Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by faedemon »

xXSilverSoulXx wrote:Somehow I think E has a catch... but go on ahead with it XD
AKA, do E!! Or do you need another person's opinion?
Image hey. looking for gender swaps.
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by Hopefire »

E. Just e.
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by catcrazyme »

Alright! Bunch of people here. Ok, E it is. (Sorry for posting late, and you do not need another person's opinion)

Katheryn sighed. "Of course, if the basement's the closest, why don't we try that?"

The group shrugged. "Fine by me," Sierra replied.

Xavier grinned his toothy grin. His scrawny elbows were pushed up Sierra's side. "Excellent. Let's try it!"

It took no time at all for the group to take out the four guards. Sierra had just made little rain clouds over them until they went inside the castle, shaking out their armor and wings.

Honus scoffed. "How stupid can guards get?" He muttered.

Sierra rolled her eyes, then prowled forward. They had a job to do.

Getting through the doors was easy enough. Colette had changed them all into mice (including a rather excited Xavier) and they had sneaked in through a hole just barely large enough to fit their furry frames. They were now traveling down a long and small winding staircase.

Sierra shivered slightly. She was back in human form now, and the musty, cold air made goosebumps prickle up along her arms. They raced down the stairs faster and faster, their fear and excitement driving them to an impossible speed.

Finally when they stopped for a breath of air, Sierra noticed that it was uncomfortably warm and muggy. She noticed blisters forming on her feet. She cooled down the temperature immediately, but for some reason she didn't feel cooler.

"What could it be?" She thought aloud.

Xavier answered with a somber look. "Curse, probably. We'll boil to bits before we ever reach the egg."

Sorry wrong choice.

A) North door (six guards, entertainment hall)

B) East door (six guards, kitchens/ballrooms)

C) South door (six guards, training hall)

D) West door (six guards, royal hall)

E) Basement (four guards, closest to destination)

F) Roof (sixteen guards, big possibility of being seen)

G) Window (zero guards, no choice of room)
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by Kaylie »

Okay, so I'm going to choose F) Roof (sixteen guards, big possibility of being seen), now let me explain why:

There's sixteen guards right? So that means a giant possibility of being seen, so that means its basically an eliminated choice. But, I think that it's supposed to make you think that it would never be the correct option, when yet, it might just be the correct one.

Or, you know... it could just be the wrong choice. XD
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by catcrazyme »

You could always read my mind. Well done!

Honus laughed. "I've got one."

Katheryn raised an eyebrow. "And....."

Honus turned. "We go through the roof. Slip down the hall. Run into the basement. Find the egg, take it, get the hell out of here."

Colette nearly choked. "The roof? Surely I am not hearing your words correctly. Or perhaps you..."

Honus interrupted. "The roof has a bunch of guards. Which means they're protecting something and that something is important. But, since there are so many guards, they'll be less focused because they have other to 'watch their back'. I bet they won't notice six mice running by."

Katheryn managed to do the world's largest eye roll, while Colette slapped her forehead into her palm. Sierra sniggered. Honus, you never cease to surprise me.

Dylan piped up next. "Actually," he mused, "I think it's a good idea."

The group paused, then finally nodded. "Alright then, it's settled," Xavier whispered.

Colette smiled, then concentrated sharply. Soon, six mice emerged from the bush. in the night, they stole up onto the rooftop.

From her view of the world, Sierra shuddered slightly. I sure do hope this works.

They scrambled onto the rooftop after a good half-hour. Sierra, panting slightly, hid in the shadows to regain her breath. I have a lot more respect for mice now. They have to handle a lot!

On Honus' command, they stole across the stone floor and into a small crack along the border of a trapdoor. They had successfully infiltrated the castle walls.

Colette stopped the team as they landed on the lushly carpeted floor. "We're going to stay mice. Transforming back will be dangerous."

The group nodded, and scampered down the hallway. Oddly enough, it only consisted of three doors and a staircase. The doors were identical, ornately carved, shaped into magnificent creatures. The wood was soft, silky, gleaming, immaculately polished. Sierra saw Katheryn staring at the luxuries with envy in her eyes. Smiling, Sierra leaned over and squeaked, "It is a castle, after all."

Katheryn shrugged. Xavier laughed, then looked about. He looked particularly strange, for his dragon wings didn't disappear during the transformation. The result? An odd looking house-mouse with black, leathery dragons wings (six inches on either side) poking out of its back. "Well," Xavier squeaked, "We've got four choices. Where should we go?"

Well? Xavier wants to know, and FAST. What room should they choose?

A) Closest door

B) Middle door

C) Farthest door

D) Staircase

*For Further Information*

* : Location of group
A : Location of choice A
B : Location of choice B
C : Location of choice C
D : Location of choice D
= : Hallway

* D
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by moon5330 »

Hmm...Probably going to not end well, but B?

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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by catcrazyme »

Sure! Sorry for not replying in so long!

Honus growled and squeaked, "Follow my lead. Y'all can't figure out anything on your own."

Colette tried holding him back, but Honus ignored her. Colette shrugged at Sierra. Sierra rolled her eyes. I guess Honus didn't give us much of a choice.

"Come on, let's go," she whispered.

The group of mice scampered along the shadows, hugging the corners as Honus ran into a lavishly decorated door. Sierra shuddered. Is he crazy? He'll get us killed!

They slipped through the door. Sierra promptly bumped into Honus, but Honus didn't notice. He was busy staring.

The group quickly stumbled in behind them, all with grunts and sighs. It was a library of some sort. Books filled the area, and birds swooped and fluttered and called. It was filled with birds and books and parchments and items of magical value.

"Hello?" A soft voice called out. "Who is it? Are you here to save me?"

OK, so there's a voice in this library, and you have no idea where you are. Whaddya wanna do?

A) Run

B) Hide

C) Kill whoever's speaking

D) Approach whoever's speaking
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
P.S. Mining in my keep is OK, except for 'No Touchy' Tab! Thanks!
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by Hopefire »

Current Seek/Wish-list:
Nightshade Hearthhound or any other Hearthhound
Synara Nekomata
Alasre Nekomata
Kursim Jackalope
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by catcrazyme »

Hopefully this works out well.

Sierra felt her heart spasm as she caught her breath. Not a guard. Sounds too young for that. Can't be the queen. Definitely not the king. The...princess...?

Sierra took a deep breath. I guess we have to approach whoever this is.

They located the speaker quickly. She was standing just beyond them, three bookshelves to the right. Colette had found her first. Colette, having a calm disposition, had smiled at the figure and motioned quickly for the others to come.

It was a child. A small child, with a delicate, pale, frame. She was thin, but not unnaturally so. She had a mist-like appearance, as if you were looking upon her from farther away. Large green eyes gazed back at the astonished group. She was probably no more than five years old.

Colette smiled. "Look," she said happily, "We didn't find the dragon. The dragon found us."

Sierra nudged Colette. "Colette. What are you thinking? What kind of five year old girl is a dragon?"

Colette shrugged. "She's in front of us. And she's a dragon."


"You see, I can sense strong animals' souls, correct? I can sense the soul in this girl. No human-like form should have power this great. It's a dragon. In the form of a human. Either the dragon's soul was locked into a host, or the dragon has the ability to take human form."

Sierra sighed. "You win."

"My name is Anya."

Everyone turned. Anya smiled, wavy red hair trembling in the sudden breeze (released by Dylan, triggered by a mix reflexes and suspicion).

Colette smiled her dazzling smile again. She held out a hand to the girl. "Come, Anya. You coming with us."

"Wait," Anya suddenly cried. "I have to get something from the library."

Anya turned, and in a flash of red, disappeared. She returned shortly, holding a scroll. "Alright. We may go."

Sierra sighed and bit into her apple again. She devoured the fruit noisily and quickly. Feeding the core to Feather and wiping off her fingers, she smiled at the group.

They were gathered around a small campfire they had coaxed out of the wet trees. Katheryn had teleported them--horses and all--as far she could manage, and she now lay exhausted against Buckskin.

Anya had fallen asleep, and now lay, curled in a tight ball, in a nest of blankets.

Honus grunted, and shifted. "We should kill her."

Colette sighed. "No, we shouldn't."

Honus crossed his arms. "Oh yes, we have a creepy little kid that's a bloody dragon, and we're going to trust this toddler because she has a strong soul. Really, Colette?"

Colette grunted and stared into the fire, silent.

Katheryn glanced at Anya. "Colette, Honus' got a point. What are we going to do with her?"

A) Keep Anya

B) Leave Anya

C) Take the scroll and leave Anya
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
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Re: Choose Your Path Wisely (The Prophecy)

Post by hypnoPlatypus »

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I don't calculate stat values, and I don't care about natures. I catch my Pokemon the way they are. I just play the game normally. If you agree copy & paste this in your sig.
ミ(o*・ω・)☆ Scroll and Keepヾ(´・ω・`)

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