Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

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Should roleplayers choose their Golem character's name or appearance?

Name, but not appearance
Appearance, but not name
Total votes: 12

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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

Personally, I liked the idea of not having to choose much for a character. I mean yeah, it's hard to personalize, but that's the point. For me, it's a writerly challenge. Having to refrain from using emotion, not choosing based upon history, not even knowing your name or potential master. To me, it is thrilling to have that aspect taken from a character. As to unlocking the first emotion, that might be a good idea. But maybe make it so that golem players choose from a list of emotions from wikipedia or the American Psychology Association or something like that.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Leorobin »

I cast my vote a while ago, but I agree with Cintry on not having to eprsonalize, it makes it a challenge to write as a character you are not too comfortable with, which is part of the fun. I think that not having emotions is amusing too, seeing how each charcter would react to their fisrt emotion and how to make it convincing.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Glad to hear people are excited about that! I was worried that the restricted emotions was scaring people off of being Golems. Granted, Golems aren't meant to be emotionless forever. They're the definition of character development.

Anyway, we have enough characters to start, but I still have a few loose ends to tie up before I can make that happen. I've gone and added some more information to the thread about the Undead, but I'm also including it here to make it easier to find. I also added a bit of an explanation that wasn't included in the thread to help clear things up.

Strengths: Invulnerable to pain. Neverending endurance. Usually appear in hordes.
Weaknesses: Easily detectable. Usually slow. Brain and spinal damage.
Not all zombies are slow. Generally, the longer a body has been a zombie, the slower it gets (since it has been decomposing). Newly changed zombies are usually rather fast and are capable of running and climbing, assuming they still have all their limbs. Zombie appearances are as varied as humans, perhaps even more so thanks to being dead. Zombies have no sense of pain, and will keep moving so long as they are able. They can still be harmed the same as humans however, despite being dead. As such, dealing with zombies is simple: damage the brain. The simplest way to do so is to damage the spine, which will leave the body completely motionless and dead. However, spine damage will still leave the head alive, but heads are a lot easier to deal with then the whole zombie. Any weapons that work on humans will work on zombies. Zombies are rather noisy and many smell horrible, making them easy to track.

Strengths: Invulnerable to pain. Immune to status afflictions. Neverending endurance. Usually appear in hordes.
Weaknesses: Spell interruptions. Possession magic.
Unlike zombies, corpses are completely invulnerable to injury. Toxins and poisons will not affect them, as they’re bodies being controlled by magic, not muscle movement. Even brain or spinal damage will not dispose of these creatures. While the Corpse can be destroyed, some spells will leave the individual parts still capable of moving. Sometimes they can even put themselves back together. In cases of possession, the best approach is to destroy the Corpse body and then absorb the ghost before it can escape. In cases of spell control, the only option is to stop the spell. The way to stop spells varies depending upon the type. Possible options include killing or dispatching the caster, destroying the source of the spell, interfering with the spell, or dispelling the curse (usually through puzzle solving).

Strengths: Free will. Neverending endurance. Incredibly athletic and strong. Diminished pain senses. Can become a ghost if too damaged.
Weaknesses: Silver. Iron. Easily detectable.
Ghouls are capable of recognizing pain, but no longer respond to it. Although they are aware of when they are experiencing pain, the feeling is numb and overshadowed by their hunger. They’re even known to devour Zombies. They can still be harmed by all types of weapons, but are particularly vulnerable to silver and iron. A ghoul must be weakened before its soul can be absorbed. However, if the body gets destroyed, the Ghoul will transcend into an Incorporeal being. Because of their ability to think, they are smarter and more difficult to deal with than zombies. Luckily, they can’t get rid of the smell of rotting flesh that clings to them, making it a bit easier to track a Ghoul.

Strengths: Immune. Invulnerable. Usually appear in groups.
Weaknesses: Easily absorbed. Powerless.
Will-o-Wisps are completely invulnerable to all weapons, and immune to all forms of magic. Perhaps it is because they are so weak, that should a weapon or spell actually be capable of harming one, they would die. Again. However, they are so incredibly weak and have no abilities that can cause harm, so that’s okay. They’re easy to absorb, but absorbing one is usually a no-no since Wisps will often try to help the living.

Strengths: Invisibility. Possession. Levitation. Spirit assault.
Weaknesses: Salt. Silver. Iron. Magic. Will become a Will-o-Wisp is weakened too much.
Some Specters are helpful, and some are harmful. Specters can choose when they are and aren’t visible. They can cause physical harm, known as a spiritual assault. They can float and possess objects, and stronger Specters can even possess bodies. Particularly strong Specters are capable of possessing the living, although swallowing a handful of salt should evict them. They cannot cross a line of salt, and are vulnerable to weapons of silver and iron. However, weakening a Specter too much will cause them to become a Will-o-Wisp, which would be useless to absorb. The best option is to weaken or trap the Specter, then quickly absorb it. Examples of types of Specters include the Kanabhulo, the Mu-onna, and the Nishi.
Kanabhulo - This is a ghost which hypnotize lures one person and takes him to some unknown place. The victim instead of going into his house or the destination goes to another place which is silent and eerie. After going to that place the ghost kills the person. The victim in this case loses his sense. Generally these types of ghost strikes in night in villages. The victims were generally single person or separated from group. -Taken from Wiki, too lazy to phrase in own words-
Mu-onna - In Japanese folklore a Mu-onna is a type of yōkai, a supernatural monster. A Mu-onna is a vengeful spirit of a mother who lost her child to famine or war. She protects children in danger, but may also try to merge or absorb them possess or kill so they can be together in the afterlife. They can look into the child's soul to find information while merging with when possessing them. To gather the information, or to merge with them, the Mu-onna must cast a spell to put the child's soul to sleep. Since the Mu-onna is born from a mother's tender feelings, she may be willing to allow herself to be destroyed for the sake of the child. -Also from Wiki, still too lazy-
Nishi - One of the most cruel of ghosts, the Nishi lures its victim to a secluded area by calling to the person with the voice of a loved one. [They Nishi only strike at night, and their victims are never seen again, so it is unknown what happens to them. They may become Nishi themselves. According to folklore, the Nishi cannot call out more than twice, and so no one should answer a voice at night until it has called three times. The victim was killed. Nishi-Specters can call as often as suits the rp. -Wiki, same as above-

Strengths: Invisible. Can eat salt. Spirit assault. Hungry rage.
Weaknesses: Delayed by salt. Magic. Iron. Silver. Can only harm those that can see them.
Unlike other Incorporeals, Preta are incapable of choosing when they can and can’t be seen. To the majority of people, Pretas are completely invisible. However, to those who have fallen to the depths of insanity, or are drowning in depression and ready to completely give up, the Preta suddenly becomes visible. Unfortunately for those few individual, Pretas are only capable of harming those that can see them. While Preta normally wander around aimlessly trying to eat whatever disgusting thing they can find, should they come across someone that can see them they will try everything they can to devour them. In these situations, they are vicious and persistent. The best defense against a Preta is a healthy, rational mindset and some luck. It may be harder to capture and absorb something that can’t be seen, but the difference is that not being able to see a Preta does not stop one from being able to harm them. And even better than that, while you’re able to hurt the Preta, the Preta won’t be able to hurt you. Pretas are still incapable to crossing a line of salt, but they’re so hungry that they’re likely to just eat the salt. As such, the most salt can do is delay a Preta, but eventually the Preta will get passed it.

Strengths: Invisibility. Levitation. Possession. Control magic. Spirit assault.
Weaknesses: Salt. Silver. Magic.
Just leave the Poltergeist alone. That’s it. That is the absolute best way to deal with them. They’re usually the souls of powerful children, pranksters and tricksters, or clever thieves. Unlike most ghosts, Poltergeists can appear in full color and sometimes might even be mistaken for the living. They’re powerful alright, but all they really care about is having fun. If a Poltergeist is truly too much to deal with, then they can be trapped with salt or harmed with silver. However, as they’re fully aware of their weaknesses, they will throw any salt or silver out of the vicinity first chance they get. If a Poltergeist feels threatened, it will turn extremely violent. They possess some magical abilities, such as controlling objects or a dancing flame. They cannot create, but they can control what is already there.

Strengths: Spiritual assault. Invisibility. Rage. Possession. Levitation.
Weaknesses: Salt. Iron. Silver. Magic. Will become a Will-o-Wisp is weakened too much.
If it weren’t for their long nails and voice, Banshees might almost appear to be a living human. That is, if they weren’t so frightening looking. Banshee’s often have telltale signs of their death, such as someone who drowned appearing as a Banshee soaked in water. Banshee’s possess a deep jealousy towards the living, likely because they are living while the Banshee is dead. Much like their appearance, their preference of attack depends upon how they died. A Banshee that drowned will try to drown their victims, while one that burned will try to burn them. Banshees share the same weaknesses as Spectres and can be dealt with in the same manner. The Kuchisake-onna is an example of a Banshee.
Kuchisake-onna - A figure appearing in Japanese urban legends. She is a woman who was mutilated by her husband, and returns as a malicious spirit. The woman will stop children and ask, "Am I pretty?" If the child answers no, the child is killed with a pair of scissors which the woman carries by the Banshee nails. If the child answers yes, the woman pulls away the mask, revealing that her mouth is slit from ear to ear, and asks "How about now?" If the child answers no, he/she will be cut in half. If the child answers yes, then she will slit his/her mouth like hers. It is impossible to run away from her, as she will simply reappear in front of the victim. Some sources say she can also be confused by the victim answering her question with ambiguous answers, such as "You are average" or "So-so". Unsure of what to do, she will give a person enough time to escape while she is lost in thought. Another escape route is to tell her one has a previous engagement; she will pardon her manners and excuse herself. In some variations of the tale, she can be distracted by fruit or candies thrown at her which she will then pick up, thus giving the victim a chance to run. She will also be at an advantage to run toward you if she has the chance. Another way is for the child to ask her if the child is pretty; she will get confused and leave. Basically, jealous rage. -Wiki again, lazy again-

Strengths: Invisibility. Spirit assault. Levitation. Extremely powerful. Can perform magic. Causes natural disasters.
Weaknesses: Unknown.
Wraiths cannot be harmed by salt, iron, or silver. They cannot possess the living, as the presence of a Wraith inside one’s body would completely destroy it. They are simply too powerful to successfully possess someone, as even a short possession time would leave the victim dead. They can create fires and cause earthquakes.

Also, when I give examples for "types" of Specters and Banshees and whatnot, I actually mean examples of behavior that said Undead might exhibit. There are many more types of Undead, they just get classified into one of the categories already provided. There's way too many different types of Undead creatures available for me to include them all, so I use simplified categories instead (which is especially helpful for Undead creature descriptions that might overlap). I think that explains what I'm trying to say, so I'm gonna leave it at that.

There is one last thing I feel the need to mention though, and that has to do with Pretas. While I know I mentioned that those who are depressed can see Pretas, but I wanted to elaborate more on that. Being a bit sad or even extremely sad is not enough for a character to be able to see Pretas. Even simply thinking about suicide will not be enough, especially if the person is rational enough to reason with themselves and know they'd never do it. A character would have to be depressed to the case that they have honestly considered ending their own misery because they don't believe they can go on anymore. It has to be someone who feels like they have no reason to live. So if someone were to be revenge driven for example, they have a reason to continue so they wouldn't be able to see Preta's. As to being insane, that too would need to be at the extremes. Seeing hallucinations would not be enough. Even being a schizophrenic would not necessarily enough. It has to do more with the mental state then it does afflictions. Someone who is completely delirious as well as seeing hallucinations and possibly on the brink of starvation/dehydration and a danger to themselves and others would be a good candidate to see Pretas, especially the whole danger part. As such, I've made a short list of who likely can and can't see Pretas at this time (because who knows what will change within due time) and have provided an explanation for why I believe so. You all are more than welcome to debate with my decision on any character if you feel otherwise, just be sure to give a good and clear reason why I should change my belief.

Can See Pretas:
  • Ye Rin - Although she's trying to keep moving, but then there's the whole thing about her cheerfulness being an act and crying every night. She's probably got PTSD and possible some survivor's guilt. Not talking about it and suppressing everything certainly doesn't help either.
Cannot See Pretas:
  • Kyrielle - The girl's pretty driven. Although she might be sad at times given her recent events, I don't really see her giving up anytime soon.
  • Juniper - He seems to have some issues, but he seems pretty determined to live to life's extent. I suppose he might be depressed, but he's too self-preserving to ever consider suicide.
  • Iris - She seems far too rational and determined. I don't think she'd ever consider giving up on life, and if she did she'd be too rational to consider it.
  • Q'eight - The girl has a goal that she's throwing everything she can at, and I'm pretty sure she wants to keep her family's name alive. Not to mention, I think her desire to have a family is stronger than any negative thoughts she might have, so she too would be too rational to consider taking extreme actions.
  • Arcturus - Determined? Check. Has a goal? Check. The only way I could see him giving up his life would be to save his brother, and even then it would be out of love and not depression.
  • Kash - He seems like he cares for his brother too much to ever consider doing something that could hurt Arcturus. He's got someone to live for, and a passion that keeps him going.
Also, in regards to Golems, they can see Pretas if they haven't been given an upgrade yet. In otherwords, they can see Pretas when completely emotionless, but it doesn't put them in danger since Pretas have not interest in trying to eat Golems. They have no interest in Golems at all, except to shove them out of the way so they can get to their meal. If a Golem has unlocked the emotion of Depression or Insanity, then they become able to see Pretas at all times, no matter their mental state.

Edit: Also, forgot to add, silver and iron are generally weak metals for weaponry. Silver especially is mostly just expensive, although that matters little to the rp. Although it might be useful against ghosts, it would be pretty useless against the most common Undead: Zombies. Iron is a lot stronger than silver, but it's still not an ideal metal for weapons (steel is the best metal). Not to mention, not all Undead are weak against iron. As such, I would suggest either to have a backup weapon, or to have a weapon the is merely silver/iron tipped or silver/iron coated. -I'm not an expert on metal, mostly speaking from brief research-
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Lavender »

Awesome!! I'm really excited about this!
Back from an extended absence and eager to rediscover the site! Image
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

YAYYYY!!!! Uhm, there is some text that is waaay too tiny to read...I don't know if that was intentional or not...
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Leorobin »

Silvered weapons are the usual, they just have a coating of silver, either by melting and applying it or by a chemical bath.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

I edited the text to make it a bit larger, so hopefully that'll make it easier to read.

Also, quick question. Is it just me, or did half my "Dolls For Sale" section disappear? I don't recall editing it recently, although it says I did so last night?? (Ohh yeah, I did. But I swear I did not touch the dolls section at all.) Did that post section accidentally get deleted, or is my computer or magistream acting up on me?

Never mind, I wound up fixing it.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

I noticed that this morning but I had to get to studying...glad it was fixed!

And thank you for editing the text! My eyes are very grateful :p
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Leorobin wrote:Silvered weapons are the usual, they just have a coating of silver, either by melting and applying it or by a chemical bath.
This is probably what my characters are going to do, but everyone is more than welcome to find ways to deal with the pros and cons of weapon materials as they see fit. Hmm, who knows, I might even introduce magic that can strengthen weapons eventually.

Anyways, I just wanted to announce that the opening post will be put up soon. Once it has been, all human characters (and 1 Golem character) can start their rp lives. I would just like to remind everyone that I will be roleplaying as the NPC, so please refrain from controlling them (you're all still free to introduce and control your own NPC characters though, so long as they are not a shop employee, guild master, guild master golem, or client). As soon as a character enters a shop or shows interest in a Golem, I will have a shop employee approach them. Also, even though it was mentioned before, I just wanted to add that Golems can be auctioned. So if a character is expressing interest in a Golem you would want, simply have your character to offer more money. You are even free to PM me if you would like for me to delay a Golem purchase long enough for your character to make an offer.

I'll be sure to PM Golem rpers when they're character has been purchased. There are currently 8 human characters and 9 golem characters, so if anyone wanted to make a human character but didn't want to uneven the odds then they can make a human character now with no worry. If not, then chances are that someone will be allowed to have two golems, but such a circumstance will have to wait until after all humans have already been paired with a partner. There is also one Golem character without an appearance, so whoever purchases them will be able to choose their appearance from the already (the first one in the shop section of the thread, not the one in the Golem section) provided list of appearances. If you don't want to pick from the provided list of appearance and instead choose to find one online, then that is an option as well but it will be considered as a custom Golem and will instead cost 450 bullets.

Also, since I will be roleplaying as many NPCs (especially in the beginning), chances are that my responses might take a while. Sometimes my posts will not always include NPC responses, though this will usually be when I don't feel I have the time to include one. I will try to keep NPC responses as a priority, but there will probably be times when I'd want to take it easy.

Lastly, my post doesn't exactly include a descriptive look at the shop settings. Their appearances aren't exactly important and they're mostly just there because I liked their names too much to choose one. For anyone who likes describing settings in their posts though, here's a brief idea of each shop. Automatons & U has a very mechanical, tool shop like appearance. It's a bit messy with tools everywhere and wooden boards and cardboard boxes propped here and there. It's always noisy, as people can be heard working in the back rooms. The place has a lot of sawdust too. The Golem Workshop has a more "steely" appearance. It's always cold inside, and the windows have dark velvet curtains that can keep out all light. The place has blue and green lanterns to keep the place lit though. It's kept pretty clean, and has a lot of wide open space. The back wall is fitted with a wall-to-wall mirror. As for the Dollhouse, they really like to see their name. The place looks like a literally dollhouse, with antique decorations and doilies. It's quite charming actually, but the shop is also known for having items that have been charmed, such as a chandelier with flames that look like dancing figures.

Oh yeah, and in case it isn't entirely clear, upgrades must be bought in order of tier. In other words, a tier 1 water upgrade must be purchased before the same character can buy a tier 2 upgrade.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

I'm so excited! I really cannot wait for the beginning post...

It's there...oh happy day the first post is there.... :woo:
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