The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Mikanu270 »

Hi! I'm Mikanu, but you may call me Mika! :angel: I've already posted one of these, but it's a long way back and putting a link in my signature doesn't get much attention.
Anyway, it's been a long time and I'm looking again!

What I'd like to RP:
-Pokemon(Any kind of Pokemon, the Pokemon themselves or Pokemon trainers or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, or even perhaps Gijinkas.)
-Vampires(I love this subject, but not Twilight vampires. I like the ones that are more geared towards death and darkness and the whole evil scheme.)
-End of the world RP(Apocalypses are lots of fun!)
-Warrior Cats(I still love to RP this topic. It's a lot of fun in my eyes.)
-Childhood Friends(I have this idea of two childhood friends, one of them being a thief. I think it could make for a great 1x1. ^_^ )
-RichXPoor(It's a pretty basic idea.)
-Gifted humans(Humans with powers and the such.)
-Animes(Let's see... Soul Eater, Deadman Wonderland, Elfen Lied. That's all I really know.)
-The book Gone by Michael Grant(RPing this might turn out to be fun!)
-Shapeshifters, or half human half animal(These end up being fun.)
-Anything that you'd like to suggest, just nothing that I don't want to do.
What I do not want to RP:
-Normal humans. That gets really boring.
-MxM or FxF. Not comfortable with it, and I don't have any experience anyway.
-Pure romance. No thank you.
-TV shows. No no no.
-No movies, no books(except for Gone.)
What I expect from my partner:
-Don't abandon the RP without telling me that you are. I'd rather know than be left in the dust.
-At least three lines. Give me something I can reply to.
-Please help me with ideas for the RP.
-Keep the RP interesting. I will help you, of course.
-Have knowledge of the subject we are RPing.
-Do not be a godmodder(being invincible or more powerful than any other character.)
What you can expect from me:
-I make up ideas by the time we get into the RP because I get comfortable with it.
-All of my effort to put action and romance and the stuff that's needed into the RP.
-At least three lines, if I have something to work with. I tend to write more and more as the RP progresses successfully.
-Good grammar and spelling. I've got spellcheck anyway. :P
-I can RP any gender, though as years pass, I find myself more comfy with playing the male character. However, being female is no problem for me!
So that's what I'm looking for. :)
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by NovaSplitz »

Looking For A Partner

Hey there, I'm NovaSplitz, but you can just call me Nova, Chloe, or just Splitz. I'm sem-literate, I try to have 5 or more sentences with each post, and am willing to work with anything. I may not be able to reply every day, so there may be a small 1-day wait.

Partner Must
  • Semi-Literate
  • Able to write more than 3 sentences per post
  • Deal with a 1-Day possible wait for reply
  • Have fun & enjoy RPing

Want & Willing To RP
  • Pokemon
  • Magistream
  • Anime that I have seen (Just ask if you have an idea)
  • Animals
  • Fantasy
  • Supernatural (Like ghosts and such)

Will Not RP
  • Twilight
  • Harry Potter
  • Warrior Cats
  • School Based
  • A Lot Of Romance (I like romance but just not too much of it)
  • Anything Having To Do With Books

I hope to get a partner or two through this!~

Help Me Hatch Them Quickly Please!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by rainbowjuice »

Hey! I'm rainbowjuice (as you can obviously see :t-dance: ), and I would love to do a dragon PRPG with somebody! I'm looking for a very literate and happy person. :haha: Please message me! Thanks :D
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Guenhwyvar7373 »

Hello! I haven't been on this site in ages, and this is one of those relatively-newfangled things for me, so please be patient if I mess up, haha.

About me--
I'm a relatively-literate roleplayer; I always do my best with grammar and spelling. I have been in one-on-ones where the post length was an average of 6 or 7 paragraphs, but that's only the maximum that I can do, not the expectation, so don't worry! I rarely post fewer than 5 sentences or so, and my post length is directly correlated to the number of actions that my character takes, and thus, indirectly, my engagement with the roleplay. I will always do my best to post once a day, though occasionally I'll have to take a few-day hiatus. In that case, I promise to warn you as soon as I know.

I can also provide examples upon request.
I am looking for partners who are relatively active [ preferably at least a post every day / every few days ] and will post a decent-sized paragraph most of the time. I'll match your post length most of the time. I'd also like you to do your best to contribute evenly to the plot development, and come up with original twists for our plotting. I also want us both to have fun! If something in the RP just isn't working for you, make sure to PM me and tell me, and we can work something out or mutually decide to stop RPing. I'll do the same.
Things I Like--
I like to play male characters, first off-- it's a little more difficult for me to RP female characters, as I really only know how to be one kind of girl [ hint: that's the kind I am ], and I like RPing because I can be people that I'm not. With regards to romance, I'm willing to do both MxF and MxM, but I usually won't play a girl.

In terms of plot, I like action / adventure / sci-fi stuff a lot. Fantasy is also welcome, and gifted humans are usually good. Dragons are a pretty big plot candy for me, and some kind of conflict is an absolute must. I also like romance, though it's not necessary; like candied yams, romance is good as a side dish, but if there's too much, you'll get sick. I like playing things related to royalty, court intrigues or battles, and the like. I enjoy RPing modern supernatural plots as well. Academy RPs are interesting if done well.

I'd also be willing to do fandom RPs of various types; I've read a lot of books, and I'm also familiar with most popular manga, manhua, and manhwa, though I don't watch all that much anime. Things that I'd specifically love to do include AtLA [ I'm much more familiar with the original series ], something based loosely on Seraphina, and something based loosely on Tower of God. By the way, if you have read Tower of God, clearly you are awesome and should message me so we can talk about awesome ToG things [ regardless of whether you want to do the RP haha ].

In general, I'm game for anything that I don't dislike.
Things I Dislike and Usually Won't Do--
I'm not up for psychological / horror RPs. I just can't get into them, and psychological stuff is something of a sensitive topic for me.

I don't like RPs with just romance in them; I usually get bored and fade away.

I also don't like doing stock plots where I know exactly what's going to happen from the start. If you want to do a RP where our characters are a vampire and a werewolf who fall in love and get found out, but run away and stay together, you're asking the wrong person. I would be willing to do a plot of that type if it were in a larger arena-- for example, if they ended up fighting on opposite sides of a war and had to work through their complicated feelings. [ Though I would tend to prefer something other than vampires and werewolves. ]

I also can't really get into steampunk and Victorian stuff, or RPs about normal people.
Specific Plots!
You'd play the prince [ or princess ] of a nation, one who has a very special ability that they've kept secret from essentially the entire court. This can be anything from magic to pickpocketing. They are set to inherit the throne-- but one night, a group of nobles stage a coup. This is where my character comes in. He will be either a court mage or a guard [ i.e. if your charrie's ability is magical, he will be a normal guard, and vice versa ]. He happens to be walking the corridors late at night, and discovers the coup in time to help your charrie escape the palace. From there, they will have to work together to retake the throne, and perhaps romance will even blossom.
Our characters are first-years in a renowned academy, which either specializes in teaching magic [ in which case this will take on a fantasy tinge ], piloting and combat [ in which case it will be more sci-fi-esque ] or academics and the arts [ in which case it will exist in a more real-world setting ]. I'm game for any of the three. One of our charries is from a family known for its skills, and is thus expected to do well; the other entered on a full scholarship, and has never been in this kind of environment before. They are assigned to work as a team for the remainder of the school year on the first day. The RP will chronicle their struggles to compensate for each other's weaknesses, maintain decent grades, and perhaps investigate suspicious events at the school, if you want the RP to involve that twist. :bounce:
That's about it for now-- I'll be updating this, and if there are any other RP plots you want to do with me, shoot me a PM! I'm very friendly. ^^
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Verdammt »

Hey, all. I'm Verdammt, and I'm looking for a few one-on-ones.

About Me:
First off, I've been roleplaying for several years now; I'm just new to this site. My posts can range anywhere from two paragraphs to an entire wall of text. It just depends on what my partner gives me and how much there is to be posted. For example, I'm not going to post ten paragraphs if our characters are sitting somewhere, staring out of the windows or something. I try to remain active and post at least once a day, but things happen, such as spontaneous weekend trips with the family, and I can't access MS. I tend to roleplay guys, which means I'm cool with M/M and, if the plot's good, M/F.

Requirements: (God that sounds stiff as hell)
I'm looking for a partner who is somewhere along the lines of semi-lit. I won't expect a novel out of you unless I post one, and even then, it's unlikely. I'd hope that you'd be alright with mentions of drugs, sexual themes, coarse language, violence, LGBTQ, and other things that some aren't partial to. If you're not, I can dig it. I'm sure we can work something out. If you help me out with the plot's development or just throw some random things in every now and then, that'd be great. If you want to end the roleplay, tell me. I'll do the same for you.

Onto things that I would like to roleplay, there's a short list as of now. -Sweats nervously-
• Zombie apocalypse
Not specific, I know, but it's more fun to develop an exact plot with things like how it happened and the setting, so forgive me.
• 1920s-1930s gangsters
Ah, the lovely period of the Prohibition; of hitmen and Valentines Day Massacres; of speakeasies, crap games, and broads.
• Treyarch's Nazi Zombies (Black Ops I and II)
Anything but the Green Run Crew's game with me, and I'd prefer the original guys to any OCs. If there's any pairings, I'll do Richtofen/Dempsey, Billy/Finn, and Billy/Weasel.
• Anything else?
If you think I'd want to do something, just ask.

There is some stuff that I don't want to do.
• Warrior cats
• Romance-centric plots
• F/F (I'm just not good at it.)
• I don't really know what else, but I'm not going to get pissy if you throw a plot at me and I don't like it.

In conclusion, if you would like to roleplay with this lame young man, shoot me a PM.
Last edited by Verdammt on September 29th, 2013, 7:52:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by zebtastic »

So hi, I'm Zeb. And I'm looking for some role-plays! c:
I'm new to this site but I've been role-playing about five to six years now. My posts tend to be on the longer side, but I can tell you right now that my intention is to get them on back on the shorter side. Well, not exactly on the short side, but shorter than I'm currently doing, because I've become rather long winded. You needn't worry at all, however, because this is just going to be me doing stuff with my writing style and hopefully not boring you!
If you're interested or would like, I would be totally willing to provide a writing sample. c:

What You Can Expect From Me
- My posts range from five paragraphs up. But, as I said, I am currently trying to condense my style a bit.
- Plots and communication about twists.
- A wide range of characters, both male and female, human or not.
- Activity, though it may sometimes take me a few days to get back to you.
- Ideas about plots, settings, etc most of the time, though I will admit sometimes I am stumped.
What I Expect
- Someone that's fun to role-play with, who understands pacing and good plot twists.
- Someone who has a basic understanding of spelling and grammar.
- Preferably, someone who can post at least a paragraph.
- Some type of a plot, whether it be vague to allow for more twists, or detailed to allow for a better understanding of what's going on. I usually prefer to talk about/brainstorm these plots with you, so I usually won't offer a set-in-stone plot.
- People who are openminded about plots, characters, etc.
What I Play
- M/f and f/f, mostly, however I may do m/m.
- Everything fantasy. Medieval or modern doesn't matter, though I may be a bit hesitant about time periods I am not as familiar with.
- Some Sci-fi. If it involves aliens and space, I'm usually up for it.
- Fandoms including: Homestuck, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, Pokemon, Skyrim and more! Feel free to ask about any/all fandoms.
- Feel free to suggest any genre/pairing/whatever. I will usually do it if you have some sort of a plot.
Right Now I'm Craving
- Mass Effect or other Sci-fi.
- A modern fantasy in which I would get to use a hunter of mine.
- Anything shapeshifters.
Thanks for reading this, everyone who does. ^^
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Looking for 1x1 RP Partner

Post by ConjoinedWeasels »

Hi! You can call me Weasel. I'm looking for some partners to RP with. I've been roleplaying for 6 years now, so I know what I'm doing. I'd prefer a partner with spelling/grammar/punctuation like mine.

What I won't do:

Typical teen highschool RPs (I did these for about 3 years and then they got boring)
Real people RPs
Fandoms I'm not in

What I would love to do:

Supernatural (the show, no OCs)
Doctor Who (OCs or canon characters)
Fire Emblem: Awakening (OCs or canon characters)
Anything medieval (Not fandom-related)
Post apocalyptic

PM me if interested!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by AlphaWolf »

Greetings and salutations fellow Roleplayers!

I'd like to introduce myself as AlphaWolf, or Alpha as I prefer to be addressed as. I'm currently on the hunt for some kind users who would be willing to throw a roleplay together with me!

I would like to think that I do well with my writing and roleplaying. I try to reply with enough text that I not only reply to your response, but also give you enough to work with for your own response. I believe I rarely make spelling mistakes (my own personal I have spell check :italian: ).

I would like to say now that I am mostly seeking 1x1, and not invites to group RPs. However, I would be willing to give a 1x1x1 a try if the idea is good!

I'm up for just about any RP that can be thought up, I'm not overly picky. However, I'll throw a like and dislike list below for safe measures. If you're not sure, feel free to PM me! (I have some random ideas thrown together, so if you need a plot idea, I'd be more than happy to throw one out at you and work with you to make it something that we both like~)

I'd be up for...
-Magi (Magistream based?)
-Slight Romance (Straight/Yaoi/Yuri)(would like to have something else with it, not just strict romance if possible)
-Any kind of animal (Canine, Feline (Warriors-esque), Equine (Spirit-esque), etc...)
-Supernatural beings
-Anime related (Meaning, I'd be up for an 'Inuyasha/Naruto' RP, but with our own characters, not the originals)
-Anything else that is not on my dislike list? Shoot me a PM?

Sorry, but I don't want to RP...
-Twilight Vampires/Werewolves
-Over-kill lovey dovey smoochy smoochy stuff. (I can throw in something sweet every now and then if we're doing romance, but I won't go through a whole RP like that.)
-Hunger Games RP

Thanks for your time! :wave:
Last edited by AlphaWolf on August 17th, 2015, 7:25:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Shadowsun »

Shadowsun wrote:Currently Looking

Search word: Shadowsun

About myself~
  • I keep about two to three RPs at the same time on average, so I'm not looking for a lot of new RPs.
  • My posts are generally 2-4 paragraphs long, depending on how long my partners posts are and how closely our characters are interacting.
  • How long it takes me to reply to RPs mirrors how long it takes my partner to reply. If I know that you'll reply within a few hours, I'll try to reply right after I see your post. For PMing I am on throughout the day and will respond very quickly. Regardless, I try to reply within two or three days at an absolute max.
  • I can easily roleplay with one or two main characters.
  • I'm fine with any sort of gore as long as it isn't excessive. Too much is just too much, and too much is boring.
  • I'm not bothered by swearing or most other things. I'll censer my characters by default should it come up unless you do any different.
My requirements~
  • Good grammar(Especially punctuation and capitalization) and spelling.
  • Reply within three days(on average).
  • One or more paragraphs per post.
  • In short, semi-lit or literate depending on your definitions.
  • I'm not very big on romance, but I'll do it as a side part of the plot if you want it.
  • I can RP past, modern, or futuristic time periods as well as completely fantasy ones.
  • Dark fantasy
  • Horror
  • Evil vampires. I'm not interested in vegetarian ones.
  • Elementals/Magic users
  • Dystopian
  • I will RP in a setting from a book/movie/ect but I don't like using the characters from it.
  • Anything interesting or different.
I'm interested in darker plots in general. I also like more interesting villains; they're just as much a part of the story as the heroes are. But I will do nicer plots as well, since most people seem to prefer that. I'm pretty flexible with plots and settings in general. If you have specific ideas, let me know and maybe we can try one out.

That should be everything. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Ely »

If I'm looking for partners this will say so. And it is saying so. c:

Hello, I'm elysium, but you can call me ely, Raven, or Akari. I be looking for 3-4 literate, creative, and adenture-loving role-play partners. It would be nice if you also had a sense of dry or sarcastic humor, but that's not really needed. I'm very active on MS unless I say so, but I pretty much am only on when the majority of you are sleeping because I live on the other side of the world - China. So please bear with me.

I like any kind of fantasy, magical creatures, and basically anything that's original and includes fighting. Yes, I know, I'm violent. Romance is a theme I'm willing to try as well, whether it be a side-plot or The Plot (yes, the capitals were meant to be capitals), unless it's mushy-wooshy or rom-com stuff. I like inventing weird-ass things, so don't be surprised if a four-headed cat with blue and green fur. Along with fangs that fit its whole face.



Literacy is what makes me sane and insane at the same time. Really. I check my whole post for mistakes two times over, and then edit it if I find that I typed out an extra comma or letter that shouldn't be there. I may not be perfect myself at the usage of grammar and spelling, I can safely say that I pass with a merit, and I would like that my partner has the same standards as I do. Once is a while is fine with me, but if it happens too many times we might have a slight disagreement there. I also ask that my partner hard returns each paragraph - this means pressing the 'enter' key TWICE. Please refrain from using text-talk with me.

I like my partners who have nice, juicy posts with detail and descriptions. I must be able to learn more about your character almost each time you post, but I don't need a post full of someone telling me how Mary-Sue is their character...or how the background looks - no. I just want a post that gives me something to build on, and relatively two to three paragraphs will work perfectly. Even more would be great, as I don't like typing one-liners or one paragraph full of nothing and awkwardness between the characters.

Please, please, please, never leave me hanging. It makes me sad, and I don't want to have to pave the path all the time in order to make things work. If that's the case, I'd rather not roleplay. Communication via OOC and/or IC works perfectly, but what I'm trying to stress here is that both of us have to make the roleplay exciting for our characters and ourselves.

I tend to swear whenever I can, and that happens to my characters too, depending on their personality. I can juggle around several swear words without feeling uncomfortable with them, and it's become a habit already that sometimes I don't even remember if I've actually done it. If this happens to make you uncomfortable please inform me instantly before we roleplay and I will not do so.

I dislike Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus, but I've admit I've created my fair share of them. However, I understood my mistakes and now have taken to creating less able ones with more weaknesses. I ask that you do the same too, unless, you know, you're playing the all-powerful villain and whatnot...if that roleplay ever happens. However, I usually change characters a lot, but I try to make them as believable as they can be the the world of fantasy.

I don't really give a hoot about what point of view you like to roleplay in, whether it be first, second, or third person point-of-view. However, if any one of those point of views you do not like, or are uncomfortable with, I can change please just give me a chance 8c ...yeah, what I meant is that I can use either first of third person if that makes you happy.

  • Fantasy
  • Adventure
  • Romance
  • MagiStream
  • Humanoids
  • Runaways
  • Laboratory Experiments
  • Science Fiction
  • Something original
  • School
  • Fandom Roleplays
  • Animals [wow, yes - horses and wolves are included, too! Who knew?]
  • Bands
  • Pretty much nothing that doesn't have dominance over the human race *evil grin*
Call me Lois. Lois is fine.


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