolf -- Chaotic. Just that. Good at heart, but incapable of controlling oneself and capable of true evil.

...There may be a few I'm forgetting. Talk to me, I can detail out plenty of ideas.

PM me if interested or better, catch me on Skype: MinervaClay
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Devolution »

Looking For A 1x1 Partner
Hello. Devolution here! I’m looking for a 1x1 partner. I’m a Semi-lit poster (posts consisting of one to three good-sized paragraphs, with good grammar and spelling). I post in third person. Most of my characters are males, but I can do females if I need too. I tend to play older males 20-37 in age. But I am able to play younger as well. I would prefer a person who can post the same length as I can, if not longer than me. And someone who posts in third person.

Current Status Of Activity: I can only be on during the weekends. School is currently a priority over Magistream. Finals are a few weeks away and I need what studying I can get. I make an effort to get on and reply when I can though.

Example Post:
NOTE: This is from a different site. I'd link the post, but this was done in a PM. So I can't. Post below is based on the Pacific Rim movie.

Kogan felt Green Banshee being lifted into the air and the two Rewind pilots dropped their arms. Rewind staggered slightly, but maintained its footing. As soon as Kogan could feel that they were being lifted into the air, the cabin went dark and the emergency lights went on. He instantly looked towards Brian. He wasn't strapped in. In fact, Kogan couldn't see Brian at all. He began to frantically look around, desperate to find his friend. He tore free from his foot braces and stumbled forward, still searching with his eyes.

"Brian? Brian, where are you?" Kogan said, almost fearful that he had just lost his best friend. Kogan looked behind him and spotted a figure lying in the corner of the cabin. Kogan nearly jumped out of his skin at the sight of his friend. Kogan rushed over to his side and sat near Brian.

Brian was lying in the corner of the left cabin. He had tried to reserve most of his strength for ripping free of his footings. It worked, but not with out a price to pay. He had collapsed on the floor and was now breathing very slowly, as if it took effort to breathe. Brian was barely conscious, he couldn't move; but he could hear what was going on around him. He heard Kogan come and sit next to him, he felt the robot begin to lift into the air. The feeling was unpleasant to him.
The flight back to the Dome seemed like an eternity. When they finally returned it was only a matter of minutes before the doors of Alto's head opened and medics came rushing in. Those minutes seemed very long to Kogan. Kogan followed after the medics, as they took Brian away. Three men had to hold Kogan back as the medics turned a corner. With tears streaming down his face, Kogan cried out to Brian. He was pretty sure his cry could be heard from several hallways down. He reached out an arm for his friend. But to no avil. He was gone, the doctors would have to take care of him now.

Kogan was left alone for a moment as he stood in the hallway. But no sooner had he been left, then he was shuffled into the same room where they had put on their suits. It was now time to take off the suits. The process was almost as easy as putting on the suit. Kogan soon found himself standing outside the door, looking at the body of Alto Rewind. It's hand smashed, holes and dents from where the Kajius had rammed into them. He looked to Green Banshee, who seemed in worse shape than their own Jaeger did.

Kogan still had tears trickling down his face. But he didn't bother with wiping them away. He chose, instead, to embrace the tears. He turned and walked away, his long black silk-like hair falling over his shoulders and hiding his face.

Kogan found himself in the conference room, where they had begun just a few hours before. He found himself up at the top, staring at out the window overlooking the cliff side. A beautiful sight, yet it seemed so somber too.

So here’s what I can do and what I’m looking for:

What I Will Do:
Pacific Rim
Mythical Creatures (Dragons, Unicorns, Griffins, ect.)
Science Fiction
Gifted Humans/Magic
Medieval--Stuff Like: Lord Of The Rings

~That’s All I Can Think Of For Now~

What I’m Comfortable With:
Alien Plant
Apocalypse--No Zombies

~That’s All I Can Think Of For Now~

Things I’m Ok At / Would Like To Try:
Steam Punk

~That’s All I Can Think Of For Now~

What I Won’t Do:
Flat Out Good vs. Evil
High school/College

~Anything Else Not Listed In The Previous Categories~
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Allienna »

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by ComanderSalmon »

Hello all i am currently looking for a 1x1 partner. This is what i whould like, ideas, and stuff i will not do.
Type of Rp
I really like romantic situation (Yes im a guy don't judge) mixed with superpowers or monsters so what i want to do.
~Monster college.
~Superhero college.
~Some sort of mystery romance like a guy is giving the girls he likes letters.
~Or if you have an idea then im all ears

What i wont do is stuff like vampires only or werewolves only its just boring.

Footnote:I want someone who can post once a day and has minimum of three lines... (But if you have 2 paragraphs it gets quite annoying...)

Thanks bye

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by UmbraFear »

★Looking for a few 1x1 Partners!★
☆Must be slightly insane!☆

What you can expect from me:
Activity - I am on every day, at every chance that I get. I will give some warning if I will be gone for some time. I will reply as soon as I see you post unless I have serious writer's block.
Literacy - I am able to play at almost any level of roleplaying. My grammar, punctuation, and spelling are quite good, as you can see. Occasionally there will be a mess-up that doesn't make sense, but that's mainly my device's fault. You know, like when the good old outdated iPod decides to replace "spoiler" with "spooler". Yeah, I think that I may have dropped it a few too many times...
Post length - You can expect anywhere from one to five paragraphs, depending on my RP partner. I'll do more if I'm feeling really creative, or less if I have extreme writer's block. However, I can promise that I will never post one-liners.
Attitude - I try to be nice to everyone. My character can be a bit nasty at times, but that has nothing to do with how I am. I will never try to flame anyone over OOC. When roleplaying, I like to throw in bits of humor in between scenes of action or scary moments or anything like that. I am also capable of contributing some very interesting plot ideas... when I have the brain power for it, that is. School seems to be taking most of it lately.
Character - As you may know if you've poked around some of the RPs that I'm in, I play a young male demon. But don't worry, this won't limit the selection of what I can RP. He is quite adaptable, and can fit into almost any plot.
What I expect from you:
Activity - I would like it if you would be able to reply at least once a week. But really, I'm not too picky about this. Just let me know if you'll be gone for a while, and please, don't just suddenly drop the RP.
Literacy - You don't have to be at an advanced level of roleplaying, but I do expect you to have decent grammar, capitalization, punctuation, etc. No text speak, run-on sentences, and such. I can understand minor mistakes, but when it's all the time, it can get annoying.
Post length - Really, I'm fine with any as long as there's no one-liners. Having a ten-paragraph reply can get tiring after a bit as well, though. A balance is good; enough that I can actually reply to it, but not so much that my brain can't process it.
Attitude - I'm fine with whatever personality you choose for your character, but in OOC, please try to be nice. I have some social anxiety issues, and I can get offended easily if someone comes across as mean. I would also appreciate if you could help me come up with plot ideas.
Character - I would prefer to keep our characters to one each, but you can have more if you want. I myself will probably introduce temporary NPCs. I'm fine with any character that you might have regardless of their gender, personality, age, species... They could even be an animal, and we could probably find some way for the plot to work.
What I will roleplay:
Plots and Genres - Modern Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy on another planet, Supernatural, Horror, Science-Fiction, Action. Demons, monsters and hunters, fantasy creatures... Well actually, I'm pretty much up for any plot that you can throw at me. The stranger the better. If you think that something might be too weird to RP, just try me. You'd be surprised what I'll agree to.
What I'm fine with -
Scary, bloody stuff, whether it be monsters or psychopaths.
Lots of action and fighting. Characters against each other, or against any enemy is cool.
A bit of romance. I won't be able to be the one to initiate it though, due to my OC's personality. Romance is completely optional, by the way.
Weird, bizarre, strange, or completely insane plots are fun! So are crossovers! There's also a strange story/world of my own creation that we could use.
MxF or MxM, both are fine. Like I said, any character is fine. I don't judge!
What I will not RP:
Characters - As I've said, I already have my character that I use... But anyway, here's what I definitely won't play as. This is just for me though, you can still play as any of these if you want.
Regular ordinary humans, plain animals, non-fictional creatures, females of any kind.
Plots - Super cliched topics, arranged marriages (unless we can turn it really humorous and have an excuse for how my character even ended up there in the first place,) completely romance as entire plot, super sappy romance... Hey, but I'm still fine with some romance.
PM me if interested! :wave:
Last edited by UmbraFear on March 31st, 2014, 4:30:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by umbreon241 »

My last post was on page 19, so I'm just going to make another. ^_^
I've found a partner!
So hi, my name is Umbry. I'm fifteen and I've been RPing since early 2011. I'm definitely advanced/lit and even my smallest posts are at least two paragraphs long. I prefer doing longer posts that consist of multiple paragraphs. I also have a lot of characters, which makes my posts even longer. Oops. Be warned that I can get picky when it comes to some people's characters (read: mary sues), but if you've RP'd with me, Smallguy25, AmazingGrace, Saria, Shroomie, or Hyouka before, then chances are that your characters will be perfectly fine.
Most days I'm able to get at least one reply in, but I also do basketball and row, so things can get a little hectic during the on season. My timezone is EST and I'm usually free for a few hours a day on weekdays. Weekends depend, as during the crew season, I'm gone from 2-7 PM EST.

Things I tend to do/like doing:
  • Make a ton of characters
  • Make a ton of female characters
  • Make a ton of queer characters
  • Swear (though I can tone it down)
  • Making big posts
Did somebody say queer female characters? I'm bisexual (ish, I tend to lean more towards polysexual sometimes) and I tend to make my characters queer. Especially queer ladies. I want all of the queer ladies. So if me making a bunch of LGBTQA+ characters is going to make you uncomfortable, then you probably shouldn't RP with me.

What I'd like from you:
  • Being advanced/literate
  • Multiple paragraphs
  • Not procrastinating for a million years
  • A few queer characters
Things I'd rather not do:
[*]Worlds where queer people are frowned upon (I get that enough irl)
[*]Warrior cats RPs
[*]Mary sues (just... throwing that in here)

Right now I kind of really want to do a lesbian pirates and mermaids RP. Who doesn't love queer pirates and mermaids? But if you have any ideas that you really really want to do, just PM me. :italian:
Busy with school but you can find ways to contact me on my profile if you need to reach me. ^_^

Feel free to call me Umbry! :bounce:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Aneira »


❄ About Me ❄
- Semi-literate, usually post 2-5 paragraphs, but may do more on occasion. I tend to favor mirroring my partners in terms of length.
- Fairly active, but as of recently I will be rather busy. I will try to post as often as I can.
- Comfortable playing either gender, though I do lean slightly more towards female characters.
- I do accept cursing, though nothing too strong. I'm fine with alcohol consumption/drugs/anything of the like honestly, but please inform me as to what your preference is in that regard.

- I would prefer my partners to be 18+. Not necessarily because of RP content, but simply because it's the age group I'd prefer to collaborate with.

❄ What I Expect ❄

- Semi-literate post of at least a paragraph/5 sentences per post.
- Help progress through the RP - don't make me do everything!

❄ What I Like ❄
Note: Cross out means I currently have no interest in RPing that subject.
Bold means I'm very interested in RPing that subject.
❧ War
❧ Fantasy
❧ Abilities/Powers
Dragon riders
❧ Pokemon (Especially with dark plots)
❧ Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

❧ Time travel
❧ A bit of romance (Though not solely)
❧ MapleStory (Game)
Anything unique

❄ What I Won't RP ❄

❧ High school
❧ Reality
❧ Vampires
❧ Primarily water-based settings
❧ Mermaids
❧ Same gender romance (Some exceptions can be made for side-character romances, but for the main cast I'd prefer M/F)

Last edited by Aneira on July 31st, 2020, 3:25:19 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kaylie »

*Not currently looking for a partner*
What I expect:
*At least 4 or 5 sentences each post. I don't want to be reading a novel every post you make though, so please don't make them too long.
*Good grammar & spelling, please.
*Post often.
*Use detail. Not too much though.
*At least 2 characters

What I like to RP:
*Some romance
*Zombie apocalypse

There's probably more, but that's all that I can think of for now.

What I do not like to RP:
*Horror (tried it once, hated it.)
*Instant romance
*Same gender romance

Wow, a short list. I know there's more, but my mind is pretty blank right now. If you bring up an idea of an RP that I don't like, I'll let you know.

What you can expect from me:
*I'm home schooled, so I'm pretty much on everyday, most of the time.
*My grammar and spelling are good, so no problems there. But know that I do make mistakes every now and then. Everyone does.
*I can make lengthy posts sometimes, but you'd have to give me something to post to. I'll be sure to try to have at least 4 sentences each post.
*I'm not the best at paragraph separating. Just thought I'd let you know.
Last edited by Kaylie on August 30th, 2014, 9:35:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Smallguy25 »

Imagine a world ravaged. Imagine a world dead.

The skies are just as blue as they can be today. The clouds are just as white, the clouds are just as fluffy and white. From space, everything seems the same. To the animals, everything seems the same. On the surface, everything is the same. After all,

"Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;

And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone."

And while mankind has not perished utterly, it is close. The punches that come by surprise are usually the ones that hurt the most, and humanity was not expecting anything as big as the plague that hit. In the months before the last of the news stations withered away, they called it "Solaris", they called it "Virus Z", and it called it the apocalypse.

It didn't kill people. That was the scariest part. It didn't force them to be buried in shallow graves, only to rise again. It didn't stop their hearts, only to have the rotting, gray flesh rise again. It was worse. It struck swiftly, a myriad of biological and viral attacks that targeted the most important and most vulnerable part of the human. The brain and the mind were taken from the body and the soul by force, by sheer biological power, and distorted.

What is left did not even deserve to be called human anymore. All unnecessary body functions are shut down as the brain re-regulates all parts of the body, supercharging the muscles and completely ignoring most internal organs. The new creation is exponentially stronger, exponentially faster, and survives exponentially less long. Still, why would one need to live more than a few years if one's only purpose is to wipe out a species?

They multiplied in the cities, they multiplied in the country, and before humanity knew it, they were on the losing side of a battle they had fought with hundreds of other species. Humanity was no longer dominant on earth; their progeny had come to take the earth from them, forcefully. It wasn't very long before the institutions that humanity had worked so hard to build, the processes that had been thousands of years in development, collapsed under the weight of the new world.

Still, humanity is known for nothing if not the attempt to survive. Amidst the dusty and blood-spattered ruins of the previous world, they still fight. Everywhere, anywhere, they rise from where nothing should rise, holding whatever precious shards of the world they can still cling to. They fight, not for humanity, not for the sake of a future world, but for themselves. They fight because they want to survive, and they fight in the hope that there is something left for them to pick up.

And you and I, we, we are fighters. In this world of pure imagination, in this world of unknown horror and brilliant hope, in this world so dead and alive, we are the fighters. We fight for ourselves, through the many lives that lie dormant in the world, trying to see if there is anything worth saving. Is there still a place for humanity in this world that even the creator seemed to have abandoned?

Will you come with me? Will you join me in the darkest corners of the mind, in the brightest pinnacles of this world that is still not yet formed? Listen closely, now. This is not for the faint of heart. This is not for a quick fix. This is a world waiting to be built and already built. This is a universe filled with the dead and the dying and the alive and the hopeful. This is a world that you and I will create and add to and populate, and this is a world just waiting to be born.

Now I ask you again, will you join me in this world? Will you help me save this world?

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