☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

All right. How about you have him doing something like plotting an attack? I can RP one or two of the NPCs and stuff. Then he can come back a little more often with the different attacks. I'll PM you with what Andrew tells him once he finds him.
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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Sounds good.
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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Illegallyblonde »

Yeah sorry about the brackets, its a hard habit to break. Regarding my other post I meant that as in did you need/want a human filled first or would you need a night crawler. Seeing as you probably didn't I just went for a normal pack member because what can I say, I'm a sucker for werewolves. Sorry about all the confusion its nighttime here and I'm up at an unhealthy hour... If its really needed later on I can make a second character but I do better with only one to manage, multitasking is not my forte.

Taini Solomon


Name: Taini Issac Swan
Nickname: Tiny
Age: 22
Gender: Female


Height: 5'2
Hair: Dark chestnut brown with highlighted tones from the sun.
Skin Tone: Tan complexion
Eye Color: Chocolate brown
Build: Small and lithe, built for running and flexibility.
Features: Just three faint scars extending down her neck from her jawline. (These aren't unusual for the wolves I take it?)
Wolf Form: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lziqrySA2u1qf58e8o1_500.jpg
Pelt Color: Dark brown mottled with tan
Wolf Eye Color: Lightish brown


Likes: People, Intelligent conversation, Portrait drawing, Puns, Witty Jokes, Horror movies and Honesty
Dislikes: Liars, Flatterers, Pessimism, Loud children, Spiders and Irrational anger
Fears: Spiders, Catfights, Abandonment and being Ostracized.
Taini tends to identify with others suffering as her own, she is constantly trying to alleviate the suffering of others even when it gets her into sticky situations and puts her in the firing line.
Taini can grasp that not all of life's daily requirements stay the same and by embracing this she can always take appropriate action for the given situation while still sticking to her morals and values.
Taini always continues to support her friends and her pack, even in a difficult situations she never stands down and will always have the back of the person she feels needs protecting
Loves to make her pack-mates feel emboldened and powerful, not diminished and powerless. Taini feels that a pack should always include every voice and opinion and if she notices someone being shut out will go out of her way to include them.
Taini tries her hardest to be clear on what her values are and is consistent in applying them. As part of that, she fights to have the courage to hold true to them. She never loses sight of reality as she feels lost values may be one of the biggest causes of downfalls
Taini has always felt that pessimism would make her a burden so she spends every day looking t the brighter side of things. Instead of letting herself be overly optimistic she takes it to a comfortable level where she can inspire hope in others but not be unrealistic about situations.

Anything else?: Loves yoga and is extremely flexible, also loves puns and cannot help making them in certain situations. By supressing her anger and frustration an unhealthy amount she tends to sometimes explode in a fight and shows a little too much enthusiasm. Really needs someone to tell her that there are healthier ways to vent and not hold it all in.


Rank: Just a normal pack member.
Desired Rank: Not single? Just kidding N/A
Family: Mother-Sophia Rin Solomon(Died in childbirth)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: O/A
BF/GF/Mate: N/A
Other: Secret love of classical pianists, will never admit this to the public.
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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

It's no big deal. I totally understand about ungodly hours of the night (or in the morning, if you're up past 12:00). Yeah, I think we're okay for Nightcrawlers and humans for now, and the fact that you made one female is actually fantastic since it evens out the gender ratio. I'll add her to the ranks and you can make your first post when you wish. At this point, the only reason no one has posted in the thread is because I'm waiting for someone else to post, mainly EmLenore since 2 of my characters have spoken to hers.
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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Illegallyblonde »

Allrighty, I will get right on that post pronto. Yeah I find sometimes the internet and I have an unhealthy relationship, like oh look its 3 in the morning I should probably stop doing internet things. Aw.. just one more video cant hurt right? ...Aaand its breakfast, congrats you're going to be a zombie all day.
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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Haha. I totally know what you mean, as I'm one of those people. I have been for like the past week. Post when you can and get plenty of rest. :)
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Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by kindtopet »

Faolan Pierce


Name: Faolan Pierce
Nickname: Faolan, Fao
Age: 24
Gender: Male


Height: 6'5
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Tan
Eye Color: Blue
Build: Broad, Muscular
Features: Scar from hip to mid back from a fight [color]
Wolf Form: Click Here
Pelt Color: Black & Grey & White
Wolf Eye Color: Pale silvery blue


Likes: The pack, Joking around, Laughing, Fighting
Dislikes: Disorder, Sadness, Cruelty
Fears: Water, Storms

Faolan is very compassionate and caring to everyone. He is easy going and loves all his pack members, and even strangers sometimes. He is always willing to lend and ear and listen and offer sound advice to anyone who needs it. His shoulder is always open for crying.

Fun Loving

Faolan is the one to break the ice with new pack members. He loves the pups and helps with them in his free time. He also is a clown and has challenge after challenge in his mind to break through the seriousness and get others to smile and lauhg once in a while.

If Faolan makes a promise to you is will happen one way or another. He is honest and true to his word getting any task assigned to him or even ones he just know need to get done. He doesn't mind doing tasks others dislike but might get annoyed if people act irresponsibly.

Though Faolan has the ability to be serious when the time comes at hand, he tends to be a real optimist and try to look on the good side of things. He always says he has to smile to lighten up the air because everyone else is frowning.

It is hard to anger Faolan due to his more laid back nature, but be warned hurt pack member and you have just pissed off a powerful opponent. He is loyal and loves all the pack members, even the ones who dirve him insane, and considers them to be a second family. You hurt one and you are in trouble. He will sooner through himself in front of an enemy than allow one of his fmaily to be hurt.

Anything else?: Text Here


Rank: Pack Member
Desired Rank: None
Family: Melika (NPC) Raven (Dead) Jake (Dead)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Crush: OPen
BF/GF/Mate: Open
Other: Nothing really. Nightrunners Rule!

Kelandry Saravasti


Name: Kelandry Sarvasti
Nickname: Kel, Kelandry
Age: 23
Gender: Female


Height: 5'7''
Hair: Brunette
Skin Tone: Light
Eye Color: Green
Build: Lean
Features: Myriad of small scars across stomach and back, SIx hoops in right ear, cuff on left, Tattoo on right side and left shoulder.
Wolf Form: Click Here
Pelt Color: Red& Black & Brown & White
Wolf Eye Color: Forest Green


Likes: Intelligent conversation, hunting, running
Dislikes: Too much noise/ talking, People not respecting her space
Fears: Large crowds, water
Kel is very good at reading people and putting herself in their shoes. She can easily be moved by true emotions though it might not show as she has perfected the mask she wears. She does care though and often has more idea on what another wolf is feeling than others credit her for

Kelandry perfected her mask a while back, she seems emotion less most times without letting much slip through. She hates personal questions and either will snap or answer it in a way where you end up with no real answer at all. She keeps to herself and rarely speaks to anyone in the pack besides the alpha.


Kel is a loner not because she was forced to be by choice. THough she knows how to soften the blow of words, she still tends to be quite blunt. THis makes many people believe that she dislikes them or that she is rude and mean. Neither of those are true though she just doesn't understand

Self Sacrificing

Allow she is not a true member of the pack Kelandry still protects them in many ways. She hates to see others in any kind of pain, though she believes one should always know the truth of a matter. She will run herself to the ground, not eating, sleeping, even if injured to care for others needs first.

Anything else?: Text Here


Rank: Loner
Desired Rank: None
Family: Amy Sarvasti (Dead) Dell Sarvasti (Lives far away with a different pack)
Sexuality: Bisexual[/
BF/GF/Mate: Open
Other: Loner but does work with the pack in exchange for permission to go into territory on rare occassions. iSn't always the best with caring for herself.
a person was going to shoot a wolf,99% of people would walk away.I am the 1% who would grab the gun,throw it into into the bushes and hug the wolf.

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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Accepted! You will be added shortly
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Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by EmLenore »

Hey guys, sorry for late notice but I'll be going on vacation through the 20th-28th! I'll try and have a post ready tonight but with how much stuff that still needs to get done today I may not have one ready!
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
MagiStream Donor
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Re: ☾ In The Shadows [Werewolf RP] - OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

No problem, Em. I'm actually leaving tomorrow to go on vacation myself, though I'll be back by the 24th rather than the 28th. However, I may not post until the 25th. It depends on how tired I am. So cool if you do post, cool if you don't. I probably won't due to how tired I am (I just got back from a long day followed by a 3-hour grocery shopping trip for vacation), and it's almost 10:00 here.

At any rate, enjoy your vacation!
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Silvereil ▪ Writer ▪ Dreamer
Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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