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Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 22nd, 2011, 4:42:04 pm
by Synchronized
TxCat wrote:
Synchronized wrote:They're generally busy with their own things/don't care/don't like them.
Busy with my own things? Certainly. But it's not true that I don't like children. -snipped-
I never said everyone did-- that's why the slashes are there. Differentiating between different choices or reasons.

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 3:41:16 am
by GrowlingCupcake
TxCat wrote:Point is, while I don't want them myself as long as people are respectful of that wish and don't try to force their own choices on me I am okay with it. If, however, you're one of those who thinks you should be worshiped for the mere act of being able to reproduce and you're shoving baby pictures or your belly at me, I am going to let you verbally have it...with both barrels.
I don't suppose you're on facebook? So. Goddamned. Many. Photos of people's kids. This is annoying when a) I don't even find kids cute and b) that's all they go on about! And really, who wants to see photos of potties and the like?

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 4:16:15 am
by Synchronized
GrowlingCupcake wrote:
TxCat wrote:Point is, while I don't want them myself as long as people are respectful of that wish and don't try to force their own choices on me I am okay with it. If, however, you're one of those who thinks you should be worshiped for the mere act of being able to reproduce and you're shoving baby pictures or your belly at me, I am going to let you verbally have it...with both barrels.
I don't suppose you're on facebook? So. Goddamned. Many. Photos of people's kids. This is annoying when a) I don't even find kids cute and b) that's all they go on about! And really, who wants to see photos of potties and the like?
Sounds like you'd enjoy Stfu, Parents on tumblr. XD

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 23rd, 2011, 4:20:45 am
by TxCat
GrowlingCupcake wrote:I don't suppose you're on facebook? So. Goddamned. Many. Photos of people's kids.
I am, but thankfully my former classmates and current friends are aware of how I feel about children. On occasion one of them will post a photo, but it's generally because they know of my interest in photography and the technical aspects of the photo are good. They never offer me their kids' photo albums and they know that if they put their kids in their avatars, I'll drop them.

On not quite the same level, I also find others' pet photos as annoying. If you're going to post photos, make them good ones. I don't want to see your baby tinkling or your dog leaving a loop on someone else's yard.

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 24th, 2011, 5:35:53 am
by fawnfur13
Childfree. I made the decision a long, long time ago when i myself was still a small child and for a few reasons.

-I hate babies, i never have and never will understand why some people like them, never mind think they're cute.
-I certainly do not want to go through the pregnancy and birth.
-Just because it becomes a legal adult doesn't mean it'll instantly move out and care for itself...
-I get irritated so easily that it isn't even funny, i don't think that would go well with a child.
-I don't think I'd be capable of caring for a child physically, mentally or financially.
-I have plans for life that involves quite a bit of travel, i wouldn't have the time for a child and trying to balance travel and child would stress me out.

The closet thing i will ever have to a child will be something like a dog, or a goat... or something of that non-human nature. I mean, I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend or getting married (though I'm going to be very picky about the guy i choose), but i would do everything in my power to make sure i wouldn't get pregnant, even if it meant surgery. And yeah, i do believe I've gotten that "You'll change your mind when you grow up" thing from my mom once or twice, i don't know how long ago that was but i do think (and hope) that i've made myself very, very clear about my opinion by now.

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 24th, 2011, 8:10:08 am
by KaneFirestarter
Personally, I have various reasons for wanting to be childfree. 1: I'm not that great with kids anyway. I'm not sure how I'd do with kids of my own. 2: I know how I can be sometimes-irresponsible, unreasonable, and all-out, downright idiotic. Why on Earth would I want tos subject a kid, be it my own or someone else's, to that kind of parental guidance? I'm sorry, but it just screams "BAD IDEA" to me. 3: I'd rather NOT go through the same hoops MY parents have had to over the years. I would go completely insane and be placed in a mental hospital. 4: I'm as antisocial as a person can be without having Asperger's (no bashing intended) and would sooner dissapear than have anything to do with anyone, much less a kid.

So yeah, I'd say those are some rather valid reasons for me to be childfree.

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 12:43:52 pm
by FennecFyre
My reasons for planning to be childfree and probably single.

1. I just don't want a kid, plain and simple. I think babies are cute, but I couldn't care for one of my own.
2. I'm simply not interested in getting married.
3. The world already has a ton of people.

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 1:05:11 pm
by Croeclaw
Even though I'm still young, I'm pretty sure I won't have a kid.
I would gladly adopt, it's a shame some children out there have no one to love and depend on for caring. I however have a phobia of sexual intercourse, thus I plan on being a virgin my entire life. Would I get married? Possibly, I would just marry a guy who understands that I'm not comfortable which such things. I also come off as a no b-s person, so I really couldn't deal with all the drama of a toddler. Or even the drama of a teenager. Plus, I have a high chance of being the fourth generation of an Alzheimer victim, I would never want any member of my family to see me slowly deteriorate to the point where I can no longer remember them. My mother had to face that, and my grandmother only remembers my dance recital when I was about six years old. She still thinks I'm six years old.
Will I be Childfree? Likely yes.
Will I give birth to a child? Likely not, go through 9 months of being unable to fit into my favorite pair of jeans? Hell no.

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 1:36:43 pm
by kinatora
Im not saying children are God's gift either. Of course children can be a handful but remember adults can a handful to put up with as well. Even if you don't like childen don't say insulting things about them, that only makes you look bad since not every child in the world has wronged you. You just start some unneeded drama when you insult someone who has done no wrong to you and we all need to remember that what goes around comes around that's not only true about children but for us adults as well. If anything it'll come back harder on an adult so we need to be especially careful about what we say or it could come back to huant us in the future. The longer it takes to happen the worst it'll be when it finally does happen.

I've learned tht the hard way and i'm just trying to prevent it from happening to others as well. I lost my friend a long time ago after something like this and i don't even know if she is alive or not anymore. I can't apologize to someone else online who I insulted since he is dead now, and guilt eats at me because he was a truly a good person. So please try to not put any insults in here, lets keep magistream one of the few sites that are actually about being polite and thoughtful please. Lets keep it clean as possible

Re: Childfree?

Posted: February 26th, 2011, 3:35:30 pm
by ryuusquall
I am 16, in England that means im legal and so in theory, I could legally have a child by now. I find that such a scary thought! Though, fewer and fewer people are paying any attention to the whole ‘no sex before you are 16 rule’. And we also have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the whole of Europe, despite the fact that there are some other places where the legal age is a gob smacking 12 years old!

But ive gone a little off track.
I, like many others who have posted, believe that there are plenty of people already on this Earth, and so if girls in my year are planning to have four children, should I really go and have any myself?
However, apart form when they throw tantrums and act spoilt, I generally like children and have been told I am very good the young’uns. However, I just cant imagine having children! Sure, I know I would be a better mother then, say a crack addict prostitute, but its such a big responsibility! And my parents are so wonderful, how could I ever live up to that?