How do you play?

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Re: How do you play?

Post by Revan »


How is your Keep organized? Stream creatures are sorted alphabetically. Everything else by type/event season (example: donations, shopborns, Valentine, Halloween, etc.)
Do you name some/all/none of your creatures? If so, what kind of naming conventions do you follow, if any? Rarely. No particular reason why. I typically only name Family members.
What kind of creatures do you collect? Do you have any preferences, or are you a completionist? Dismots and Owls, though I'm currently working on having at least 1 pair of every adult critter.
Do you do creature armies? Yes. Fire Arkai, tenabre fox babies, mohrior babies, owls, and dismots.
Do you do quests? Yes. They're fun. I like the stories.
Do you create/breed lineages, or avoid them? I've created a few. I'm very selective with Families though. I don't collect them.


Weird question, but do you have a "magisona" or sorts, or some other kind of avatar you imagine yourself as in-game (like when doing quests or whatnot)? I do. I'm a Magi-Chicken. Like, a literal chicken with a pointed hat and a satchel. :lol:
Have you ever made up personalities for any of your creatures? Not really, no.
Do you have a keep guardian/mascot/favorite creature? Katarzyna, a little bred Temple Kitten I received as a gift from NyxNoire. It's named after my mother.
Need hatchlings?
Come visit The Hatchery!

Free Lineages!

If you visit my Keep, beware. I hoard owls. I am not responsible for any pecked out eyeballs or loss of fingers that may occur.
Wishlist :orly:
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Re: How do you play?

Post by Alysse »

  • How is your Keep organized? : My critters are classified by biomes/ habitats. My tab are places where I imagine they live.
  • Do you name some/all/none of your creatures? If so, what kind of naming conventions do you follow, if any? i try to name them all, I try to make it meaningful, if some don't had a name already it's because I wait to find the perfect one for them ^^
  • What kind of creatures do you collect? Do you have any preferences, or are you a completionist? I try to collect them all, I get pairs if they have sexual dismorphism, or if they are limited (so I may gift eggs later).
  • Do you do creature armies? I don't exactly but I don't mind having a few of critters I particuliary like, or if it's meaningful to me (like having many Giants Pumpkins to make a patch, etc)
  • Do you do quests? I try to, I love them ! But I am not confident enough (in my English) to participate in the contest ones.
  • Do you create/breed lineages, or avoid them? I've done it when I started the game, for I didn't really know what it was, now I only do it if it's meaningful to me, and if I have another pair of those critters that are not lineaged.
  • Weird question, but do you have a "magisona" or sorts, or some other kind of avatar you imagine yourself as in-game (like when doing quests or whatnot)? I do ! Alysse the Rainbow Witch is my "Magisona", I like to (lightly) rp in these kinda games ^^
  • Have you ever made up personalities for any of your creatures? I usually imagine their personnalities matches their in-game descriptions, with a little more of "soul" for some of them. (like, cat and dog-like creatures may have their own personnalities, it seems pretty normal to me. Plant-like ones... Maybe less x))
  • Do you have a keep guardian/mascot/favorite creature? The "Allies" are not really critters to me, in my rp they help me to take care of the creatures, otherwise there is a lot of critters in here I particuliary like, for a lot of different reasons. ^^ I don't know if I have a favorite.
Sorry if my english is broken sometimes :x I just wrote that in one line~ :splat:
Last edited by Alysse on December 8th, 2022, 7:52:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How do you play?

Post by Circle »

I keep my Keep organized by loose names. Like Equines for horse-like creatures, Dragons & Sorts for, well. Dragons & Sorts. I also have a quest tab for creatures needed for quests.
As for naming, I haven't named a lot of my creatures, but the ones that have names were named when I was younger and played, and also by my now roommate's kid, who I was showing the cool creatures to once.
I try to get as many creatures as I can. I'm more focused on questing and events currently though! I like pretty much all of them too, the cute and the creepy!
I love doing the quests. It gives me something to do and gives me goals to work on, like the 20 Topo Wyrms...
I don't do lineages, I just haven't thought to dabble in them!
Wishlist: Any shop/quest/event creatures, hybrid-type bred creatures, and any newly released stream creatures! Thanks for reading! C^:
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Re: How do you play?

Post by vipor »

How is your Keep organized?
I have sell tabs that are separated as male or female and where they came from. Streamborns, bred, event. With some extra tabs for special ones. Donies, release date, special event date.
My own creatures are roughly separated into animal kingdoms following our classification system. Cervidea for deer, ophidia for snakes. With some magistream only tabs like crystalwing and arkai.

Do you name some/all/none of your creatures? If so, what kind of naming conventions do you follow, if any?
Tried to, got bored. The only creatures I currently name are the ones I send to my friends who breed them for me. There it depends on the creature/mood. Sometimes they are named after colours, other times after after real life animals. Only thing that really matters is that each of the pairs either share a first letter or prefix. So each only get mated to their designated partner. That way it is easier for buyers to keep track of the bloodlines. To avoid inbreeding when they choose to.

What kind of creatures do you collect? Do you have any preferences, or are you a completionist?
I want a single breeding pair of each doni and 10 breeding pairs of every other creature, parentless.

Do you do creature armies?
Not intentionally. But I did get a few in my sale tabs. Hollowjacks.

Do you do quests?
Yup, only way to get certain critters.

Do you create/breed lineages, or avoid them?
On rare occasions I start one and forget about them.

Weird question, but do you have a "magisona" or sorts?
I tried a few times, but don't have a lot of time for rping these days.

Have you ever made up personalities for any of your creatures?
There are 3 creatures linked to the magisona that have personality. From a long time ago where we had a bit to much fun doing a user created event. (Do online games, post highscores, stuff like that.)

Do you have a keep guardian/mascot/favorite creature?
Low prices high quality.
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Re: How do you play?

Post by Real »

How is your Keep organized?
Creatures are organized according to the place they come from: stream, shop, event etc. I was watching The Sanctuary tv series when I started organizing my keep, so my main tabs are called Stream Sanctuary, Shop Sanctuary, etc. And then there's stuff that's not so important to me and that goes in random tabs: sale, to keep (for breeding), army tab and so on.

Do you name some/all/none of your creatures? If so, what kind of naming conventions do you follow, if any?
All the creatures important to me have names. Donation creatures all nave names of gods, places, characters from books/series, and sometimes the translation of words in other languages. Most of the other creatures I keep have made up names. The pygmy cws and gemdragons are named after crystals and the like.

What kind of creatures do you collect? Do you have any preferences, or are you a completionist?
Completionist in the sense that I MUST own one of each creature ever released on magi. Other than the alpha oblivion pillagebeast, I have one of each of all magi creatures. These are the creatures that are imporant to me. Duplicates are kept only for breeding purposes/sales.

Do you do creature armies?
Pumpkin wyrm hatchlings. Those I army. But they have to be 1st gen hatchlings under 4% :derp:

Do you do quests?
Yep, all of them.

Do you create/breed lineages, or avoid them?
Unfortunately, I created a few. Regreted each time and gave away almost everything.

Weird question, but do you have a "magisona" or sorts, or some other kind of avatar you imagine yourself as in-game (like when doing quests or whatnot)?
Nope. I always found it weird do have a sona. (I'm fine with oc's, though. Just never tried having them in this universe)

Have you ever made up personalities for any of your creatures?
Nope. They're just pixels I obsess over.

Do you have a keep guardian/mascot/favorite creature?
Fave creature: pumpkin wyrm. But I don't have a keep guardian or a mascot.
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