Solstice Thank-Yous

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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by KittenSmith »

Oh, what an AMAZING treasures I've got here!

Treasure #1: Bell Squirrel from SirChicken
Treasure #2: Dark Minicorn from Jaymes
Treasure #3: Hollowjack from anonymous, followed by this awesome message:
"As you go through your Christmas presents, something catches your eye. A certain present box that seems to be moving back and forth, as if something was inside it. Cautiously, you open the neatly wrapped box topped with a bow, and out springs a Hollowjack! You curse under your breath. Another one of these??? Halloween was two months ago! Shaking your head, you pick up the headless hatching, unsure of who gave it to you, but willing to keep it nevertheless. That's when you realize there was a note attached to the bottom of the box you had opened. Plucking it off the box, you read it: ~April Fools!~...What the heck? It's not even April..."
Treasure #4: Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl from anonymous
Treasure #5: Dark Lapis Pygmy Gemdragon from Phyrstyr
Treasure #6: Alucinari from sara4cows
Treasure #7: Water Hydra from Firefox
Treasure #8: Clostra Crystalwing from bell08
Treasure #9: Arkenian Goose from bell08
Treasure #10: Fire Arkai from bell08
Treasure #11: Borean Chirrups from Rattyfleef
Treasure #12: Kraken from anonymous
Treasure #13: Ruby Kordaetis Elephant from anonymous
Treasure #14: Capellin from anonymous
Treasure #15: Flecked Sceap from Bofurshat
Treasure #16: Settian Drakeling from DRQ
Treasure #17: Striped Taedan Gryphon from vanillachapter
Treasure #18: 3x Nimikoolah from MagiStream staff

Many, MANY thanks to you all!
Happy Holidays!
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by Logrin »

I was so lucky this year! Thank you to all my gifters! Individual thanks under the spoiler cut!
Coffee - a SB arkenian kitsune! Thank you, that's very kind, they will be very welcome in my fox tab!

pegasi1978 - thanks for the kitsune, I can't enough of them so I'm pleased to have another to add to my little fox clan!

randomname - a tenabre fox to make a cosy pair with my odd one out! Thank you!

NelwNoll - a fresh new foxfire skulk to live in my keep! thank you!

keyestawren - thank you for the spotted wolf, they're gorgeous and my fave kind of borean!

Padfootsmistress777 - thanks for the laetolis, I didn't have one of those yet! Something new for my keep :D

Altairia, thank you for the two saturas and the quetz. This year's xmas creatures are so lovely!

Lenalee96 and shadowrose45 - thanks for the nikollus pups! I didn't manage to grab more than one when the black market was open, so I was very pleasantly surprised to get these :D

wispa - thank you so much for the black skulk, that's just what I was hoping for! I appreciate it very much!

blockEdragon - a lovely frigaes deer, which I have wanted for a long time now! Thank you very much for sending me one!

Zanthor - Thank you, this little piece of writing was wonderful and charming, and the black skulk is exactly what I wanted! Quoting your writing here for posterity:
Winter has come, and with it comes the cold and the snow. During this time of the year many a magi seeks out a companion that brings warmth. From the flames of a Phoenix, to the delicious smelling warmth of a Roast Arkenian Goose, once the cold takes hold anything will do. Of course many have heard that two is better than one, and three even better than two, so surely a Cerberus would be best, what with its three flame spouting heads. Obviously that is not true though, for there exists the Skulks, with their five burning tails there truly is no companion better suited for warming up a magi from the cold. What's that? Snuggling up to fire isn't wise? You'd be better off with something big and fuzzy? That's crazy talk! Skulks are plenty fuzzy, and if you catch a little burning to least you'll be warm until the end. Merry Christmas!
DarkRider - thanks for the satura, they are lovely and I'm glad to see them!

Rattyfleef, Silverdove, and Jrap17 - I can't thank you enough for the SB herbalist deer. Having several people be so generous is a great gift and I'm very grateful to all of you!

Alto - Thank you for the gilded skulk and this lovely, funny story! It really made me smile:
As the hours finally tick toward Christmas day, the halls of the Keep quiet and settle. It's late enough for you to close your door and stoke the fire in your fireplace, basking now in the quiet instead of the festivities until tomorrow morning; but, apparently, that is not yet to be the case, as one more mage comes running down the hall making a wailing sound of imminent despair. Of course, it's Alto, and he looks more distressed by his horrible sense of time than anything else. As you open the door to peer at the spectacle, he throws an egg at you, enchanted so that it stops before it splatters on anything. "Happy holidays," he shouts over his shoulder at you, in a very distressed manner.
To anon gifters: thank you for sending me a quetz, saturas, a kitsune, and a striped gryphon. I don't know who you are but I hope you have a good day and get creatures you love!

A big big BIG thank you to RobotChimera - I don't know what to say, I didn't ever expect to get gifted an ice kitsune, but you really made my day! She is beautiful and will have pride of place with my foxes! Thank you so so much for your kind generosity!

And lastly to the Magistream staff - thank you for the new creatures, what a great surprise! I'm glad the site is still going strong and hope you all have a good holiday!
Thanks for clicking! You can mine in my keep, except please don't mine in the Gift Bank tag!
Thank you for my presents!
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by dreamingditz »

i'm really really new!!! and a little lost but wow i haven't even posted here yet or talked to anyone so i'm very amazed i got a few gifts! especially from
The huntress

and to those anonymous gifts thank you as well!!

i'm really touched, everyone here is so kind!!! Happy Holidays and thank you all! <3 <3 <3
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by yayanime94 »

Ahhhh i've been gone for a few years because magistream wasn't as fun when my friend who dragged me here quit and left me with most of her valuable creatures ;-; so i wasn't expecting anything except from the people i've asked gifts from!

thank you to
hazelnut for all the crystal wings! i've missed them so i was really glad!
Doggyears for the Draeklings and giant slyphs!!! i've missed those as well!
i'm really thankful to you both!

now thank you to all the anonymous people who sent me gifts! i really appreciate them
now thank you

i don't know who you guys are but thank you for sending me gifts! it was very sweet of you both!

and lastly thank you
i know you were helping me hoard more satura since i like them thank you <3 <3 <3

Happy Holidays everyone! ^.^
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by Rhia »

Ok, this time I'd rather just write it in here before my computer may be down again... :t-:)

Thank you...

Ayakashi - 3 Western Alasre Alpaca
Sitamun - Satura
Shiranui - Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl, Satura
Doggyears - Bell White Elk, Black Holly Jackalope, Nikollus
Altairia - 2 Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl, Satura
hazelnut - Western Cyan Psittarx, Earth Serendin
MistyoC - Southern Alasre Alpaca
sellerie - Satura, Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl
LadySahira - Tropical Triak
leica - Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl
Fin - Equilibrus Narasad
SpaghettiWaffles - Fire Gryphon
The Magistream Staff - 3 Nimikoolah

Anonymous - Satura, 2 Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl, Satura, Sunrise Talvar

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts! :t-hugs: :t-swoon: :wave:
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by Auriene »

(digs herself out from the large pile of wrapping paper, ribbons, boxes and bows)

Thank you to everyone who sent me presents this year: Mysfytt for Reef Leviathan and Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl, CoffeeActivated for Fabari, BlasterTheDragon for Ashevor, Latifra Beast and Rhodophyte Dragon Turtle, Miregold for Opal Gemstone Kirin, dark_kitsune for Satura, MistyoC for Giant Sylph, Silverdove for Striped Taedan Gryphon, Yunneil for Satura, DarkRider for Satura and Golden Pygmy Gemdragon, hazelnut for Chupacabra and two Saturas, Ryokotori for Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl, and a few Anonymous people for Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl, Amberspice Mouse, Celestial Sea Star and four Saturas. I'm truly grateful for every one of them! ^_^

(tries to scoop up the numerous eggs and hatchlings, still half-buried among the shiny ribbons and shreds of wrappings)

I would like to say a special thank you to WolfBane382 who gifted me a SB Jerda's Creature - I honestly couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it! Thank you so much for this amazing gift! :t-swoon:

And last but not least, a huge thank you to the Magistream Staff for Nimikoolahs and other wonderful creatures and... well, for everything - you are the best! ^_^

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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by hazelnut »

I want to say an enormous thank you to the following people:

randomname, NelwNoll, and Coffee - the striped taedan gryphons! My gold was seriously depleted by the end of gifting and I've had to refrain from buying as many of these babies as I want, so I was very happy to receive these little eggs!! Thank you!
Counselor - the ambula bat hatchling! Thank yoooou! I LOVE bats and I love the designs that these guys have! I shall treasure him!
Miregold - the opal gemstone kirin!! I was so delighted when I saw it! I missed the release of these creatures while I was on hiatus and they are SO hard to find in the stream! This one will always be my favourite :D
zuea - the little gemfrog egg! YES!!! I can never get enough of these babies - the moment they were released I knew I wanted to hoard them :lol:
jpond - Red capped quetz egg - thank you so much!! I love this new creature and I want to get as many as I can before they're retired!
wispa - the Satura egg. I literally cannot get enough of the adult sprite's stunned face. Exactly the kind of owl I have been waiting for since I joined. So dorky yet majestic. Thank you!
HiddenMystic and rallis - karst gemfrog HATCHLINGS!! I was so stoked to see those little white sprites in my Keep :woo: Thank you!!!
SeriousSans, Rhia, and Kass - tevian panthers!! These are one of my favourite creatures on Magistream. I had an account back in 2009 when the site first started, but unfortunately I have lost all info associated with it—I can't even remember the email I used when I signed up. One thing I do remember is how much I wanted a telvian panther when they were first released, and how hard it seemed to be to get one (I don't think stream releases routinely flooded back then?). Their hatchlings were sooo cute. Now that I've got the means, I'm determined to collect as many of them as I can!
Altaira - Two red quetz and a Satura egg! More christmas creatures, yesssss. Thank you!!
Chimera - the two dunkleosteus eggs! God, thank you SO much, I love them. It was so generous of you to gift so many shop born creatures like you did!! I will take good care of these ones :t-swoon:
QueenoftheRabbits - A PARENTLESS rewin dragon!! Oh my god!!! I was SO excited, thank you!!!
And lastly, Icefall — for the BOREAN CHIRRUPS!!! Thank you so much, this absolutely made my Christmas!!!!

I have given each creature you gifted me a name, either your name or one directly inspired by it, so I will always remember where I got them from and will never accidentally sell them.

I also can't forget to thank the anons who sent me a Satura, a telvian panther, a karst gemfrog, two amberspice mice, and the hilarious anon who gifted me the aptly named Punpkin Lord. I Shall Respect Him Always.

And of course — to the amazing Magistream Team. Thank you so, so much for all the time and effort you put into organising this event and the site in general. The new creatures, the gifting, all the time moderating the forums—you do so much work and I appreciate it so much, I think we all do <3
Last edited by hazelnut on December 25th, 2017, 5:11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by SirChicken »

Thank you to!:
Magigirl 24 (Ice Kitsune)
ManiYani (Etainian Krotalo)
Wispa (Satura)
feralkiwi (Ice Kitsune)
Coffee (Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl)
Ridan (Satura)
Sitamun (Satura)
Vampyredragon (Bell White Elk)
hazelnut x2 (Maza Iteiri & Clostra Pygmy Gemdragon)
Sheelah (Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl)
zuea (Rex Duckit)
Rhia (Cacao Jackalope)
Doggyears x2 (Pocket Sylph and Giant Sylph)
NelwNoll (Satura)
KittenSmith (Storm Hydra)
Altairia x3 (Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl & 2 Saturas)
Magistream Staff x3 (Nimikoolahs & everything that you guys do <3)
Anon 1 (Hollowjack), Anon 2 (Nicori), Anon 3 (Kaetus), Anon 4 (Wind Hydra), Anon 5 (Satura)

Thank you all so, so much for your amazing gifts! :t-glomp: I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Please help my babies grow C:

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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by Utena »

I would like to thank the following:

MagiStream staff

Thank you guys from the bottom of heart and soul for all the wonderful Christmas gifts. <3 I hope you guys have a wonderful Yule and a very happy and prosperous new year. <3
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Re: Solstice Thank-Yous

Post by VilaWolf »

I owe a couple people something big.
Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl: Mystcdra, Anonymous, FireSpiter33, Plutonic, kinija1, bloodmoonwolf,
Satura: Mystcdra, FireSpiter33, Anonymous, Anonymous, kinija1, Anonymous, Anonymous,
Decessus: Enchanteddil, Enchanteddil, Enchanteddil, Plutonic, Zanthor, NelwNoll,
Aurora Whale: Kubawalda (wtf)
Maza Iteiri: hazelnut,
Dragon Koi: MistyoC,
Kaetus: Anonymous,
Dusk Hydrosaurus: Anonymous,
Nimikoolah: The Magistream Staff, The Magistream Staff, The Magistream Staff

With winter comes the cold. The air turns frigid, and snow blankets the ground. Magi retreat to their homes, seeking the comfort of a warm fire, and perhaps a creature to cuddle with. Of course there is no creature better to cuddle with than a Decessus! Lacking body heat of their own may make these small rats appear worse than something more lively, but in reality it is not that much of a hindrance. After but a brief time these small creatures will absorb their masters body heat, and act as insulation to the cold. Once warmed up there is no better creature to cuddle up with than a Decessus, for they do not need to eat, nor drink. Once settled with their magi a Decessus need not ever move form where they sit, unless their magi wills them to do so. There may be other creatures willing to stay by their magis side indefinitely, but eventually natural urges will take hold, and that creature will leave its magis side. No, in the end, only an undead rat has both the willingness and capability to act as a living (well, mostly) blanket. May this cute little rat serve you well. Merry Christmas!

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