Avalon Keep #95 is up- 'Deepened Conflict'

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Re: Avalon Keep #92 is up- 'Origins'

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

Ch. 93

The trip back to Avalon hadn’t been very fun for Keisin, Pheona went in and out of consciousness, going through fits of terror and pain and switching from Marlena and back to Pheona. She had stayed in her true self long enough that Keisin had told her what happened. The look in her eyes almost made him wish he hadn’t.

She was asleep for now, though- and peaceful. He looked down at her as they rode on Thiazi, Prism clinging to the unicorn’s horn as Russet settled in the hood of his furred robes. He was getting used to being around so many creatures all the time. After being alone in the mountains it had been a bit overwhelming at first, but… he found it nice to have so many people and animals around him.

We are almost there. Prism’s soft voice said from on top of Thiazi’s horn, his cracked wing fluttering for a moment as if he couldn’t help it.

“Is there anything we can do to heal you?” Keisin asked the butterfly, hoping the creature wasn’t going to be flightless for the rest of his life.

Do not worry about me. I will ask Amalthea to heal me. Be more concerned with the fact that Pheona has two souls in one body. The mind is not supposed to have that… I am not sure what it will do.

Keisin didn’t like the sound of that. The butterfly seemed to know almost everything- always giving advice on things he had no idea even existed. To know that the butterfly was clueless about this was almost as terrifying as when Pheona went into her fits of panic.

Thiazi suddenly let out a loud whinny below him, making him jump in surprise as the stallion snorted. Another answering whinny accompanied by pounding hooves signaled that others were on the way. Lir and Amalthea soon came through the trees, Lir staring at Pheona for a moment in terror before walking slowly up to her and bumping her sleeping body with his snout.

“She’s just asleep for now.” Keisin said softly, not wanting to wake her up. “Isildre put the soul of his wife in her… somehow. I’m not sure how to fix it.”

The unicorn looked up at him with old golden eyes, but filled with dread and confusion. He didn’t know either. Well, so much for that plan.

“Alright, let’s just… get her inside for now.” Keisin said with a deep sigh, Thiazi walking toward the large cabin as Centurion and Alabast watched with concern.

By the time Rynu and Marina arrived at Avalon, it was well passed dark. Pheona would likely be asleep now, and wouldn’t want to be bothered… but this was important. She would understand, right?

Rynu hoped she would as he walked up to the door, raising his hand to knock on the wood before a sharp scream filled the night air, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end at the sound. He had heard too many screams in his life, too many sounds of terror and pain like the one lancing through him now.

Taking a quick step back he pushed Marina aside before kicking the door clean off its hinges with one of his large leather boots, storming inside, his green eyes glowing with magic.

“Sssh, Pheona- it’s alright!” Keisin said from the room upstairs, trying to tell over Pheona’s screams of terror.

Rynu stormed up the stairs, rushing over to the room and opening the door to see Keisin leaning next to Pheona in bed, her eyes wide with panic as she screamed again.

“What’s going on?” He yelled furiously, looking at Keisin with gritted teeth to keep his anger in check as best he could.

“It’s a long story- she’ll calm down eventually- just help me keep her from hurting herself.” Keisin struggled against her as one of her arms escaped his grip and flung out to knock against the bed post painfully, her yell just getting louder with the added pain.
Rynu walked over and secured the arm against her side with a firm but gentle grip, looking over Pheona at Keisin with confusion. “What’s going on?” He repeated the question, this time with less anger and more worry.

“Isildre took her.” Keisin gritted out in a pained tone. “I tried to watch her as best I could, but he tricked her- even used my-“ He shook his head in frustration. “He tricked her, and took her. Now he’s put a spell on her that Isildre’s wife is in her body… along with her.”

“Stella!” Pheona screeched in terror. “Someone save her, don’t let him take her!”

Rynu flinched at the tone and looked back to Keisin. “So, sorcerer. Do you have a way to fix this?”

Keisin shook his head slowly, and Rynu let out a long sigh.

“I got a letter from Novillo. He wants me to… train my magic.” He looked up at Keisin again uneasily. “I may need your help with that.”

“What would you need my help for? I’m not a magi.” Keisin said before getting a better grip on Pheona, sighing when she finally settled down.

“Neither am I.” Rynu looked over his shoulder at Marina in the doorway, seeing her horrified expression as a hand covered her mouth. “I’ll probably need all of your help. Especially if we’re going to have to get that damn sorcerer to change our Pheona back to normal.”

“How are you expecting to convince him to do that?” Keisin gave him a skeptical look.

“The same way he convinced me to join the Brotherhood.” Rynu looked at the sleeping Pheona before looking back at Keisin. “Find his weakness, and hurt him until he gives up.”

((INDEED IT IS o3o))

Just so you all know, this next part is going to be the crazy part where eeeeeverything starts linking together in ways you NEVER would have thought they would ;D

((Notes for me:
Trillo/Taylin (city)
Shran/Manka (city)
Lakto/Kalyn (camp)
Piko/Hali (temple)
Katrina/Swarro (camp)

Koralov/Vosayra (city)
Zulu/Anri (city/mother)
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Re: Avalon Keep #93 is up- 'Promise of Revenge'

Post by SeaCrest »

I know already. Sort of. :P

*is very happy* Wonderful end to a crappy day :D
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Re: Avalon Keep #93 is up- 'Promise of Revenge'

Post by BluMajica »

Ahhh.. thank you so much Phe <3 I know youve had heaps going on... but its been killing me not knowing whats going on here... can't wait to read more!
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Re: Avalon Keep #93 is up- 'Promise of Revenge'

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

Chapter 94- Distant Relations

((BEFORE you read this chapter- I suggest that you read what I have of Time Keeper up! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7372328/1/Time-Keeper)

Nitiko stopped his stallion outside the small familiar hut, the bustle of the streets of Synara all around them. He jumped down from the horse with a clang of metal from his armor, reaching up to help Stella down as she held her arms against her front in a defensive posture. She obviously didn’t like having so many noises all around her… poor girl wasn’t used to cities.

“Don’t worry, we won’t be here long, hopefully. I just have to find out what Novillo said about the sorcerer.” The paladin looked over at the house, wondering what his old friend could want. Novillo wasn’t the type to get mixed up among sorcerers and dark magic… the man had simple pleasures, and wanted nothing more from life than to spend quiet evenings with Conintor.

Nitiko looked over his shoulder at Hunter and Solinur, the twins dismounting as well, Hunter guiding Stella from the crowds to be closer to the building.

Nitiko walked up to the door and took off his gauntlet to knock on the wood, staring in surprise when Novillo didn’t answer the door, but Conintor.

“Um…” The paladin said uneasily, noticing Conintor’s raised eyebrow. “Is Novillo here?”

“Novillo went to Avalon to see what was wrong with Pheona.” Conintor looked at the paladin with a judging gaze, his green eyes flashing warily. “Why, what do you need with him?”

“He sent me a note asking about a sorcerer who had called upon the paladins for help a while back… I’m here to answer him and help him out if I need to.”

Conintor nodded, but only stepped aside to let them inside. “Come on in, you can settle down for the night here, and stable your horse. Novillo will want to talk with you and I’m not sure how long he’ll be.” He looked over to the others behind him, staring for a moment at Stella, his eyes widening in surprise.

Nitiko let out a low hiss of warning at the stare, but Conintor shook his head. “Where are you from, girl?”

Stella looked in the direction of the voice, and Conintor immediately felt bad about staring. The poor girl was blind- her eyes were far too opaque to see out of.

“I-I’m from Voltar.” She said uneasily, moving closer to Hunter for reassurance. The younger man glared at Conintor for making Stella so nervous, but Conintor simply ignored his dark look.

“Voltar…” That was only a short distance from Etain. “What’s your mother’s name?”

“I…” Stella bit her lip uneasily, a strand of her strange rainbow-imbued black hair falling into her face, but she didn’t seem to notice. “I don’t remember. I was taken from her when I was very small.”

“Why, do you know her at all?” Nitiko looked back at Stella curiously before turning back to Conintor.

“No… well, maybe. We’ll have to see when Novillo gets back. He’s much better with this kind of thing than I am.” He looked at Stella for another moment before grumbling under his breath and turning back around. “Make yourselves at home. Don’t touch any of Rynu’s things unless you want to be tied up in vines or something.” He waved a hand toward the weapons in the corner, a curved serrated dagger among them.

“I hope we don’t have to be here long.” Solinur whispered to his twin brother, Hunter. “These people seem a bit… odd.”

Stella couldn’t help but nod slightly in agreement.

“No… this is not good.” Novillo ran a hand through his blond hair, looking down at Pheona uneasily as she slept. “Marlena, you said? Are you positive about that?”

Keisin nodded. “She’s been saying it’s her name when she goes to the other person… Isildre’s wife. Why, do you know anything that’s happening?”

Novillo sighed in frustration, looking to Rynu as he leaned back against the wall, watching his cousin sleep uneasily. “Marlena was the older sister of Serena and Raoul.”

Rynu looked up in shock at that, his green eyes wide. “My mom’s sister?”

“Yes, so she is Pheona and your aunt.” Novillo looked down at Pheona again. “That means that Isildre knew they were related close enough he could do something like this. He needed a blood relation… and he got it.” He wasn’t going to add that it was possible he hadn’t killed her immediately… just so he could do this. He didn’t think Keisin would react well to that.

“So what can we do?” Keisin took Pheona’s hand gently, holding it between his own much larger palms.

“There’s not much we can do, Keisin. Wait, hope… if Marlena is trapped in there with her, we may have no choice. I don’t know much about sorcerers, I’m no paladin.”

Keisin looked up at Novillo, confused by that last part.

“Oh right- you’re a mountain man. Paladins are warriors who are lines of people without magic- they are trained to fight dark magi, but their specialty is to fight sorcerers. They know all about them.”

Keisin shifted uneasily at that knowledge. “Are there a lot of them?”

“There’s usually at least one paladin in every village. More are in the cities, in their own fortresses.”

Keisin shook his head, letting out a deep sigh. “Well… it looks like if we want to find out what to do, we’ll have to get a paladin involved, right? I somehow don’t think he’ll react well to me.”

“Yes well, I’m one step ahead of you there. It helps to have connections.” Novillo grinned knowingly, vanishing into purple wind and streaming out the open window across the room.

Novillo streamed back through the window of his noise, materializing in the bedroom. “Cooooooon-boooon!” He said in a sing-song voice, not realizing Conintor was in the livingroom with guests. The larger man flushed at the intimate nick-name being used in front of strangers, but cleared his throat.
“In here.” He said gruffly. “With Nitiko.”

“Oh. Oh!” Novillo stormed through the door of the bedroom, walking into the livingroom and shaking Nitiko’s hand firmly, in a quick jostling shake that rattled the paladin’s armor. “Good to see you, skull-basher! How’s the fortress? Beat any baddies lately?”

Nitiko laughed at Novillo’s excited personality and returned the shake with his own strong one. “Yes and no. Things have been quiet down south for now. I hear you have a bit of trouble up here?”

“Oh yes- unfortunately.” Novillo sighed and looked around the room at the others, his eyes stopping when he saw Stella, his breath catching.

“Splitting image of her, isn’t she?” Conintor grinned in amusement at Novillo staring at Stella as well.

“Y-yeah.” Novillo’s voice cracked for a moment before looking back at Nitiko. “Who’s that?”

“Why does everyone recognize me here?” Stella said in frustration.

“That’s Stella. She’s from Voltar and no she doesn’t know her mother’s name.” Nitiko interrupted Novillo before he could ask the questions.

“Well, I’m thinking I do.” Novillo looked back over at her. “You say you’re from Voltar- where in Voltar?”

“A sorcerer was keeping me captive.” Stella fiddled with her dress uneasily. “He did an experiment on me- and did this.” She pointed to her eyes and hair. “And made me make stones for him, putting magic in them for something he was doing with other sorcerers.”

“Do you remember where he took you from?”

Stella just shook her head. “I was too little. The last thing I remember is learning that I had… strange magic. I…” She sighed and shook her head.

“Oh sweetie, I’m all about strange stuff. Tell ol’ Novillo.” The wind magi grinned reassuringly.

“I do time magic- I can make things old, or very young in much less time than it usually would. I can also stop it for a very short while.”

Novillo stared at her a moment and chuckled. “Well, goodness knows it runs in the family to have strong magic. Stella dear, how would you like to meet your cousin Rynu?”
Last edited by Phoenixwildfire on December 21st, 2012, 1:02:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Avalon Keep #94 is up- 'Distant Relations'

Post by SeaCrest »

All I have to say is


Oh, and of course, Isildre needs to die. Painfully. But I already established this long ago.
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Re: Avalon Keep #94 is up- 'Distant Relations'

Post by ShadowFairyStar »

More please? :t-puppyeyes: Pretty please?!

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Re: Avalon Keep #94 is up- 'Distant Relations'

Post by Vipersbite »

Very nice :3 i had not read this in so long i forgot just how good it was :3 i may have quit but i will still pop back in once in a while...and i will expect a chapter or 2 or 3 or 50 or so :3

Please feed the little one :3

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Re: Avalon Keep #94 is up- 'Distant Relations'

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

Ch. 95 - Deepened Conflict

Rynu knocked on the door to Conintor and Novillo’s hut, feeling a strange nervous twisting in his gut from Novillo’s urgent note. The wind magi was never one to rush too much- despite his element. An ‘urgent’ pugeon note sent a twinge of terror through him, and put Keisin into a near panic.

Marina stood beside him, looking just as nervous but not nearly as panicked. How she was managing to stay so calm was a wonder to Rynu… he felt like his heart would beat out of his chest.

Conintor opened the door and smiled at him, ushering him inside where a group of strangers stood in the small living room. Rynu cast a confused glance around the room before landing on Novillo.

“I came as quickly as I could. You said you found out something about Isildre?” He said, trying not to sound too out of breath from their speedy run on Yin’s back toward Synara. Avalon Keep wasn’t too far away- but enough that the poor enox would need a good rest before running again.

Novillo stood, a smile coming over his face as the blond magi walked over to him, setting a hand on his shoulder. “Nothing to be afraid of, Rynu. I found something, yes. Do you remember what I said about the soul that’s inside Pheona?”

“It’s my aunt… my mother’s older sister. What about it?” Rynu’s eyebrows furrowed in further confusion. Novillo had just told him that a few hours ago… what could have changed in such a short time?

“Well… I think I’ll let things speak for themselves.” Novillo turned aside, revealing the woman at the far side of the room.

Rynu’s breath caught in his lungs as his eyes widened, his stance turning rigid at the sight of her. He took a hesitant step toward him hopefully, but once she turned her eyes toward him- opaque, and sightless- his recognition faded.

“How… what is this? Is this some kind of joke?” Rynu looked toward his ‘uncles’ with a pained expression.

“No, it’s no joke. This is your cousin, Stella. I admit that the resemblance is… unsettling at first. I thought you’d like to meet her. She’s Isildre’s daughter, Stella.”

Rynu looked at the woman with a new light, a strange mixture of elation and disgust roiling through him. She was his cousin, yes… but she was also the daughter of the man who had taken away years of his life in pain and torture. She didn’t have any blame for that… but his blood still ran in her veins.

“Please… who’s Isildre? You know my mother?” Stella gasped, her eyes still staring at nothing, even while seeming to search for some answers.

“Y-yeah.” Rynu finally found words again, taking a deep breath as Marina stood beside him, a hand at his shoulder for assurance. “You look just like my mother, so I’d say it’s pretty likely you’re related.”

Marina’s eyes widened once she found out why he had reacted like that, looking to the woman as well. She had never known Rynu’s mother, and she could see a few similarities to Pheona as well. “I do have to say… the family resemblance is definitely there.”

“So if you know her mother and father, why did you call us here?” Nitiko crossed his arms in frustration at the situation.

“Isildre is a sorcerer who is striving to reap vengeance on those who wouldn’t help him when he needed them. The paladins, magi and sorcerers. No one would help him- and so his wife died. I’m not sure how he came to the idea that he should kill everyone, but no one can understand insanity.” Novillo began to explain.

“He disguised himself in a group called the Dark Brotherhood- pretending he was one of them to gain magi who could help him against their will. He branded them with a mark that had the ability to take over their mind and make them do his will.” Rynu added, raising his sleeve and showing the black snake that wound up his arm, the kirin’s containment scrolls still keeping it at bay.

“We didn’t know what his goal was until a short time ago… he trapped the mind of his dead wife in… in his niece. He needed a blood relation, so he had to destroy the entire family to get one suitable for what he wanted.” Novillo continued.

Stella put a hand over her mouth in horror at the idea that she could be related to someone who was capable of such terrible things. “B-but what about me? He never came for me… I saw my mother die, and never knew her! How does that fit into this?” Stella shouted in shock.

“I’m not sure how you fit into things yet, dear. I’m trying to figure it out but… it’s possible he doesn’t know about you. You see, her brother and sister helped your mother escape from Isildre when he started to turn violent. She must have been pregnant with you when she left.”

“I see.” Nitiko frowned, the grimace adding wrinkles to the long scar that crossed the left side of his face. “So he thought she was kidnapped because he didn’t want to face the idea of his wife running from him.”

“It’s possible, but I don’t know.” Novillo shook his head.

“Well if that was the case, the paladins would have investigated first rather than going on just one person’s allegations. When they found her they would have realized the situation and just left her alone rather than drag her back to him.” The paladin’s frown deepened. “He tried to get each group to ‘help’ him, even though he might have known the situation all along… and now he’s taking his anger out on them.”

“I could see that. The man is obviously unstable… but unfortunately he has a lot of magic to back up his insanity.” Rynu glanced back over to Stella, unable to help staring for a moment at her strange hair. “C-can I ask what happened to you?”

“I was taken and experimented on.” Stella said quietly, realizing the question must be for her when no one else answered.

“I know how that feels.” Rynu muttered darkly. “So what are we going to do about this?” He said, standing up straight again. “So she’s his daughter… so what? I doubt he’s going to turn into the perfect father after killing as many people as he has.” He scoffed.

“No… but he may not know about her at all.” Novillo said quietly. “And he deserves to at least know that he has a daughter. If anything, we can use the shock to his advantage.”

Rynu made a low sound of disapproval at the idea of just telling him and glanced up to Novillo in realization “Wait- you said paladins know more about sorcerers, right?” He looked over to Nitiko. “What do you know about blood magic?”

Nitiko blinked in surprise at the question. “That’s a very old and dark magic. There are very few sorcerers alive that can even begin to teach it to others… but I suppose with enough magic and research it can be learned. We entrusted the books to a sorcerer we trusted up in Arkene many years ago.”

Rynu and Marina both froze at that, Rynu groaning in realization and putting a palm to his face.

“Let me guess. Was his name Lourn?” Novillo asked darkly.

Nitiko looked stricken, staring at him silently for a moment. “Why do you ask?”

“This is so… so much worse than I thought it was.” Rynu groaned, having to turn away from the idea that this one man had ruined so many people’s lives.

“We’ll have to tell Keisin.” Conintor said quietly, glancing out the window toward Avalon. “When he’s in a better state of mind. It… it makes sense though. Isildre can turn into a dragon.”

“What?!” Nitiko gasped. “A shapeshifter sorcerer? Why did the paladins not know about this sooner?”

“No one knew before a short time ago, Nitiko. The paladins who were involved were likely killed. The man has so many connections it’s difficult to trust anyone.” Novillo turned toward the paladin with a frown. “But you know now, so you know how serious this is. Are you willing to help us?”

“Of course.” Nitiko nodded. “Even if it wasn’t my duty as a paladin, I’ll help to destroy this monster.”

“I… I’ll help too.” Stella said quietly, everyone turning to look at her in shock. “He’s my father… and even though I don’t know him, I can’t believe the destruction he’s caused. As his daughter… I feel I need to help right his wrongs.”

“Stella… he’s so strong… if he can turn into a dragon, then he could kill all of us!” Hunter protested uneasily.

“Strong or not, I have to at least try.” Stella shook her head in determination. “So what about this blood magic, Nitiko… what does it do?”

“It uses his own being to further his magic. He drains his blood for his spells- and if he’s as old as I think he is, he’s likely using it to augment his age as well. He needs life force to do it- and the more he uses, the more insane he goes. The only way to break his spells is through a blood… relation…” He trailed off, realizing what he was saying.

“Well.” Novillo coughed as he realized as well. “I… I think we may have saved Pheona.”

“Me?” Stella tilted her head in shock. “But I don’t know any sorcerer spells!”

“Ah, but we know a sorcerer. He can’t help her because he’s not related to Isildre.” Marina said hopefully. “If she can cast the spell through him, maybe it’ll work?”

“It’s worth a shot, at least. I’m willing to try pretty much anything.” Rynu nodded. “Let’s head back to Avalon to help Pheona, and we’ll figure out how to stop Isildre from there.

“No Rynu. You have to start learning your magic.” Novillo walked over to the taller man, and put his hands on Rynu’s shoulders reassuringly. “You know how much it will help us. You can even shapeshift too! You just have to learn how.”

Rynu grimaced at the idea of learning the same magic that had killed his mother but nodded solemnly. “I… I guess so.”

“I’ll go with you.” Marina offered, chuckling when Rynu whipped around and looked at her with wide eyes. “Someone has to make sure you study well, Ry. Goodness knows you get distracted easily.”

Rynu blinked down at her in surprise and glanced away with embarrassment. “Well, thank you.” He looked back at her for a moment before turning away with slightly reddened cheeks. “Where do we have to go?”

“You two need to go to the deserts of Etain- and they’ll send you down to the black deserts south of Voltar. There’s a tribe there that will be able to help you with your wild magic.” Novillo grinned knowingly at him, causing the color to deepen in Rynu’s face. “Just be good. Mind your manners, too. These people tend to be… possessive.”

Rynu didn’t quite know what to make of that, but nodded. “Alright. Send me a message when Pheona’s better. Let me know what we’re planning and I’ll do my best to figure things out down south.”

“Of course.” Novillo smiled as Rynu started walking back out the door. “And Rynu-“ Novillo started and let out a small sigh before continuing. “Please be careful.”

Rynu looked back over his shoulder at Novillo and Conintor, the two men who had raised him and the only ‘fathers’ he had ever known. “I will. I’ll be back.” He said in a promise before walking back out with Marina to get supplies for their long journey.
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Re: Avalon Keep #95 is up- 'Deepened Conflict'

Post by SeaCrest »

Eeeeeee <3 More AK!

Now, let's see here. Many stories diverging. I'll have to go back and reread some stuff, but I'm pretty sure I understand - for now XD

Did we ever get an exact idea of what Stella can do?
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Re: Avalon Keep #95 is up- 'Deepened Conflict'

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

I'll give a basic re-hash for everyone.

First we learn that Serena is being abused by her husband- and is eventually killed by him. Rynu kills his father in relation with mysterious fire magic that no one can really explain (all that's left is ash and burn marks)

yet all we know of Rynu is that he has earth magic- specializing in vines.

Then we find that Rynu goes to live with Pheona and her parents (Raoul and Vitali) and Isildre goes to kill their keep, but both Rynu and Pheona get away (but both her parents die)

their friends Conintor and Novillo (a couple) decide to 'adopt' and raise them. They both befriend Marina while Pheona is admitted into The Keep as a magi- Rynu refuses to learn magic because magic is what killed his mother.

Rynu is trapped into the Dark Brotherhood and a mysterious sorcerer captures him and experiments on him. He's forced to cut all ties with his family, and leaves for 4 years.

Years later he comes back and tries to make amends with his family- insisting that he had no control over himself and that everything he did was to try and protect them.

Pheona goes off in search of a creature in the arctic and brings her unicorn, Lir (who is a 'guardian', sent by the Gods to protect certain aspects of the world) and Rynu decides to come along to try to get closer to his cousin.

Up north they meet Keisin, son of the sorcerer named Lourn. We learn that his father was killed by a massive black ice dragon, giving Keisin an intense fear and hatred of dragons.

Keisin and Pheona start to get along -really- well. Once they get back south, Keisin learns of their past and wants to help fight against an obviously corrupt sorcerer.

Meanwhile Hunter and Solinur are off on their final test to become Battle Magi- to defeat a sorcerer that's holed up in Voltar. Inside the tower Hunter finds Stella and brings her to the Keep. After learning of her time magic (she destroys a bull by increasing time and turning it to bones) they reject her as an abomination created by sorcerers and threaten to kill her.
Hunter brings Stella to the paladins, where Nitiko offers to protect them from those who may hunt them down.
Stella has the ability to increase time and slow time (reverse it as well, but not nearly as fast or as much)
Nitiko gets a letter from Novillo (a battle magi he knows from his past) and heads up north to Synara to see what the trouble is.

After many battles with isildre as they try to capture and defeat him (Rynu nearly dying once, and being turned into a Tienko another time) they chase him up north where he captures Pheona and 'injects' her with the soul of his dead wife using blood magic. Keisin beings her back south to try and find a cure for her before her body burns up from having two souls in her.

Rynu reveals to Marina that he has a strange magic called 'wild' magic that's inherited by his family- and that he (and now Stella) are the last... known... survivors who have the magic.

'wild' magic is the root magic from which magi and sorcerers came from- before they decided to separate themselves to people who cared for creatures, and people who cared for abilities.

Does that help? <3

So it goes basically like this.

Raoul (D) +++ Vitali (D) = Pheona
Serena (D) +++ Nostros (D) = Rynu
Marena (D/Pheona) +++ Isildre = Stella
?????? +++ Lourn (D) = Keisin

Pheona has fire magi magic
Rynu has wild magic
Keisin is a sorcerer
Stella is transformed wild magic

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