In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by dragongirl3 »

Though it may not effect my character, being a human, the timeline is very nice. It is great to know the history. I can't wait to start! And am able at pretty much anytime. I will be on march break for the next week, so should be able to check at least once per day for the next week. Now i just need to memorize what character is which. :lol:
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Here's another god. I had a lot of fun putting this character together. Also, I couldn't find a lot of information on the Quetzalcoatl. It was all the same stuff just on different websites. :derp:

Username: GriffinHeart101
Name: Alan Hunfried
Title: God of Art, the Sky, Rain and Civilisation
Gender: Male
Age: 23,546/Looks 20
Appearance: Alan has pale blonde hair that lies in a long ponytail with streaks of red and emerald green throughout. He's a tall and slender man, his height being somewhere around 6' 3". His eyes are a golden yellow with slitted reptilian pupils. Unlike Keithen, he chooses not to change what his eyes look like because he trusts that even if people question it, they won't believe he is a monster. His canines are sharper than the rest of his teeth and his tongue is slightly split at the tip like a serpents.

Alan is very fond of wearing the colors green, gold and orange, his main wardrobe consisting of clothes with those three colors. He wears clothes that are considered very flamboyant or out there, like things with frills or clothing only royalty should wear. The only constant in his clothing choices is a long feathered cape that he almost never takes off. He claims to the other "gods" and "goddesses" that it is a place holder for his beloved wings while he is disguising himself and that he could not live without it. He normally wears knee high boots with gold accents and a charm made of a conch shell on his neck.
((Alan's true form looks like this: ... imlock.jpg
but with the neck frills, back scales and tail of this: ... 7qozk3.png ))
Species: Quetzalcoatl
Information: Quetzalcoatls are large serpents with the wings of birds and feathers in between their scales and on their heads. They most often inhabit think rainforests and places with warm climates. People in ancient civilizations were known to worship them as gods with animal sacrifices because they were said to oppose human sacrifices.

They have softer scales on their underbellies and aren't particularly known for fighting and killing, but will hunt if not given sacrifices and kill if their own lives are on the line. They live for hundreds of thousands of years and it is rare to see the corpse of a Quetzalcoatl. There are bunches of theories of what happens when one of the great beasts dies; they disappear without a trace, become a pile of feathers or have their body separate into lots of birds, etc.
Personality: Alan is a very flamboyant man, being outright happy and sometimes very loud. He normally doesn't think that it's a bad thing to tell the truth, even if it might hurt the person. He's a generally nice guy and although he may look very princely and has a royal background, he likes to treat whoever he is talking to, this most often being humans, like they are in fact the royalty. That being said, with the monsters that he does know is that he likes to push their buttons in a friendly way. As in making light jokes and poking tame fun at other people. It's best when he gets a reaction though. He can be quite the prankster and enjoys playing pranks on the other monsters, but he'll most likely apologize afterwards if the "prankee" takes it the wrong way. All in all, he tends (and LOVES) to be dramatic, getting overly happy at the slightest things, very sad when he's rejected, etc.
History: Alan was born during when the ice age was just starting to end, in a royal group of monsters. While the ice started to melt, he found himself in more temperate climates. His interests in the humans started to grow and grow as he watched their civilizations become more advanced throughout the years. But this interest didn't last too long as soon as the war had started. He didn't feel right participating in the fights, knowing that he most likely wouldn't be able to do much and that he had started to like the little humans even of what they were doing. He could admit that he knew how they felt, being afraid of the giant things that would surely kill them. He stayed hidden in the deepest parts of the forest, where no humans dared to venture.

He overheard that some of the other monsters were going to show themselves to the humans as gods to stop their numbers from dropping. Alan didn't really think that the idea was going to work, but he decided to join in. If it did in fact backfire, he'd be able to run away easily and hide where he was certain nobody would be able to find him. The Quetzalcoatl also decided that it'd be a way of giving back to the humans, even though it was trickery.
Crush: He has a crush on Liena, the goddess of fear, but he's too afraid to admit it.
Other: In his "human" form, he still has venom in his fangs but it is weak and the most it can do to a human is paralyze the area of the bite if it is treated quickly other than there being quite a lot of pain. It has the potential to spread throughout the body and paralyze more systems if untreated. If injected into another monster, it'd paralyze the area for less than an hour and be almost painless, depending on the monster. He'd feel horrible if he had to use it, but in a panicked state it wouldn't matter.
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

We have an overwhelming number of gods, but I can't bring myself to limit them so Alan is accepted. ^_^ Gods are just so much fun.

Also, in regards to the mythical family tree, at first I was thinking that Aeliana and Keithen might be seen as brother and sister, since they're the two different sides of fire. But the idea of Aelia being Keithen and Koyla's mother is hilarious. XD Especially since they're both so gruff and also older than her. I guarantee that she's bound to have all sorts of fun with her "sons".

If there are no objections, would you all like for me to start it tonight/tomorrow? Or even this weekend, if that's better for everyone? Umbreon, since I know you'll be a bit busy with rowing season, would you like me to try holding off starting the rp for a bit? :orly:

And I'll probably start working on alternative year frames, then everyone can choose which one they like most for the rp and we can pin the holidays to that. I've been considering using the names of some gods as the names of months, are there any characters members feel might be well suited as having a month? :orly:
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by umbreon241 »

I love playing gods. I'm still working on my other god's form, but I promise that I'll finish it eventually. :lol:
We thought that it would be amusing if Aelia was Kolya and Keithen's mother because of their personalities. Kolya and Keithen are both rather destructive (pure destruction and war), and Aelia's element domain to overlap enough with theirs to justify assigning them a relationship.

Start it whenever you'd like, I can figure out a way to jump in. School's keeping me busy right now and my coaches want to add in two weekday practices, but I have spring break in two weeks. I'll have enough free time to reply soon, though I can't guarantee any replies for the next couple of days because I have an essay and history notes to take care of.

Hmm... I'll brainstorm which gods would have a month, but for right now I should get back to my history project. :bounce:
Busy with school but you can find ways to contact me on my profile if you need to reach me. ^_^

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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by MistoElectra »

I know we have a lot of Gods, so I thought I would chip in with a human :)

Username: MistoElectra
Name: Joseph Krayonder
Rank: Security, Server if required
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Joseph stands at around 6'1 or so in height, and although he may seem skinny, he is in fact covered in lean muscle and is stronger than he appears. He has quite thin wispy hair which is a sandy brown colour, although a lot of the time it is at least partially concealed beneath a cap. His eyes are brown and he most often wears light clothing in shades of black and green, with light shoes that make it easy for him to get about and move.
Personality: To put it lightly, Joseph, or Krayonder as he prefers to be known, is what some people might call not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's certainly not the brightest and has the tendency to speak without thinking, which can sometimes get him into trouble. In truth though, he has a good heart and he means the best. He is friendly and open and makes friends easily, often being a little bit overchatty and loves to laugh and joke. He also has a tendency to panic when things get a little too much for him, which combined with his loudness can be a bit problematic. Despite this however, he likes to live life to the full and enjoy himself, and doesn't tend to care what people think (when he understands it). Krayonder is bisexual.
History: Krayonder was the middle child of five siblings, with an elder brother and sister and two younger brothers. While some siblings might not get on, he and all his did quite well despite some rather large differences in temperament. They were a somewhat middle class family and their parents wanted the best for all of them. His older siblings were of the more scholarly type and as such, it was expected that he would follow suit however he quickly showed that he was nothing of the sort. He preferred to laze around and just about scrape through his classes. However he was more interested in his physical classes and found that he excelled in sports. As such, he devoted more of his time to these and even got a few jobs teaching the younger kids how to play some sports. His family were thrilled for him when he was notified that he would be taking part in the feast, but as always, he pushed himself more in the more physical aspects of training than the mental, although still working hard, leaving him in his current job of security.
Crush: He quite likes the look of Ivy
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

We can never have too many humans. I'll be sure to add him to the list, MistoElectra. ^_^

No worries Umbreon, take all the time you need. I've got four projects myself that I need to finish by the end of this week, so I can more than relate.

Alright, so I have officially started the roleplay folks. For some reason, I had the idea to connect all three of my characters in their posts, so it might be a bit confusing as to where they last ended up. To help clarify, Aelia is currently inside the Palace halls, Amaris is outside headed toward the front to greet the guest, and Roshan is running through the halls trying to find the exit. So have fun guys, let's see how things turn out. ^.^
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Hey guys. I am back home and even though school will be starting back up for me tomorrow, I will now be able to post a lot more often. Just wanted to mention that.
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Yep working on my post!
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Alright, so I've done some thinking about the months and years, and I came to two different options. I was either thinking of making it be nearly identical to ours in that there are 12 months (but that it would start in spring instead of winter), or that it would have 8 months instead, but the months would be longer (as in they would have 45/46 days each instead of 30/31 days). The main reason I was considering 8 months instead of 12 is because it would mean the month long celebration would last longer, but I wanted to check in with you guys to see your thoughts on it.

Also, I've been studying creation and destruction myths in class lately (taking an english class with a focus on mythology was likely the best decision ever, since it largely inspired this roleplay). As a result, I've been thinking a lot about what sort of ideas the humans might have about the how the world started and what would their idea of the apocolypse be. Here's some of what I've thought up.

  • Basically, the Big Bang Theory. There was nothing, then there was something. Related to that is the Greek myth of Khaos, which is essentially considered nothing or "the void".
  • The Three Mothers: Earth, Water, and Sun. Based mostly on the fact that most of the creation stories I've read involve one of these three starting everything. Sky was also an alternative, but the idea of creation is usually given to a female, most likely because of the link between females and life (giving birth).
  • The All-Mother: Earth OR Water OR Sun. Basically, the opposite of the Three Mothers that doesn't combine most common creation elements.
  • The world and gods all already existed. Then one (or more) of the Gods got bored (or wanted to be worshipped, etc), so they created humans. The creator could either be which ever specific god the human/cult/shrine worships most, or there could be a specific god or group of gods.
  • Just branching off the above, but here's a small suggestion: a trickster god justs bored and decides they want something knew, so they make a human. They could trick the other gods into unintentionally helping (bring the flesh alive, water for blood, warm up the body, add a soul, etc.)
  • A war between the Gods. The world will fall to Ragnarok.
  • Kaser removes his mask. Either as a sign of the apocalypse, or because removing his mask unleashes demons upon the world or something similar.
  • The end of the rebirth cycle/the sun dies. The second coming of the Ice Age.
  • The gods abandon the world. Could potentially come with all sorts of side effects, such as people no longer dying, but the dead also rise from their graves. Eternal grief and torture. Maybe color disappears.
  • Earth is swallowed by the sea. A great flood, most common destruction myths among cultures.
  • Giant earthquake tears the world apart. Maybe the "pillars" break and the world falls?
  • The world is engulfed in flames.
  • Alternatively, a flood, earthquake, and fire. Basically, the Three Mothers, but in reverse.
  • Combination of all or most of these?
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by Saria »

Maybe these ideas are silly, but I'll throw them out here anyway.

I personally like the twelve month idea. I understand what you mean by having a month lasting longer for celebrations, but it's just that there are twelve gods in the thread (if you also count Umbry's reserved one). Therefore I thought perhaps that'd be amusing to break up the year and associate each of our months with a certain character. Maybe the months have the same name or a different one from ours. But maybe a list like this could be useful?
[Month - God(dess)]
March - Aelia
April - Keithen
May - Zacharie
June - Myesha
July - Roshan
August - Alan
September - Kolya
October - Liena
November - Kaser
December - Mikhail
January - ??? (Matagot)
February - Henrique
As for myths and such...while I'll admit to not have really thought too hard about creation (yet), a while ago a vague idea for the apocalypse may have been discussed. I guess it's a little outdated since it was bounced around back with the supposed relationships for the gods (as in, how humans viewed them) so some of the more recent gods aren't listed. However it was generally just planned to involve as many of the gods as possible, since this is the mythology according to the humans who believe they are gods. As such, it includes the characters and some of the relationships.
First of all, the reserved slot is for a god of mistakes. What if they did something wrong (a mistake) which resulted in the death of another god (Zacharie). Then (according to the myth as created by humans), his "parents" (Henrique and Myesha) went to ask Aelia to bring him back as she is the goddess of life. But she can't as Mikhail, the god of death, would have his soul. So Aelia goes to talk to him, and he grants her passage to the world of the dead to retrieve Zacharie's spirit. However, there are rules and she is not allowed to try to take any other spirits for revival. So Aelia goes to the spirit world but breaks the rules, trying to save others too. So she ends up trapped in the land of the dead, neither truly living nor truly dying.
Aelia's disappearance causes a lot of issues. Without the balance of day and night, sun and moon, the world is plunged into an eternal night and Kaser basically has to take over both roles of ruling the day and the night. However without the light of the sun, Liena is free to terrorise and spread fear everywhere. Also due to Aelia's disappearance, her power is no longer present to keep her "sons" in check, meaning that Keithen and Kolya are free to descend on the lands and ravage them with fire, war and destruction, killing and destroying the world.
Obviously it would need tweaked to fit in Roshan and Alan somewhere. I thought it'd be interesting to have something new though, rather than to closely based on familiar myths of our own world. A different land would have different stories, right?
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