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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: June 23rd, 2020, 2:06:39 pm
by NinjaChameleon
I have a phobia of heights. I didn't always until i was on a third story of a hospital where there was a glass in which you could see the main lobby. I always felt like the ground would break and i would fall. Since then I've been TERRIFIED of heights.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 11th, 2020, 12:12:50 am
by RustyBlackfyre
I feel like this is less of a phobia and more of a trauma thing, but men arguing.

I start to get anxious as soon as I hear any man being loud, more if it's a muscular guy. Once I'm sure that he's angry or if he starts physically showing it (throwing/slamming things, punching a wall, etc.), I tend to freeze up and sometimes just quietly cry.

It's been 7 years but I'm still getting over some things.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 11th, 2020, 9:15:21 am
by bookrage
I get really anxious around fire. I keep my distance from campfires or fireplaces. don't like seeing candles just burning unattended, and get a little nervous around people using lighters or matches.

I know where my fear comes from. When I could see better (still not well but better) I had to turn to the government access channel to turn on my old video game systems. As I still had to look at the pictures on the cartridges to know what games they were as the writing on top was too small for me. This took some time and I wound up listening and seeing fire safety programs not meant for people as young as me that also employed a lot of scare tactics.

I've had somewhat of an irrational fear of fire ever since.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 11th, 2020, 10:03:12 am
by redryne
RustyBlackfyre ahhh same! guess it's more of a trauma thing ^^"

i find almost everyone intimidating. if they make an effort to talk to me or be kind or something, then that little automatic assumption decreases and i feel more comfortable around them ^^"

it's not just men, if someone starts getting visibly angry, i'm immediately terrified for no good reason.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 11th, 2020, 4:56:49 pm
by Sharl
I get terrified when anyone is angry in my general vicinity, but especially when it's a man.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 11th, 2020, 8:24:54 pm
by RustyBlackfyre
That's basically me too, Sharl. My ex is a guy, so that's why I'm more nervous around angry men. Even my partner now can accidentally frighten me - he'll be reaching for something on the top shelf and for a second I'll think he's about to hit me.

And yeah redryne, if the angry person talks to me and it's clear they're not angry at me, that helps me calm down. I just don't really have a fight or flight, it's more like freeze for me.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 25th, 2020, 6:24:49 pm
by Desirai
sorry for butting into conversation but me too 100% I am terrified of angry men. for the same reasons...

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 26th, 2020, 9:26:54 am
by bookrage
As a blind person my ears are easily overwhelmed and also I often don't have cues that loud noises are coming. Loud noises are painful and can cause me to become disoriented. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of loud noises in themselves, but loud anything makes me uncomfortable.

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: July 26th, 2020, 1:54:37 pm
by Desirai
bookrage wrote: but loud anything makes me uncomfortable.
Have you ever looked into misophonia? Not saying thats what you have but it is very interesting. I am not blind but loud noises such as leaf blowers, air mattress pumps, super noisy vehicles, they all cause me a lot of stress

Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Posted: August 23rd, 2020, 7:41:17 pm
by ayashe
I don't have anything that I would strictly categorize as a phobia, but I'm afraid of centipedes and sharp objects near eyes. Loud noises and angry people/yelling scares me too.