{ Countdown } - OOC

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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by niintendo64 »

((Well, since everyone seems to be putting their character profiles here, this is where I'll submit this! Sorry this got so long, haha.))

((Also, I have Charlie using two sets of pronouns so that if you have some difficulty using they/them pronouns for some reason - English isn't your first language, etc. - you can just use she/her!!))

Name: Charlotte "Charlie" Dixon

Username: niintendo64

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Nonbinary but feminine [uses both they/their/themself & she/her/herself pronouns] [was designated male at birth]

Appearance: Charlie is almost 6 feet tall, with a fairly rectangular build, though her hips are a touch wider than her shoulders. Despite her height, she isn't lanky or gangly looking. Her dark skin has cool undertones, and, due to her vitiligo, is spotted with patches of white [for examples of vitiligo, click here, here, & here!]. They have generalized pattern vitiligo, meaning the marks of depigmented skin are identical on either side of their body. The most notable of these patches are on their face, of course, with spots of white above their eyes, by their eyebrows, & again under their eyes, near the outercorners. They also have some white below their lips. Their eyelashes & some of their eyebrows have lost pigment as well, though the latter they often color in using makeup. She wears her hair in box braids, which go down about 4 inches past the shoulders, though often she ties it up into a bun high on the back of her head.

She has a bit of a baby face, though it's not extremely noticable, & is lessened by the small amount of scruffy facial hair that she has a habit of allowing to grow. Her eyes are almond shaped, dark & warm in color, which makes her white lashes stand out even more on her face. They have full lips, which are often torn & raw from being chewed upon nervously. Their nose is moderately wide, and the underside of the nostrils' rims are also depigmented.

Charlie's fashion taste is put together & cute. Crisp button-ups under pastel sweaters; peter pan collars & shimmery jewelry; tight, dark jeans; and sneakers with floral patterns. She would like to wear dresses & skirts, but she often fears discrimination or harassment in public too much to purchase any. Her posture makes her seem awkward & smaller, as she often hunches her shoulders & back insecurely. She used to stand pigoen toed a lot as a child, but has since been working on fixing her stance; she still slips up sometimes & goes back to standing with her toes turned in.

History: Born with the name Silas Charles Dixon, Charlie figured out she wasn't a boy at around 12 years of age. She came out to her parents two years later, and while her father took the news exceptionally well, her mother rejected her & even attempted to send her to 'conversion therapy'. Appalled at his wife's behavior, Charlie's father took his child & left his soulmate behind to start a new life, living with one of his sisters & her husband & two kids. From there, life has been perhaps 'nontraditional' for the Dixon family, but still much better for Charlie, who grew very close to their aunt. Their vitilgo set in a touch earlier than average, when they were 17 years old. Now in university, they major in journalism & take many creative writing classes.

Personality: Charlie has a knack for cute things, like stuffed animals, easy-to-play handheld video games, & feminine clothing. But Charlie also has a knack for being socially anxious, and, afraid that she won't be taken seriously, she's incredibly hush-hush about her more childish hobbies. Weak-willed by nature, Charlie is the epitome of the gentle giant trope. She's shy & often uncomfortable in crowds. She dreams of adventure & breaking the mold, but is often too nervous to do anything adventurous. She's a daydreamer, with her head stuck in the clouds, and as such, she can be a bit unreliable. With a nasty habit of shirking responsibility & taking the easy way out, Charlie is a bit of a coward. This flightiness, combined with her timid nature, makes her a bit hard to befriend. Charlie also loves to gossip, though she knows its bad, & gobbles up rumors with just the right amount of guilt. Underneath their shy exterior, Charlie is a bubbly, excitable person, who wants to have a good, fun, usually easy time. Due to the divorce of her parents, who were supposedly soulmates, Charlie feels a lot of anxiety and even a bit of resentment towards the clock counting down on her wrist. With little belief in the soulmate system, Charlie has resolved to keep an open mind when it comes to romance instead of just waiting for her timer to hit zero - now if only she was brave enough to enter the dating game.

Orientation: Pansexual


Other: Likes Frank Sinatra, tabloid magazines, & peach jam. Dislikes recklessness, Mother's day, & getting wet. Cancer sun/Pisces moon. Smells like vanilla perfume. Father's family comes from Jamaica, mother is Haitian & Chinese. Has pernicious anemia, though it is under control with the use of B-12 vitamin tablets & a modified diet.
The name's Jordan, but you can just call me N64 or Johnny!
(No seriously, please don't use pronouns for me; just use my names/nicknames)
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by Iliad »

I love them so much. Accepted! I'll add Charlie to the roster soon.
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by niintendo64 »

Awesome, & thank you!! I'm really excited to get started, this'll be my first time RPing in years.
The name's Jordan, but you can just call me N64 or Johnny!
(No seriously, please don't use pronouns for me; just use my names/nicknames)
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by DrBeansMD »

Just an innocent question, when are we planning to get this show on the road? Waiting is hard... :splat:
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by niintendo64 »

DrBeansMD wrote:Just an innocent question, when are we planning to get this show on the road? Waiting is hard... :splat:
Kaylor said that we won't be starting until there's at least one more character (maybe more though) since we have several straight girl characters but almost no guys who are into girls. I feel you though, I'm really excited too!! Hopefully we can get going soon.
The name's Jordan, but you can just call me N64 or Johnny!
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by Iliad »

Ah. I didn't notice that imbalance.
I'll see if I can do a bit to remedy it!

Name: Takumi Hoshino
Username: Marth
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Takumi has average-hue skin (if a bit pale) with a smattering of light freckles across his nose; his hair is a jet-black color, threaded with dark brown, but the coloration of his eyes is a bit strange. Naturally he has complete heterochromia iridum, so while his left eye is the same dark color as his hair, his right eye is a strange and striking blue. Unlike some with the characteristic, Takumi really doesn't care if people find it odd, so he makes no effort to cover his eyes.
His hair is mostly relatively short, but still long enough to touch a point halfway down his neck, and could be put into a tiny ponytail with effort. It's messily layered, but despite that gives off the illusion of him trying to maintain that kind of style (he doesn't. It's more likely than not that it's bedhead); he has a long fringe which sort of hangs in his eyes, and unfortunately gel and hairspray tends to not work on his hair, so when he really needs it out of his face, he uses a thin white headband to hold it back. On occasion hairclips are also visible in his hair.
Takumi's features are rather soft; his jaw is rounded instead of angular, and his narrow chin forms a heart-shaped face; his lashes are thick and dark, shadowing his eyes. His nose is small and slightly upturned. His brows are the same shade as his hair but they look soft and lend a look of gentleness to his face. His build is slender and willowy, and at about 5'11" he looks a bit lanky as well. Usually his fashion sense is composed out of clothes such as this, and he mostly sticks to neutral or dark colors. He's also a fan of woven bracelets and usually a few can be found on both wrists.
He has several scars from falling over and hitting things, among other reasons; one on the back of his neck, curving around the side, one on his right shoulder, several crisscrossing his fingers, and the largest is a raised scar curving around his left wrist, about half a centimeter wide and traveling from the inner curve cross the inside of his wrist to the right part of his palm. Usually that one is one he takes effort to hide with his bracelets.
History: A premature birth, Takumi was, from his childhood, a sickly child that his family had to provide for, and who brought no benefit to his home. Normal children brought joy, at least, or solace to tired parents; since he was small, it was Takumi's older brother, Minato, who was the sunshine child.
Before Takumi was born, the family was poor, yes, but their lives within the town were relatively comfortable. Takumi's mother, Hana, and father, Rachi, both worked, and made enough money to at least provide for themselves and Minato with some disposable income for a few luxuries. Minato was always happy, always bright; the literal embodiment of sunshine, if you will.
But when Takumi arrived, early, weak, sickly, his mother suffered from postpartum depression, and that in addition to having to provide and care for a new child who had as many health problems as they could pay for, she became increasingly stressed and tired, and the pressure that was put upon her coupled with her mental illness to finally drive her to leave the family. Takumi remembered nothing of the divorce, as he was still quite young, but Minato was affected quite deeply and took it upon himself to be his mother's replacement. When he was too young to work, he became Takumi's caretaker, often staying at home so he could watch over his little brother and make sure nothing happened.
After Hana left, the boys' father became busier and busier, taking on more and more shifts and jobs in order to cover for his wife's departure. Takumi saw little of him in the home, so even though obviously he is aware his father was working hard just for him, and that he should be grateful, he feels a disconnect between the concept of his hard-working father and relating it with the man who actually exists. He instead heavily relied on Minato growing up, and the boys were very close; almost inseparable.
Just a year before, Takumi suffered one of the worst attacks he'd ever had after months of appearing quite healthy; out of nowhere, it just kind of bowled him over, and he collapsed in the middle of dinner, slicing his wrist on one of the utensils he'd been holding and causing his sibling and parent no small amount of panic as he coughed blood all over his food. He was in bed for weeks, unable to get up or do basically anything but mutter angrily at his brother because he was once again being taken care of so attentively.
After that, he kind of just went "screw it" and decided to put himself out there more, attending classes that weren't virtual at the local university as well as simply going out more. The soulmate thing wasn't going to wait forever, after all.
Personality: Takumi is quiet, that's for sure. It's not like he doesn't talk, because he does just as much as the average person, but even when he makes everyday conversation his words are said with his head lowered and his volume low. He's quite soft spoken - but in voice only. His attitude and personality are... well, something else.
Takumi's general attitude toward everyone is rather flat. He doesn't have much to say to people, and tends to be rather grumpy at many times. He mutters everything that he says and sometimes will not respond at all when he's feeling bad, and most of the time his moods are not just the whims of a teenage boy. His health problems often result in consequences like headaches, stomachaches, or the occasional serious migraine, and it is common that during these occurrences Takumi is quite irritable, snapping at people or grumbling at minor inconveniences.
Generally, though, if he can get past his problems, Takumi is quite obedient; his level of willingness to follow orders when he's in an average mood is basically subservient, and he will happily do anything anyone asks him to do as long as he's not hurting anyone. Having lived most of his life as a liability, he's glad if he can do something to help anyone, no matter if he likes the person or not. If he can do it, he'll be happy to help.
He's secretive and guarded in a childish way; often his ways of hiding things don't work out, but even when confronted he has no problem lying. He's found he isn't bad at it at all, so when he's shown an uncomfortable topic or asked about himself he either makes something up or deflects and avoids the question, redirecting the topic onto something else. He could be called crafty, but mostly he just has a knack for misdirection.
Takumi's a fast thinker, and very smart; though one of those doesn't guarantee the other, he seems to possess both qualities, and as such is quite good at thinking on his feet; he can make split second decisions on an instinctual plane, without having to stop and have a moral dilemma over it, though to be fair his sense of morality is not incredibly strong. He's well-read, and his love of knowledge coupled with his frail state has left him able to devote large amounts of time to doing nothing but reading and studying and as a result has a pretty good grasp of how things are.
As previously mentioned, Takumi's morality system isn't too great, and he really only cares about people on a deep level if he's gotten to know them very well and considers them a friend. It's a situation where he loves his older brother and feels guilty that he was such a liability to him before, but if a stranger was hired to take care of him on bad days, he wouldn't feel any remorse until he really got to know him. Generalized selflessness isn't really a thing for him, hence why he only does things for people at no risk to himself. He's also a little selfish, but that's counterbalanced by his inferiority complex that came with his younger years.
He can't bear the thought of himself being the thing that's holding someone back and as a result is almost fiercely independent, even though he can't afford to be. It's not as though he doesn't like others' company or orders; he just doesn't like being helped by others or taking up their time when they have better things to be doing. He's almost definitely the type of person who wouldn't spill if he was feeling uncomfortable but didn't want to ruin the mood, which he guesses is more selfless than selfish. The latter label still does apply.
Orientation: Bisexual, though he does tend to gravitate slightly more toward female/feminine-identifying people.
Other: Takumi has an aversion to loud noises, and usually can't stand them; he doesn't know what it's a result of, but he flinches even at someone shouting. Fireworks and crowd events are beyond him and often he'll leave with the excuse of feeling nauseous. Which is not always false. His health really isn't the best, and that has a lot of repercussions in his everyday life.

Honestly... "make a new character" more like "dump info from other forms onto this one and hope it doesn't screw up too badly".
Last edited by Iliad on August 1st, 2015, 6:17:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by rosemilly »

I could always create another character if needed you guys need me to.
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by Iliad »

We... probably still need more dudes.
Basically I just typed all of the pairing info we have out, and:
Marth wrote:TL;DR: We're going to have two or three unpaired girls since most of them are straight.
Need more dudes.

Also need to ask everyone if they want to have a chance to choose and factor those in, too.
And so, speaking of, if any of you want to lay claims to someone, you are free to talk it out with them and ask us to factor it in!
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by rosemilly »

Okay. I'll get to working on it now then and get it up tomorrow or later tonight.
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Re: { Countdown } - OOC

Post by Iliad »

All right, awesome! Thanks!
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