The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by alyssawillome »

alyssawillome wrote: Literacy:
Post length;Just below semi-lit~Literate
Grammar;Decent, I'm good about not making grammar mistakes. However if I do it will most likely be a coma splice, which are again, rare.
Spelling; Pretty good, normally I can manage a long post with no spelling mistakes, if there are any it's normally somthing little like missing a letter(like I intentionally did to something here). If I am up late like most people the later the hour, the worse my spelling normally becomes, if I say something like "It's around ten here so I'm a bit tired." Then you can expect a spelling mistake like the little ones every once in awhile. If my spelliing isreally bad tell me to go to bed (XD).
I prefer post being at least three sentences or longer with proper grammar you may be a grammar perfectionist I don't mind, but my grammar might not be as good cause I am on an iPod with buttons smaller then my pinky nail, so go easy on me. I am fairly active and will reply in a speed based on literacy and what I have to work with, so it goes to say if you post 4-7 large in depth paragraphs it will take me at my fastest response about 1-2 hours, and at slowest two days, in something with 3 sentences to 2 paragraphs it'll take me at my fastest response time about 5-20 minutes, while in my slowest about a day. My posting time however also depends on what I have to work with, if you give me three sentences like "He exited the building and began walking to school. The school was about thirty minutes from his house so he walked at a normal pace to get there. It was so early in the morning it was still dark." Then I may take a little longer to reply to this then to reply to a four paragraph reply in another 1x1, this is because of the monster we all know as 'wb' and if I'm not given enough detail to respond to then I find it a little hard to both make a decent sized reply, or find the motivation to respond right away.

I like to rp romance into the plot, normally not keeping it the plot, there has to be a real plot. I am not afraid to fade-to-pm and am guilty of doing so. If we have some action I like a little blood but not guts everywhere okay? Good.

Characters-I perfer to play female, if I have more then one character I'll take males as well.
Romance has to be m/f I'm just not good at f/f or m/m.

Humans<Mine are normally blind to keep it interesting>++++
Dragon riders((not eragon just riders.))+++++
Slave x master
Human x vampire, werewolf, hybrid, shifter etc.
Werewolf x vampire, werewolf
Females x male/female
Only for private groups rps (1x2 1x3))
Warrior cats,
I will not do:
Horses, I just can't rp them
Pm me If you're interested or have an rp idea.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by SleepySpaceDad »

Looking for some victims RP partners!

What to expect from me:
  • Long, 1-10 paragraph posts, depending on your own posting length and what's going on the RP
  • Amazing grammar and spelling. I mean it, if I find a mistake in previously posted post, I'll probably edit it
  • Posts at least once a day, unless things are happening in my life. I'll probably tell you

Yes, I am one of those "nit-picky" literate people, but I find grammar a useful literary device, and when used correctly makes reading easy and you can even add more expression to it than if you did not use the proper punctuation.

And I would like the same from my partner, except for the time between posts. And I would like to keep things planned out for the future of the RP. Like a simple plotline that can be expanded as need be. So, don't worry if I PM you about some crazy idea I get.

As for what I RP, I RP everything as long as it is interesting. However, my everything, unfortunately, does not involve full animal characters, as I find those not as complex as the characters I can make when they're human. So, I will do a real life romance, a Sci-Fi adventure through space, some fandoms (PM me about one, and I'll tell you whether or not I like it), and anything else you can think of. I tend to be pretty open, and I can always plan a plot if you need one.
PM me if you want my discord.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by duskfall »

duskfall wrote:Hi, My name is Duskfall but you can call me Dusk. you have stumbled onto my private role play partner post. Let me start by telling you a few things about me self and how I like to role play and what I would like from a partner.

I love to role play. I have been ding it for about five years. until a few months ago the best I could do was one or two lines a post but over the summer I have been able to add to that and can average about a small paragraph or more per character in a post but that is if a get a good reply . I like role playing for at least two characters or more per thread. I am on most every day unless I am sick or otherwise just can not get on.

I would like a partner who is on at least once a day and who will post a good amount but I am not picky. IF you have a good plot most likely I will role play with you no matter what.

Some of the things I like to role play are

Voltron force
hunger games
warrior cats
shape shifters (( I have a good Idea for this one))
Once upon a time
romance(( I have a couple of plot bunnies for this one))
Avengers (( Show, movie ))
agents of shield
any part of the marvel verse that I can (( I am still learning but If you want to try something I don't know about I will do my best))
I am to trying any plot I like even if it does not fall under any of this and if it is a fandom that I don't know I am willing to learn about it.

and I am always looking for a partner

ANYTHING Especially if it's something I dont already have. I took a hiatus since 2012 and just getting back into things so I missed alot.
anything k9 based especially dire wolves, boraen wolf's.
Any event creature realised after 2012 
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Silvrechan »

Hi, I'm Silvrechan, but y'all can just call me Silvre (or Chan, I get that sometimes too). I'm just about always looking for new roleplay partners, so feel free to shoot me a PM anytime! I live in the Pacific Standard Timezone (GMT -8, I believe) and I'm usually online from about 9:00 to 9:30 reliably, and sometimes later. I'm often on earlier though, depending on how much work I've got. It really just depends on the day.

Anywho, I'm looking for someone literate. You don't need huge paragraphs, but please, 3 lines bare minimum, although at least a paragraph or more is preferred. I'll usually try to match whatever you write, but if each of us only writes one or two lines every time we post, it'll take forever to get anywhere. Also, good grammar/spelling is preferred. I know that we're all human, we all make mistakes, but c'mon people. Spellcheck really isn't that hard to use. Also, please don't cuss too much. I don't mind some cussing, just don't use profanity every other word in every sentence.

Will Do:
  • Fandoms that I know about (I'll put a list below)
  • Almost anything with fantasy/scifi. Angels/demons, aliens, monsters, or more traditional lore like dragons, elves and faeries. Just so long as it has a good plot.
  • Original ideas- something unique and fun. I'm game for just about anything.
  • Just about anything, actually!

Won't Do:
  • No m/m or f/f romance. It's just not my thing.
  • School drama as a main plot. I get enough of this in real life.
  • Instant romance
  • Plotless RP

Really really want to do:
  • Interesting cultures (I particularly like gypsy, Asian, and Victorian era cultures)
  • World building. I love love LOVE coming up with interesting, really complicated cultures and characters for the cultures.
  • I'd be interested in doing a roleplay based on underwater life, such as selkies or mermaids or Atlantis.
  • Fandoms I'd love to RP (with original characters, preferably) are Harry Potter, Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons or any of the fandoms it encompasses, Epic, Hunger Games...

I'm pretty sure I forgot something. Oh well!

My Fandoms:
Inuyasha, Tokyo Mew Mew, Avatar and Korra, Rise of the Guardians, How to Train your Dragon, The Croods, the Borrowers/Arrietty, Hunger Games, Warriors (the book series), and the Larklight series to name a few. I like just about anything Disney, too. Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons is a crossover I'd love to roleplay.

Just a warning- I tend to disappear randomly for days at a time. It's a bad habit, I know. Feel free to nag me via PM. Also, I'm a Jesus freak. If my religion bugs you, sorry. But don't expect me to hide or change that. That's not to say I won't be open-minded- I don't bash other people's religion as a rule. But just so you know what to expect.
EDIT: Newest post is here.
Last edited by Silvrechan on April 30th, 2015, 3:49:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm no longer active on this site. I'm still around various places as theladysilvre. Thanks for the memories!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Silvereil [url=](from page 15)[/url] wrote:Image

I am looking for some Private 1x1 RP Partners. Truthfully, I have no limit on how many Private RP's I do at once. If one person gets busy, I simply switch over to another. I like active RPers who are on a lot because I often get bored. However, enough about me. Below is some information on what I look for in a suitable RPer for me, what I can RP and what I cannot RP. Feel free to make suggestions at anytime and PM me if you are interested (like said at the very end).

What to expect from me:
  • Playing multiple characters of different genders and races
    • I can play either gender, since I'm pretty flexible and I'm fine with doing either. Often, I might play more than one character just to add a bit of excitement to the RP. Also, I enjoy playing characters of different races as well. I can play a wide variety of different races, from shapeshifters to vampires to just regular humans.
  • Being fairly active
    • I try to be as active as I can, and I think I do a pretty good job at that. But, as with everyone, things do come up. So please be patient with me if I suddenly disappear or my posting becomes a little more irregular, though I will try to let you know when I expect to be gone for a bit ahead of time so you're prepared.
  • Romance
    • Yes, I enjoy romance, though only as a side plot. Romance as a main plot does not work for me. Also, though I have nothing against homosexuals or bisexuals, I only do male x female since I have no experience playing really anything else, though perhaps if you're one of the extremely persuasive types, you might be able to get me to try it sometime
  • I'm a semi-lit player
    • I normally RP with what I consider to be quite decent grammar, like correct spellings and punctuation, use of words and all that. Yes, I am still human and I make typos here and there, but I try my best not to do that. My posts generally range from three or four lines to a few paragraphs and I try to use different wording so it's more interesting and not as boring to read. Please don't be too angry if I correct any spelling or grammar issues I see repeatedly. It bugs me a little bit when I see that.
  • I don't curse
    • Even when I speak, I just don't curse. Writing, typing, it makes me feel weird when I curse. I suppose it's due to my upbringing and thanks to my parents. So, for those of you who don't like cursing, congrats! I don't ever curse. For those of you who do like cursing and wish to see it in your RP partner, well, sorry. Perhaps you might want to find someone else.

What I expect from you:
  • Everything in threads will be PG-13
    • I like romance and violence, just not too much blood, guts, and gore or too much heated romance. If we do go further, which I can do if I must, we will take it into PMs, though I'd prefer to just timeskip (TS) since I don't like filling up my inboxes too fast.
  • No swear words
    • Sorry, but please keep swearing to the minimal. I don't mind little things like hell or things like that, but if you must use words such as sh*t and f*ck, please star it out like you just saw, or just don't use those words at all. I hear them enough on a daily basis and I don't need them RPed.
  • No PM RPs
    • They fill up my inboxes too fast
  • No Perfect or Overpowered (OP'd / OP) Characters
    • I enjoy having characters with amazing abilities who are strong, but there is a point where I dislike them. When characters start being able to dodge every blow, their power increasing to god-like powers with every move, and being able to tear the earth apart or kill someone with one flick of their finger, then I start to get irritated. No one is perfect.
  • Please choose to RP something you like
    • I don't like feeling like I'm having to drag you through the RP, being the only one to be creative. I would prefer that you are just as creative if not more creative, excited to push on. I've done RPs in the past where I've been the only one coming up with plot ideas, things to make the RP more interesting, etc. I'd rather not have to do that, because if I do, I might just fade away and eventually stop posting.
  • Post more than just 2 or 3 lines and make it interesting
    • I understand everyone has writer's block every now and then, but please not every post. I love Semi-Lit to Literate RPs and actually prefer them. I want to see detail! Please try not to use the same wording over and over again, like "'... you,' she said in her sweet tones'. Use different wording choices and make it fun, please.

Things I want to do:
  • Fantasy/Adventure
  • Firelight (RP based on a book series, the only one I will do)
  • Something with MagiStream Creatures
  • Something with Selkies and/or Skinwalkers

Things I can or will do:
  • Fantasy RP's with creatures, powers, magic, shifters, werewolves, vampires, etc.
  • Dragons
  • Futuristic Space or other Sci-Fi
  • Medieval RP's
  • Suggest something that's not on here and I'll see

Things I don't like and would prefer not to do:
  • Maximum Ride
    • I have absolutely no idea what it is and it's probably best you just didn't try to explain it to me
  • Warriors
  • MLP
    • Sorry. I'm not really in to it all that much.
  • Pure Romance
    • Romance is great, and I have it in most of my RPs, but please, not as a main plot. It doesn't go anywhere after it gets started and things become pretty dull and boring after a few pages.
  • Anything based on books, Movies, TV Shows Celebrities, etc. that aren't listed above in the will do sections
  • Suggest something that's not on here and I'll tell you whether I can do it or not


Plot ideas: (Ones with a * next to it are ones I prefer/want to do)
For Romance/Realistic Regular Human RP's:
War of the Heart

A soldier who had been deployed to Afghanistan has no returned home. He was injured in battle and is now blind for life. Not only does he have to live with blindness, but he also has to jump right back into the regular daily life. He has to find a job to pay for the house, figure out how to live almost normally again, and work on getting through the scars left by battle, both mentally and physically.

Things do not seem to be going well, and for the first few months, he is struggling. He has no job, since no one wants a blind person scarred by battle working for him. This results in having practically no money. But things are about to turn around for him when he meets someone special who just might help him get through all that and more.

A soldier deployed to a base in Afghanistan has discovered something mysterious. Something that may endanger the army's mission, and maybe more. Of course he can't let this happen and looks into it more and more. But everywhere he turns, there is a strange woman there to block his progress. He'll get closer, then be stopped, and closer still, and be stopped. It's a never ending struggle. Will he be able to uncover the plot and save the United States? What will he do about this infuriating woman who's blocking his progress?

A woman part of a group working to foil the plans of the US army and protect her citizens is charged with a mission. A soldier from the very army she and her group are trying to foil is investigating, having discovered something that's leading him dangerously close to finding out the plot. He cannot be allowed to find out about this plot, and must be turned away. Only thing is, the job is not easy. He is stubborn and every one of her attempts doesn't exactly discourage him or lead him in the wrong direction. Will she be able to deter this soldier, or will she fail?

For Fantasy RP's:
The Lost Dracons

Dracons are similar to dragons, descendants of the dragons. Each dracon has a silver, gold, or platinum collar with a single gem in it, giving them a certain power, whether it be mind-reading, telepathy, power over the 4 basic elements, an aurora of some sort, etc. If this gem is broken or stolen, then the dracon loses its power and is no better than an iguana. The dracons live on another world, separate from the human world and hidden from the human eye.

A dracon can be bound with one person, a person who is born at the exact same time it hatches from its egg. This is a very rare event, so Draconans, humans bound with a dracon, are rare. Neither of the two know of their link at first, but they slowly become aware of it as time passes. A Draconan shares the power of its dracon, also being blessed with keener senses, quicker reflexes, and a longer life.

This story is about after the Great War, when the dracons and their Draconans were near to being wiped out. It's about those who went into hiding, and the two that would change the world forever. When the other 8 would not take action, these two did and changed history, giving both Earth and Thycoran (The hidden dracon world) another chance to survive.
Fire and Water

There is a war going on between two kingdoms of shapeshifters, the Phalos [Shapeshifters of Fire (Or shapeshifters with power over fire)] and the Hrythna [Shapeshifters of Water (Or shifters with power over water)]. The war has been going on for about 100 years now, a struggle for power. It all came down to a bloody battle in the swamp. The two sides were at a standoff when out of nowhere, a thunder of dragons came and wiped out both armies. From each side, there was only one survivor, a boy and a girl. Will they get over their hatred of each other long enough to survive, maybe even fall in love? And will they uncover the mystery behind the dragons' attack?
* The Eclipse Warriors - Very similar to the Mortal Instruments, but not exactly like it

There are many worlds on earth. Strange, yes, but true. However, this is a focus on two in particular: the world that "normal" humans know of, the modern one today, and the world just beneath the surface of that one, known by the "special" humans, the Eclipse Warriors. These Eclipse warriors are a special group of humans, just normal humans, that have the ability to see what others cannot. A world infested with shadows, demons, and fallen angels. These warriors dedicate themselves to ridding the world of these creatures to save the human race, but it is not always easy. Even with their enhanced abilities such as speed, eyesight, hearing, and smell along with their specialized weapons said to be made of the metal of heaven itself, these Shadow creatures have abilities of their own to counteract the powers of the Eclipse warriors.

While these battles rage on, the "normal" human world goes on, not seeing a thing, not even seeing the Eclipse warriors, and not knowing that every day, the world is in danger of collapsing around them. Well, most of these normal people. There is one, a certain girl, who can see through this veil and see what the world is really like, to see what the world of an Eclipse warrior is like. How is this possible? She's a human. What will happen to her when the Eclipse warriors find out?

PM me if you're interested.

Status: Looking/Not Looking

*Also posted on page(s) 28
Last edited by Silvereil on June 11th, 2014, 5:22:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Allienna »

Im on very often and looking for something particularish. I dont care about grammar or length.What i want is a highschoolor colage romance. If your interested pm me and ill pm you the plot details. WARNING MAY GO TO ADULT CONTENT.
Last edited by Allienna on January 10th, 2014, 10:09:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Boredom!! :D

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »


I'm on everyday and can post several times a day, I'm as active as my partner and my posts will try to match your length ^^.

Totally have an idea :d

Plot A:
I want a fantasy RP. Set in a fantasy medieval setting. Elves, other mythological creatures (human/oid please ;A; ) Basically,a princess, tired of living in the life of luxury, tired of being waited on hand and foot, never getting to do things for herself, runs away after they learn they are to be married to the son of a powerful king in another kingdom (maybe out of a peace treaty or something?)

As she is running, the leader of a small group of bandits, a prince who after tiring of being treated as second class by his family, and learning that, in the event of his father's death would inherit nothing of the kingdom, comes across the running princess as he and his band are traveling to a nearby town for supplies. He decides to "protect" the princess until they make it to the village, where they are supposed to go their separate ways. However, the ex-prince turned con, knowing she is a princess, leaves a ransom to the king, planning on accepting a large sum of money in exchange for the princess.

Oh, also the ex-prince is the brother of the man the princess is engaged to be married to. Though neither of them know this.
I'm comfortable playing male or female characters, this RP would probably have each of us playing more than one character (especially if I'm playing the ex-prince, I have him fleshed out quite a bit and even have back stories for his fellow thieves and bandits x3). This would probably have some romance, and I totally want more plot than just this so I really want to know if you have other ideas to add!

Plot B:
A medieval setting of sorts
Magic is common though only certain types are legal. The current king has separated magics into 'light' and 'dark' magic. Neither is inherently good but the 'darker' magics are indeed dark, involving animating inanimate objects, reanimating corpses, and even controlling the bodies of living beings. They can also manipulate shadows.
Light magics tend to focus more on healing and growing. 'Light' magic users are often good with animals and plants, many farmers born with 'light' magic do much better than those with dark magic or no magic at all, always having better crop and year round to boot. They are also able to manipulate the fire and light.

Plot: For the past twenty years the country's king, a man named Alexander John Phineas, has taken it upon himself to search for all practitioners of dark magic to either be imprisoned or killed. He deems them untrustworthy and dangerous to the public. And recent events make it seem that the king's choices were warranted.
Someone has been using dark magic to build an army of magic users who fear for their lives, family members who have lost loved ones, and others who may may not actually be alive...

This is where our characters would come in, one of them would be a man who was arrested for being a practitioner of dark magic, a skill he was born with and studied deeply.
The other, a knight of some kind, working for the king and asked to leave the young man of his imprisonment to help them stop the stranger trying to gain control of the kingdom.

As before, I wouldn't mind each of us having different characters as well (I have a character in mind for the imprisoned practitioner all fleshed out but I don't mind playing another/or other characters).
As I said before, adding more to this plot would be amazing!! I had two RP's with this same plot and they were wildly different (and terribly sad they didn't continue for as long as I'd have liked ;A:).

I Can:
~Match posts to the best of my abilities, I tend to post long first posts, and they grown and shrink depending on my partner's (if you make the first post). If I make the first post, please try to match, or outdo my post (it will give me a chance to write more and be more descriptive ;) ).
~ Play male, or female characters.
~Play multiple characters.

What I Like:
~Vampires (usually paired with something not a vampire)
~Werewolves (Though I don't really play them, I've never really tried and I suck with animal POV's).
~Anything fantasy related, if you have a plot even if I don't like it, we may be able to work out one we both like!
~People with powers!
~Adventure (preferably with fantasy elements ^^; )
~Romance (usually as a subplot) (M/F, or M/M)

What I Won't Do:
~Anything with an animal POV. I can have a character with a pet, but the whole...thinking like humans. I tend to just give them way too many human characteristics so I don't like doing it .-.
~Anything based off a movie, book or t.v. series. Even if I'm in love with it I do not want to RP them, I have tried to make exceptions but only a handful were successful and I really don't like doing it much .__.
~ Not really comfortable with F/F

Feel free to PM with any questions, ideas or if you want to RP :wave: !
Last edited by Padfootsmistress777 on July 5th, 2014, 6:48:22 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by fursonah »

I'm looking for a small group (1-3 others I guess) of roleplayers. Semi-lit or lit would be preferred.
I want to do a fantasy roleplay, but I'm not picky! I'm also not a huge fan of roleplays based off of another series/movie/etc., but I will make exceptions for Warrior cats.

Romance is optional and not exactly preferred. Even if you want it, I'm very weird with the way I portray it. I'm also very weird with the way I portray gender. If you're very strict with those things, you might not want to roleplay with me.
I kind of want to keep it at one character per user, but if more are necessary then its not quite a big deal.

What I like doing:
Animals (realistic or anthro)
Warrior cats (or any clan-type thing)
Dragons/gryphons/any fantasy creature
Magistream creatures

What I won't do:
Fandom roleplays
Pop-culture werewolves
Anything involving real-life figures
Racist/misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic scenarios
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he / him / his
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Kestrad »

I'm looking for a few 1x1 RP partners. I'm mostly into fantasy of all types but I will also do sci-fi. Especially if I get to play a mad scientist :devil:

I'm looking for literate role plays, meaning consistently good spelling and grammar. I don't care how long or short each post is, though, as long as it helps drive the story forward or does world building and hopefully gives me something to work with.

What I like doing:
Mage-y/magical stuff in general
High fantasy
....fantasy in general XD

What I won't do:
Most fandom roleplays. Feel free to ask, though, I do make exceptions.
Explicit smut
Tons and tons of characters

As fair warning, I have a tendency to drop off the face of the planet for a while when I get super busy. I'll try to give you notice but that's not always possible.
Kestrad has been eaten by life. She'll probably pop back in occasionally.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by StrikerEureka »

NOT LOOKING for a 1x1

Hello. StrikerEureka here! I’m looking for a 1x1 partner. I’m a Semi-lit poster (posts consisting of one to three good-sized paragraphs, with good grammar and spelling). I post in third person. Most of my characters are males, but I can do females if I need too. I tend to play older males 20-37 in age. But I am able to play younger as well. I would prefer a person who can post the same length as I can, if not longer than me.

Example Post:
~None Yet~

So here’s what I can do and what I’m looking for:

What I Will Do:
Mythical Creatures (Dragons, Unicorns, Griffins, ect.)
Science Fiction
Gifted Humans/Magic
Medieval--Stuff Like: Lord Of The Rings

~That’s All I Can Think Of For Now~

What I’m Comfortable With:
Alien Plant
Apocalypse--No Zombies

~That’s All I Can Think Of For Now~

Things I’m Ok At / Would Like To Try:
Steam Punk

~That’s All I Can Think Of For Now~

What I Won’t Do:
Flat Out Good vs. Evil
High school/College

~Anything Else Not Listed In The Previous Categories~
Last edited by StrikerEureka on June 13th, 2014, 1:54:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I am sorry to say; but it's good-bye this day.
I am leaving Magistream.
But don't you cry.
Maybe I'll be back again.

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