Pit Bulls

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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by liga »

My cousin has one and that dog is absolutely adorable. Any dog can become dangerous if not raised properly.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by AngryPenguin »

The only dangerous thing is the owner. If an animal is brought up well then it has no reason to attack.

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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by MistyoC »

Here's how vicious my granddaughter thinks they are:
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Foullily »

ShadyPaws wrote:The term 'pit bull' is used to describe various breeds including the American Staffordshire terrier, the American Pit bull and the Staffordshire Bull terrier. All three of these breeds were bred by crossing bulldogs with terriers. They were mainly used for bull baiting and dog fighting. Today, pit bulls are now usually loyal and affectionate pets but a lot of people still think them dangerous breeds. What is your opinion?

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?

7.) Anything else?

Oh no no no no, 9/10 pits will not be aggressive by nature. I own a Staffy cross, and he is the sweetest thing, I had heard people saying Staffys were one of the best breeds, and I can now stand by that statement. We were told he was about 1-2 years when we got him, so not really trained from puppyhood no. We got him from a rescue and he was so skinny. He started out being pretty disobedient xP but the more we trained him, the better he's gotten :3

I understand why people feel the need to ban breeds, but I don't think it's the right action to take. There are breeds that are more likely to bite then others, like Poodles, Akita's and Chihuahua's for example, even when trained can be horrible dogs to work with or very unpredictable {chihuahua's especially xD though Akita's were actually bred to have that aggression, so it's a breed you need to train from the very start} but banning them for being incorrectly trained, or being bred to be what they are is not right.

I do not think pit bulls are dangerous breeds. It's the way they are trained that makes them seem to be horrible dogs. If you take a pitbull that was trained from puppyhood to attack another dog and/or human on sight they well from then on think, that is the right thing to do, and they are getting punished for the way humans are treating them, when all they think is that, attacking something else is a good thing.

Police might disagree with me, even some animal "specialists" might, or other people who are scared of dogs or just don't understand.

I haven't been to my knowledge {mum told me about a time I was young though and a Jack Russel was chasing me, apparently it was quite a nasty thing xP} but my mum had been attacked, by I think it was a Boxer or a Mastiff when she was younger. She now has a scar on her lip, going up to the side of her nose, but she doesn't blame the dog, she knew the owner of the dog and apparently he wasn't a nice man.

1. Sorry for the long paragraph xD this is something I feel so strongly for...
2. I just hope one day, doggie racism won't exist, because banning these breeds is not the answer. We need to deal with the people that are training them to act the way they are, and make sure they are "rehabilitated" for the lack of a better word, or never have another animal again.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by AlumaWolf »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
No but my sister owns 2 of them.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
She did to teach them manners early on.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
I honestly think its ridiculous. There is no such thing as a bad dog but a bad OWNER!

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
Not one bit. All they want is love and affection. My sisters are really good with young kids and even plays around with my parents small dog. No aggression at all.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
They havnt been around a pit bull or owned one and shouldnt judge based on what people tell them or what you hear in the news

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?

7.) Anything else?
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by CloudTheHorse »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
No, I don't, but I've seen plenty of gentle giants.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
I think it's kind of ridiculous, tbh. The dogs are influenced by their owner. If their owner trains them wrong and gives the breed a bad stereotype, it's not the breed's fault.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
No! I've seen more pit bulls that are gentle giants than ones who are aggressive. The breed itself was mainly bred for pit fighting, but there are easily more well-trained, gentle dogs than vicious ones. I don't believe in any breed being "bad". It's up to the dog's owner to train it the way they want. If they train the dog to be vicious and then everyone says the breed is vicious, it has nothing to do with the breed, just that one dog.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
They could live near a house-protective pit bull or something. If they've experienced a badly trained pit bull, then they might disagree with me. Or they've only heard exaggerated stories on the news.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?

7.) Anything else?
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by ShootingStar »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?

No, but I have known many people who do, and they've all been sweet and social animals. I'd even go as far to say most of them are really gentle with other animals, such as cats.
I myself have two beautiful, smooth coat, border collies.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?

No answer.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?

I think banning a breed based on it's nature is completely ass-tarded because even breeds known for having a social nature have have introverted personalities.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?

No, I think they are a power breed, not for first time owners or STUPID people who let their dogs get out of their control.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?

Because they're stupid and put in little to no effort in researching the breed itself, or the statistics in attacks. It was Doberman before, then Rottweilers, German Shephers, Akitas, and now it's the pitbull. Next year, who knows? All we need is one bad breeder to inbred and abuse a large group of jack Russel Terriers and after a few attacks THEY will be the 'vicious dog' flavor of the week.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?

I have not, but I know one person who has. He was four and attacked by a chihuahua of all things, he had to get stitches on his cheek and still has the scar. However, like most cased of dog attacks, it was the owner of the dog who was to blame.

7.) Anything else?

I love dogs in general, and I don't think any breeds are vicious by nature, especially against humans. Dogs and humans have been together for longer than humans have had most livestock, so if it's 'in their nature' to be anything negative, it's been in their nature to love humans longer.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Adriel »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog? Nope, but I have worked with quite a few of them and, if I had the space, the time, and my current puppy wasn't dog aggressive, I would gladly take one in.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy? Most of the pits I worked with were adults and many of them were rescues. I have taken care of a part pit puppy and got to see her grow up. This was in a kennel setting, so she didn't have the best of training (she turned out fine, though, and was adopted into a family).

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned? I don't agree with it. Dogs are individuals and, while there are things which are genetic and mental diseases amongst dogs, it is certainly not limited to just a few breeds.
I've recieved flaque about my own puppy (a Belgian Malinois mix), and she is nothing like how everyone said she would be. I still think certain breeds are better as working dogs than pets (including the Belgian Malinois), but Put Bull's are not amongst these. I've seen rescues with atrocious backgrounds fit in well with a family and they were oftentimes even sweeter than the "purebreds" that had been raised in a family since puppyhood.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds? I think they have the potential to do harm, but any breed can be dangerous. One thing about Pit Bulls is, when they attack, they fixate. They will bite down and just hold on, which is actually better for the victim. It means less puncture wounds. And a Pit Bull's jaws don't exert as much pressure as a German Shepherd's. (the matter of them being able to lock their jaws is iffy as well, since a locking mechanism has yet to be found in their anatomy).

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you? Well, they are muscular, fast as a bullet and when they get it into their minds to do something, they don't give up. These are intimidating qualities. Many of the Pit Bulls I've known have been dog aggressive which makes them a challenge to handle at times.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has? I've never been outright attacked. Most of the Pit Bulls we handled at the kennel were very gentle towards humans and the only thing they wanted to do was crawl on your lap and lick your face. It was the chihuahuas and Shih Tzus you had to watch out for.
The only time I've been bit by a dog was when I was leading a German Shepherd mix down the aisle between the runs and he decided to pick a fight with one of the Pit Bulls. Said Pit Bull was very dog aggressive, so I turned the Shepherd, but his tail went between the bars. So the Pit bull grabbed on and the Shepherd was twisting around under his tail, biting anything within reach. I instinctively (and stupidly) reached down to stop him, and he chewed up my hand pretty well. Thankfully, the only thing I lost was my fingernail. The poor Shepherd lost his tail.
So the incident was my fault more than anything else. And a lot of incidences where humans get bitten seem to be a result of them not knowing how to read dogs or just making crazy mistakes.
Not to say it never happens, but I've never had a dog just come up and randomly attack me.

7.) Anything else?
I'll always have fond memories of the Pit Bulls I worked with at the kennel. They were all unforgettable and had a way of working their way into your heart. I don't think they are for everyone (no dog breed is), but it is hard to resist one once you really get to know it. I used to think they were dangerous and was even a little bit afraid when I first started working with them, but after I found out all they wanted to do with me was lick me to death, those fears completely disappeared. So, I do think it is wrong to have breed bans. If you want to cut down on dog aggression look at the mass breeders and those who are training their pets to be that way.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by puppiesrock8 »

ShadyPaws wrote:I agree. There is no such thing as a dangerous breed.
exactly, a dangerous dog is usually trained to be dangerous, or has not been raised around people,and don't really get along with other species.It can be any dog thats dangerous so it makes me sad that this happens to ruin a single breed's reputation i love pitbulls so dearly. <3 I am thankful that you made this thread to spread awareness :D
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by MythicHeart »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
No. But I do own a Boston terrier.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
N/A (But I did train my dog from a puppy)

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
Honestly, I find it stupid that some dog breeds are banned. Whatever the problem, it just causes tons of owner-less dogs in shelters and on the streets. I have met owners with pit bulls in my area, and the dogs were all very sweet. (Where I live, pit bulls are banned to buy/sell, but if owned, need to be muzzled)

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
No. There is no such a thing as a "dangerous breed" If people want to stop dog attacks, they might as well ban dogs all together, seeing as all dogs can attack. Pit bulls, and all other dogs, are kind of like humans, in the sense that they all have personalities and fears. Dogs will tend to bite if they are annoyed, threatened or scared, or by past experiences. Perhaps the Pit bull attacks were a result of this? As for the majority of attacks being Pit bulls, all I can say i hpat every dog can attack people, it's just that the majority just happened to be Put bulls. (My dog tends to bark at other dogs, but will not attack them)

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
If anyone were to disagree, it might be because of their look. They are fast, muscular dogs, and that can be seen as intimidating. Also,they could either were attacked themselves, or heard it from a friend/media, which would most likely be slightly altered to give the pit bulls the blame. Media especially.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
Yes, but only one time, by a poodle. (Which I soon figures out that I scared him)

7.) Anything else?
To summarize, Pit bulls are NOT dangerous. It's just that the majority of stories out there tend to blame it on the breed. If you search 'pit bull' on the Internet, you are bound to get 'attacks' as a suggested result. In my area, people are currently working to lift the Pig bull ban, though we have not recieved updates. Shelters in my general area are full of Pit bulls who will never be adopted. I hope the ban will be lifted soon.

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