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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by Xeron »

One down, one mystery creature to go.
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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by xXAzerinXx »

Kestrad wrote:I'm probably just dumb, but to me the wording seemed to imply that the parents were able to produce hybrids from the beginning. I definitely thought of them and immediately dismissed them as a possibility, since Direwolves and Manticores were the first creatures able to breed outside their species, but couldn't actually produce hybrids, right?
I wouldn't say that! I just happened to reconsider the wording and had a different perspective. That doesn't necessarily make anyone dumber or smarter. :<

As for your question: If we're talking about entirely different species (no recolors,) I think so, for the most part. Looking past [Elemental] Gyphon hybrid breeding back to [Elemental] Phoenix, you should be right. :3

...and now I'm questioning exactly when some breedings might have been enabled, which could make a difference... :headdesk:

I should be asleep. ._.
Away. );

Miss it here.
Thank you for everything.

secret, much-needed vents:
how can I be true to you, when you're not true to me...

edit, 10/16:
I don't understand people who lie just to ****ing lie.

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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by NepetaLeijon »

Glyceris Adult!!
Winter at the Keep brings with it a slew of seasonal visitors, among them the so-called "fairies" of winter, the drakelings. There are many varieties, all of them smaller than most of their draconic kin, though many have magical abilities. Glyceris drakelings are talented fliers, and have a mild resistance to poison, in addition to the magical aura of all drakelings. The adults and hatchlings show a strong affinity for holly bushes, probably for the berries that the drakelings like to eat. They seem to be able to eat nearly any berry or fruit, even ones typically poisonous to other animals. However, their favorite treats are those full of sugar -- especially sweetened plums. A drakeling will gladly land of your arm if you are gentle and offer it such a snack. Those who enjoy these creatures' company should be warned, however, not to leave their windows open during the holiday nights, lest their cookie jars and candy boxes be emptied while they sleep.
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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by Pok »

NepetaLeijon wrote:Glyceris Adult!!
Winter at the Keep brings with it a slew of seasonal visitors, among them the so-called "fairies" of winter, the drakelings. There are many varieties, all of them smaller than most of their draconic kin, though many have magical abilities. Glyceris drakelings are talented fliers, and have a mild resistance to poison, in addition to the magical aura of all drakelings. The adults and hatchlings show a strong affinity for holly bushes, probably for the berries that the drakelings like to eat. They seem to be able to eat nearly any berry or fruit, even ones typically poisonous to other animals. However, their favorite treats are those full of sugar -- especially sweetened plums. A drakeling will gladly land of your arm if you are gentle and offer it such a snack. Those who enjoy these creatures' company should be warned, however, not to leave their windows open during the holiday nights, lest their cookie jars and candy boxes be emptied while they sleep.
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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by Danafox »

Kestrad wrote:GUYS

fallenlove101 wrote: :woo: I didnt even know we had albino direcores! One of the few times I've breed my creatures and I get an alby :t-:3:
Albino Direcore ~Permanent hybrid
A paw print marks the shell of this pale, and a pair of wings are already emerging.

General Description
There are several libraries in the castle, filled with thousands of books. Reading all of them is something no one has yet accomplished. Still, curious students and teachers alike spend their spare time reading, and occasionally find some intriguing subjects. For instance, multiple references to a fabled creature have been found. This animal was thought to be nothing more than mere rumor, as no one has ever seen a wingled wolf before. Most assumed these passages to be nothing more than fanciful rumor, and spared no time in searching for the creatures. But others did venture into the farthest reaches of the forest, and there these companions were discovered. Direcores are the fearsome result of a union between a direwolf and a manticore. Direcore companions possess the best attributes of both parents – they are large and powerful, yet silent and sly. Despite their large sizes, direcores are remarkably graceful when in flight, and swift. They hunt both on foot and when flying, and are talented hunters. When they tire, they retreat to a wide tree branch to nap, or to their den. Direcore companions live among both direwolves and manticores with ease, and the two species accept them in return, though none are eager to take them as mates.
Hatchling Description
Young direcore hatchlings are much like pups, full of energy and excitable. They play for most of the day, with manticore and direwolf hatchlings. Young direcores are bigger than most companions, and the added size of their wings makes them clumsy. Eventually, though, they learn to master flight, though they must launch from trees or cliffs. With their large claws and catlike tendencies, direcore hatchlings love to explore the many roofs of the castle. Should they ever fall off, the little ones use their wings and glide safely to the ground. As they age, direcores follow the example of older direcores and take to the woods, stalking prey for hours. In a matter of months, these little ones are independent, feeding themselves and living on their own.
Settian Drakeling ~Permanent hybrid
This egg is cradled in a poinsettia flower.

General Description
The holidays are heralded by many things, but one of the most memorable is the chiming calls of settian drakelings as they arrive by the dozens at the Keep. Settian drakelings are small enough to sit comfortably on a magi's head or shoulder, but are larger than either of their parent species. Though they resemble glyceris drakelings more, they get their strong ice magic from their crycoris parent. They use this power rarely against others, preferring instead to use frost to produce beautiful patterns on stone and glass - patterns that most often resemble the poinsettia flower. Settian drakelings have a great love for the poinsettia flower and only nest in places where these red flowers bloom. They present those they care for with poinsettia blossoms.
Male hatchling
Hatchling Description
Hatchling settian drakelings are exuberant and festive, readily joining in on all the holiday fun that goes on at the Keep. No matter what, though, they stick close to their parents, and will even try to leap from high places when they take off despite their own wings being too small. Magi who choose settian drakelings as companions find this quite a jarring experience, but the drakelings seem to think it's great fun.

Pocket Sylph ~LIMITED creature
The grey wings coming out of this sleighbell-sized egg flutter softly against your hand.

General Description
The sylphs are the triumph of Synaran design. The merchant house which eventually revealed the eggs as their finest product refuse to divulge the source creature that they were bred from, but all agree that the sylphs themselves are masterworks. To help maintain their monopoly, the sylphs are available only during special festival occasions. There are two varieties, each covered in thick, soft fur, and found only in areas where it snows. Both are fond of all types of bells, and spend considerable time imitating the sound of them. They can chirp and shriek as well, but reserve most of their vocal effort for tinkling bells and deep chimes. Sylphs have a magical connection to the wind and can fly from the moment they hatch. Sylph parents anxiously toll out deep bell tones as their offspring's egg begins to crack, and only relax into joyous peels when the young one has safely lurched upwards and been borne aloft by its first conscious act -using magic to lift itself skyward.
Male/Female ~Dimorphism
Hatchling Description
As hatchlings, pocket sylphs are almost impossible to keep track of. Their voices are tiny and easily lost to the breeze, and while their wings are clearly too small to keep them aloft or direct them purposefully, they use their magic to drift with every passing wind. Even if they are blown directly into someone, their fur is softer than any thistledown and cushions the impact until it is almost too gentle to notice. Only the wealthy or lucky citizens can boast of having pocket sylphs, and even though Synarans love to show off these small creatures, they take great care of the hatchlings while outdoors lest a passing wind carry them far away. Eventually the hatchlings would make their way home again, but it might be quite a journey!
Bell Squirrel ~LIMITED creature
The thick, fluffy tail poking through this egg's shell twitches often.

General Description
Bell squirrels are small for squirrels, sometimes not even being as large as a magi's palm. These pudgy little squirrels are capable of gliding with the thin, shiny flap of skin stretching between their front and back legs, although they often grow too heavy for it to work well as they get older. Males are more striking than females, being mainly green with a bright gold skin flap, but it is their mating ritual that attracts attention. During the holiday season, magi often notice bells missing - but only red bells. Male squirrels seek out red bells - ones living far away from magi use red berries - and polish them to shine before presenting them to a female. If she accepts, they pair for life.
Male/Female ~Dimorphism
Hatchling Description
Magi at the Keep must keep a careful eye on these little squirrels. As they practice gliding, it is easy for them to become hurt in a crash. Unfortunately for magi, it's difficult to keep track of a very curious baby squirrel that's also small enough to fit into gaps between stones in walls. The squirrels find it amusing to leap out at magi from seemingly nowhere - but it's hard to hold a grudge against such a cute little thing. Feeding them cherries is a surefire way to earn their lifetime affection.
Glyceris Drakeling ~LIMITED creature
This little egg smells faintly of holly berries.

Male/Female ~ no dimorphism
Hatchling Description
Glyceris drakelings are only the size of mice when they first hatch from their eggs, and don't grow much larger despite their voracious appetites. In the wild, they'll eat whatever their parents being them, but berries are a special treat. At the Keep, the hatchlings are especially fond of sugared plums, and will readily raid the kitchens in search of a midnight snack. They aren't especially discrete during such quests, as they are clumsy until they learn how to use their wings. Newly hatched glyceris drakelings have strong claws for climbing around, so even though they often end up hanging upside-down unintentionally, it takes considerable effort for them to fall. Within a few short weeks the hatchlings gain mastery over their wings and will reach their full size. They retain their playfulness as adults, and often flock around magi and other creatures in hope of earning themselves a sugary treat.
Male/Female ~ no dimorphism
Adult Description
Winter at the Keep brings with it a slew of seasonal visitors, among them the so-called "fairies" of winter, the drakelings. There are many varieties, all of them smaller than most of their draconic kin, though many have magical abilities. Glyceris drakelings are talented fliers, and have a mild resistance to poison, in addition to the magical aura of all drakelings. The adults and hatchlings show a strong affinity for holly bushes, probably for the berries that the drakelings like to eat. They seem to be able to eat nearly any berry or fruit, even ones typically poisonous to other animals. However, their favorite treats are those full of sugar -- especially sweetened plums. A drakeling will gladly land of your arm if you are gentle and offer it such a snack. Those who enjoy these creatures' company should be warned, however, not to leave their windows open during the holiday nights, lest their cookie jars and candy boxes be emptied while they sleep.
General Description
Closely related to the feather drakes, these bird-sized dragons are seasonal visitors at the Keep. Generally kind-spirited and playful, drakelings bring cheer to all they visit. They radiate a joyous aura that placates the people and creatures around them to the point that nothing in the world would purposely harm a drakeling. Some would say this makes them mischievous, for they can get away with near anything and no one would rebuke them. The little dragons are always active during their time at the Keep, flying around chasing after birds and insects for fun, or else rummaging through the gardens, kitchens, and even students' dormitories for a favorite toy or snack. To keep the delicate creatures from getting into trouble, students will annually create special dragon feeders filled with nuts and suet and tiny bits of fruits for the drakelings to nibble on. Even though they will eventually move north with the retreating cold, some magi will always find a couple of extra drakeling eggs left behind as a thanks by their parents.
Crycoris Drakeling ~LIMITED creature
Cold crystals are radiating out from the shell of this egg.

Male/Female ~ no dimorphism
Hatchling Description
Crycoris hatchlings are ready to fly shortly after hatching, but it takes them many weeks to gain full control of their wings. They are born proud creatures, despite their often clumsy flight, and will often strut around their fine feathers to any creatures nearby. Should a creature or magi fail to recognize them for their beauty, an irate hatchling may choose to whip up a miniature snowstorm to blow in said creature or magi's face, before running off to their parents nearby. As they age, crycoris hatchlings become more manageable and often appear a little more humbled, saving their petty wrath for those that better deserve it. Any such "attack" by a crycoris is usually harmless, meant to irritate and discomfort more than harm. The aura that drakelings radiate protects them from any serious retaliation. However, as one might expect, these little drakelings are instigators of many a snowball fight at the Keep.
Male/Female ~ no dimorphism
Adult Description
Winter at the Keep brings with it a slew of seasonal visitors, among them the so-called "fairies" of winter, the drakelings. There are many varieties, all of them smaller than most of their draconic kin, though many have magical abilities. Lithe and graceful, crycoris drakelings possess power over ice and snow, though less than some of their larger draconian kin. Instead of breathing cold beams and producing walls of ice, these dragons are capable of churning out individual snowflakes from the icy tips of their feathers and the icicles on their tails. Ice accumulates slowly on their body, growing with the drakeling no matter the climate it is kept in. The very oldest of crycoris drakelings have a mane entirely frozen over with little icicles. When flying, they almost look like little clouds sprinkling snow to the ground.
General Description
Closely related to the feather drakes, these bird-sized dragons are seasonal visitors at the Keep. Generally kind-spirited and playful, drakelings bring cheer to all they visit. They radiate a joyous aura that placates the people and creatures around them to the point that nothing in the world would purposely harm a drakeling. Some would say this makes them mischievous, for they can get away with near anything and no one would rebuke them. The little dragons are always active during their time at the Keep, flying around chasing after birds and insects for fun, or else rummaging through the gardens, kitchens, and even students' dormitories for a favorite snack. To keep the delicate creatures from getting into trouble, students will annually create special dragon feeders filled with nuts and suet and tiny bits of fruits for the drakelings to nibble on. Even though they will eventually move north with the retreating cold, some magi will always find a couple of extra drakeling eggs left behind as a thanks by their parents.

How to get Them?
Glyceris & Crycoris Drakelings - Stream,Image Snowflake Mixer (Remy's Inn),ImageBag with Poinsettia (Solstice Caravan Shop)
Bell Squirrel - 2300g Solstice Caravan Shop
Pocket Sylph - 3500g Solstice Caravan Shop
Albino Direcore - breeding Direwolf x Manticore, Direcore x Direcore
Settian Drakeling - breed Glyceris & Crycoris Drakelings

edit: everything updated...whew :sweat:
Last edited by Danafox on December 19th, 2015, 4:37:58 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by whitewolfjustice »

I got an albino!! I'm so glad I have hoards of those creatures!!!
I bought a bag I got a sea star and a chocolate ? xocomal? I don't know how to spell it XD

Just tried the drink thing took me 8 to get. Hatchling and another 20to get another
Last edited by whitewolfjustice on December 19th, 2015, 3:34:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by Pok »

I got:
Rewin dragon
Giant sylph
Silvan serpaen
Arcanum serpaen
Swirled winged cat
Gold horned narwhal
Chocolate viridis crab
Volcanic seahorse
Abyssal seahorse
Praluven seal
White aculeus
Golden aculeus
Chocolate xocomel
Caramel xocomel
Dark serendin
Chocolate viyasant
Black holly jackalope
White holly jackalope

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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by VilaWolf »

Ashh loong ashh we're reporting reshhultshhhh.... Ebbeene Shhhhark & Bllacck Holly Jaackalope in my bagg + it ttoookk 28 drinkshh to ...hic... get a hhatchilng.

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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by NepetaLeijon »

NepetaLeijon wrote:
Winter at the Keep brings with it a slew of seasonal visitors, among them the so-called "fairies" of winter, the drakelings. There are many varieties, all of them smaller than most of their draconic kin, though many have magical abilities. Lithe and graceful, crycoris drakelings possess power over ice and snow, though less than some of their larger draconian kin. Instead of breathing cold beams and producing walls of ice, these dragons are capable of churning out individual snowflakes from the icy tips of their feathers and the icicles on their tails. Ice accumulates slowly on their body, growing with the drakeling no matter the climate it is kept in. The very oldest of crycoris drakelings have a mane entirely frozen over with little icicles. When flying, they almost look like little clouds sprinkling snow to the ground.
Adult Crycoris Drakeling found in the click threads!
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Re: Magi Christmas

Post by fallenlove101 »

Dunno if its a creatures or already mentioned but theres chocolate earwigs at remys
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