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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by ProbablyOk »

Disregard this reservation, I finished my form.
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by Iliad »

Appearance: Isa is a slight young man in build, standing only at about 5'6". His shoulders and hips are both narrow, and his build is generally rather willowy. He used to have lithe musculature, wiry and lean, but throughout the years, he has lost much of that and now just appears thin, without the hidden strength behind his limbs. Even though he no longer has a physical fighter's build, Isa still stands like one, with his body slightly on edge and ready to take off at a moment's notice. However, when he consciously controls how he holds himself, he is able to relax and set his shoulders back, lending him a look of discipline and training.

He has pale skin, marred by a few scars spreading over his body. Many of these are small, just nicks and the occasional burn from mages. However, on his right leg, there is a large scar, large and rather ugly: it is raised and white, and shaped almost like a crescent. It spans almost half the circumference of that leg. He takes great pains to cover this up when at all possible.

Isa's facial structure is rather delicate, something which he neither likes nor dislikes, though it has the tendency to get people confused about his gender when his hair is down. He has a small nose with a slight upward turn to it in profile, and long eyes, which are typically somewhere between slightly-lidded and half-lidded. This makes him look tired sometimes, but he's learned not to care about it. His brows are a light brown and not very heavy, but rather soft in appearance. His irises are such a dark gray that they appear closer to black, and especially when not under close scrutiny. He has golden-orange hair, slightly more saturated than his brows. His fringe is long enough to hang in his eyes, and though some stray locks curl in toward his face at chin-level, most of his hair is straight and reaches to midway down his back. He used to bind it all back in a tight bun, but since changing professions he has let it grow with abandon, only binding back his bangs when he needs to.

Isa wears typically loose clothing: while not exactly a long cloak, he does have a short one that reaches about to his belt. It has a long cowl, which is actually longer than the real length of the cloak, reaching to his thighs. The cloak is silvery-gray, with very thin gold leaf edging. Under that he wears a plain white shirt with a stiff collar, and moderately loose dark pants. He also wears light boots, reaching only slightly above the ankle so that they're easy to put on and take off. Isa carries a bag for when he needs to read out of a tome, a canvas messenger bag with plenty of room; in addition, he carries a simple wooden staff, not for casting but because it's easier to walk with one.

Name: Isa Hyland
Age: 24
Race: Half-elf male
Class: Former Dancer turned Mage
Retainer To: High Lord Jessie Taon

Personality: Isa was thought to be a polite young man, with an ambitious streak perhaps a bit too large for himself to handle. He was interested in a plethora of different things: he wanted to learn how to be a Dancer, but he was also interested in book work, and he wanted to fight in a war, but also prove himself as a loyal retainer. Isa wanted many, many things, and he had the drive and motivation that he thought would make everything work out. He worked hard, and seemingly never tired of working toward anything that he wanted to do.

That was when Isa was still supremely idealistic. Now, he retains some aspects of what he used to act like, but he has grown up in his own way. The first impression that he makes is one of a polite young man, and that he is: he speaks with all titles intact and never badmouths someone, usually distancing himself from any situation that speaks ill of others. Most of the time this is because he simply doesn't wish to hear it: it's not anything about keeping an illustrious reputation. He might be dragged in to contributing, and he typically does not like to reveal his opinions to others.

He is rather intelligent, having been absorbing storybooks and texts ever since he was small. He knows no small amount about the geography and lay of the land, as well as the different types of creatures and magic. He is also quite experienced with diplomacy in Court, having seen bald-faced lies and deceit too many times for the trickery to work on him any more. However, he still has few street smarts, and is definitely the type of young man to be tricked by a scam. Street scammers have more raw mannerisms than aristocrats, and he's not familiar with it. He is also easily confused by things like flirting, unable to tell if someone is serious and defaulting to the belief that they must be joking.

Isa thinks now that everyone can try their best to get whatever they want, and sometimes they will succeed, but ultimately what happens happens. Rather than leading to an easygoing lifestyle, though, Isa is now one of the most obsequious people in the nation, able to be walked over all the time with no problem. If anything happens to him, he thinks that it just happens and he should accept it, so if he gets a terrible assignment or a pay deduction, he thinks that it just happens, and accepts it with no argument. It's easy to ask him for favors, since he can't turn people down, and he will do his best to carry it out if he can. However, Isa's mental fortitude is present and strong, and he won't back down whenever something important is being threatened: his Lord, his kingdom, his friends. He is loyal to a fault since he feels like his own life has already been lived out as far as he can, and there's not much he can do with it. He has no problem dedicating it to others.

However, Isa can't let go of the past. Inside, he can't forget the potential that he had, and if he had any chance to get back what he had lost, he'd take it, no matter what the cost to himself. He is bitter whenever reminded of what he could have been, and really all the time: whenever his true thoughts shine through, they are self-loathing and even pitying, disappointed in what he has become. He is easily made envious, of other dancers, and other mages with more skill than him. He is also constantly fraught with self-doubt about his own decisions, despite the insistence that whatever comes was meant to come: he wonders if he hadn't chosen to become a dancer, would the same thing have happened? If he was a mage to start with, would he have the same life? He doesn't trust his own decisions, which is part of why he listens to others'.

However, for all his doubts, Isa makes a good friend. He's a good listener and happy to assist. But actually making a friend out of him is another story. He tries to stay polite all of the time, but it's clear that Isa considers few people friends. He is able to treat them as such, but he has trouble opening up to anyone. Thus, he dedicates himself to the few that he has, and also to the duty that he has been given, no matter how large or small. To friends, he actually acts less 'friendly', less perfect but all the same more human. He is able to crack jokes at their expense and reveal his own shortcomings, and for that reason he values his friends greatly, and will do anything for them.

History: Isa grew up the son of a human man and an elf woman, and lived in relative peace for most of his youth, in a house out near the coast of Welt. However, even in peacetime, his family was vigilant, and he learned under his mother, who had been a Dancer for a while of her life. She taught him the weapons that she had used back when she had still worked as one: throwing knives. Isa learned from a young age, rather enthusiastically for the dark nature of what he was learning. A largely independent family, his did often hunt, for food storage as well as sport, and he was able to use what he had learned on small game like rabbits sometimes. His only education was not in weaponry: his father taught him how to read, often delving with him into complex texts even though at the beginning Isa couldn't understand them.

As war broke out, Isa's mother and father kept away from it as much as they could, despite living near a port where weapon trade was a common occurrence. Isa, though young, was sharp, and he knew something was up from the fact that his mother insisted on teaching him more often than she had before. He learned dubiously, having not been told that war was happening all around them but more sure than ever that something, at least, was happening.

Finally his parents could hide it no longer, and told Isa of the war. Naturally, the child was enticed by the unexplained glory flying overhead on the wings of war, and wanted to fight in it in some way: he asked his mother to teach him more that she had known during her days as a Dancer, and reluctantly she obliged, knowing in some way that she couldn't stop him from learning if he really wanted to. He trained enthusiastically at this point, eager to learn all he could to assist the nation he lived in. However, sometime along the way, he decided to try and become High Lord Taon's retainer to gain a more intimate understanding of the war. However, once he became her retainer, he quickly became familiar with the fact that she would fire anyone she deemed not good enough. This became something of a challenge for him, and he quickly decided that, before he fought in the war, he would prove himself as her retainer, and this he did for the next two years. However, then, as the war continued, High Lord Taon set off with the other rulers to go find the Cinder of Ash, and he was left behind.

It was during the five years that she was gone that Isa had his 'accident'. After two years, and not a peep from any of the High Lords, he was about ready to go out and enlist to fight in the war himself, but one night there was a raid on the port. Summoned there to break up the fight, Isa headed out, but straightforward conflict was not the way for a Dancer. He was quickly attacked, and though he managed to fend off many of his attackers, he was struck hard enough by a heavy weapon that he stumbled from the low surrounding cliffs to the stony cove below, breaking his leg badly near the middle of the calf. The cove was somewhere ships couldn't see, so it was a while before the fighting dissipated and he was able to call any help to him.

After that, even though the leg was taken care of, the break had been bad enough that the bone split the skin, and it never really recovered the way it was supposed to. Disillusioned and disappointed, Isa continued serving as retainer to the replacement lord instead of enlisting in the war. Initially he had tried to continue his line of work as a Dancer, but that was all too soon proven to be futile. He changed his mind and began to work as a Mage, spending his time studying the spells and magic theory. In a way, it was the same as when he was small and his father went over his books with him, but all the same, he couldn't deny that part of his life had changed and he had to resign himself to be something less than he wanted.

After three years, the Council of Voltien had chosen him as the retainer to Lord Taon who would travel to the place where the Lords had once been, in order to get to the bottom of the mystery. Jaded as he was, Isa could not refuse that order, and so set off with six others to go find both the Cinder and the High Lords.

Weapons: Isa, though he is a mage, still carries certain physical weapons, such as a sheath of three throwing knives that is strapped to the top of his good leg. However, typically he cannot use these without the proper bracing, and thus he also carries a few tomes with him. Currently he carries a spell tome and a shield tome.
Other: As Isa has only been studying magic for about three years, he is less experienced than other mages, and able to cast less potent spells. Further, he has not managed to memorize all of the spells he would like to be in his current repertoire, so he carries their books around. While he can walk on his leg, any attempts to brace himself properly on the ground with it are met with a shooting pain and tightness around the injury. He also can't properly run, and though his walk is naturally fast, he's rather slow in comparison to others.
Last edited by Iliad on May 17th, 2016, 4:16:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by ProbablyOk »

Isaac has short, dark hair and soft features. He has a strong chin and large, green eyes. He usually wears a long blue coat which goes down to his knees, with a white undershirt and black gloves to protect his hands while summoning. He wears black boots and navy blue dress pants. Isaac has a good musculature about him. He is not as strong as a fighter, but would still do pretty good in a fight. He is about 5' 11" and has broad shoulders and hips.
Name: Isaac Feldheim
Age: 23
Race: Human Male
Class: Reaper
Retainer To: Weltch Ferris
Isaac has a nonchalant personality about him. Due to his service to Lord Weltch, he is tired of constantly having to do her jobs, and as such has lost any caring he had for his job. He constantly criticizes Weltch behind her back, and wishes for a more action-oriented lord. Despite his wall of hatred, he is generally concerned about her well being, and is still dedicated to trying to protect her. He fiercely protects those he deems important, and supports his friends, but will ultimately protect the important people over his friends.

As for the law, Isaac doesn't follow it much. He prefers to use whatever means necessary to complete a job, even if that means breaking the law. This has come from a long history of doing Weltch's dirty work, and as the law rapidly changes in Teris, he has gained an apathy toward the laws of the different cities and instead follows his own law, which is whatever he deems necessary.
Isaac grew up in a poor neighborhood. His father ran the bar at a tavern, and was generally not around. Isaac's mother had died early in his infancy from a heart attack. As such, Isaac never attended school, and rather caused trouble in the streets. This ranged from writing graffiti on fruit stands, to creating scam businesses for fake products. He had one friend as a child, his neighbor who used to be a Reaper for the High Lord before he retired.

Over the years, Isaac learned the art of Reaping from his neighbor, and used this skill to become a robin hood of sorts, stealing money from the rich by selling them animals before sending them back to their dimensions, and giving the majority of that money to those more in need than him. He got into trouble often, and with no parental guidance as his father generally did not care about him, he continued his actions when he got back out. During his last arrest, one officer, who had become somewhat of a friend, suggested that Isaac go and work for Lord Ferris and put his skills to good use. Taking this job would also entail that he skipped the jail sentence. Isaac took the job, and the rest is history.

When Lord Ferris left for Cinder, Isaac worried that she would be hurt, and asked to go as her bodyguard. She denied, saying it might cause a conflict with the other lords, and left to go. Isaac stayed behind, following the stand-in lord's directions as best he could. The new lord was much more overbearing, and cared if Isaac followed the law or not. Isaac became more and more concerned as the years passed, and his hate for the new lord grew. When the Council of Vultien chose him to investigate the lords' disappearance, he couldn't be more on board. He now fights to find the one he swore to protect all those years ago.
Weapons: A longsword, mainly used in small conflicts or as backup in battle when summoning doesn't cut it.
Other: Loves meat and cheese, along with large creatures. Hates rice and rain
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by DaedAir »

Accepted you guys. :)

You are also welcome to have any relationship towards other characters if you wish. Be it haing another character or liking them. Just ne sure to contact the other player before hand.

As another note...if your Lord has an issue with another Lord, you are more then welcome to instill this into your character. Or have it projected because of your Lord.

And yet more notes:

This roleplay, while the main focus is finding the High Lords and Cinder of will also focus on creating a strong bond and friendship. Aka character development.

If at any point you would like to kill off your character and make a new one...I will initiate (sp?) an ambush or your character will be whisked away by a creature. This will also happen if you decide to leave this Rp permanently.

You MUST be in this for the long haul. This is going to be a long roleplay. Finding the Lords will be no walk in the park (I will guarantee that). The same with the Cinder of Ash. I will ensure to test each and every character to their ultimate limit (the Cinder of Ash is of course the most powerful in the Vultien Nation).

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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by Iliad »

I just realized I initially said angel when I... think I meant dancer? :derp: I don't know how my own brain functions sometimes, I am sorry.
That aside, that all sounds great! I'm very excited about this (particularly:
DaedAir will also focus on creating a strong bond and friendship. Aka character development.
Finding the Lords will be no walk in the park (I will guarantee that). The same with the Cinder of Ash. I will ensure to test each and every character to their ultimate limit.
those parts hahaha. :devil: ) though admittedly I probably won't be able to post much... (or just very slowly)... until about the 26th when I get out of school.
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Appearance: Fera has deep burgundy colored hair cut short and at varying lengths; on the right side of her head her hair's shorter and it progressively gets longer toward the left side. Given the heavy layering -she cuts it herself- and that she can't be bothered to put more effort into styling it than mussing it a bit in the morning and sweeping it toward the left, Fera's hair looks punky and rather masculine. She has medium brown eyes and somewhat sharp, narrow facial features and, topping in at a solid 5' and change, is one of the shortest Demon-class retainers to serve under Lord Lynder, if not actually the shortest. She's built up some muscle, as expected of a Demon class, but it does little to improve her physical presence. (Credit for Fera's image line-art goes to Sorey)
This is what her armor looks like, except it's a bronze color.

Beneath her armor and whenever she's not wearing it, Fera typically wears a simple tunic shirt in whatever color she happened to grab, dark cotton pants, and sturdy leather boots.
Name: Fera Fidelius
Age: 26
Race: Human Female
Class: Demon
Retainer To: High Lord Steven Lynder
Personality: Due to her short stature, Fera has had to learn to be assertive when necessary and to stick up for herself, and is often rather blunt when doing so. As a result, she hates seeing anyone be bullied and will often stick her nose into something she wasn't involved in if she thinks she needs to. Such is one of the many types of scenarios in which her rather impulsive tendencies can (and do) get her into trouble. She's an exceptionally hard worker, but when she's not working, she can be just as exceptionally lazy, and it's quite difficult to get her motivated to do something if she doesn't feel like it.

Fera has a caring side, bordering even on maternal, and she sometimes fusses over her comrades. Although, if they try to brush aside her worries when she feels she's in the right, it very quickly manifests as "tough love" and she'll often get carried away -although whether it's accidental or deliberate as a form of punishment nobody's really been able to say for certain. (She once left one of her comrades hanging from a tree, wrapped head to toe in bandages, because he wouldn't let her tend to a wound on his arm.) Most often, though, her worrying tends to be over whether she thinks someone is eating enough or not. Unfortunately, Fera's version of "enough" is rather skewed, as she eats far more than a person normally would; when most people would eat one or two bowls of a hearty stew, she'd pack down four or five before pausing to wonder whether or not she wanted to save room for dessert.

She's sensitive about her height, but Fera also has a sense of humor and is able to take a joke. Most of the time. Somewhat. Really, no one's ever sure how serious her threats to kick someone in the shins are until it actually happens, and God help the poor soul that isn't wearing armor when it does. However, if someone is being truly demeaning about her size, Fera's generally amiable personality does a one-eighty and the gloves come off. Generally, only people she knows and gets along with are allowed to tease her about how short she is. Also, and much to the amusement of the people around her, Fera is prone to being clumsy.

In battle, Fera fights like a feral beast. She's strong, yes, but even she will admit that she can't match the sheer power that comes from the many other Demons that tower over her, so instead of relying on her own sheer strength she tends to hit fast, hard, and dirty if need be.
History:When Fera first decided to serve under the High Lord, she really didn't know what class she wanted to be in. She wasn't a Skin-Walker, so that was obviously out, and it was quickly discovered that she had absolutely no talent for the magical arts whatsoever, which just left the physical fighting classes. Angel didn't work out for her; she was a crap-shot with a bow, and after one-too-many snide remarks about how small she was in comparison to the weapon, Fera had wound up breaking one of them over the back of one of the instructors and had been promptly transferred out. She was in the Dancer's training for even less time, seeing as how she couldn't throw knives much better than shoot -the power was there, but she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if her nose was pressed up against it. Not to mention, her innate clumsiness was a hindrance as well, as well as her recklessness in sparring and inability to understand why her partner was moaning on the ground when she "didn't even hit him that hard!" By process of elimination, her niche was found in the Demon ranks. Her brother had wound up winning a bet -that she didn't know about- against their sister once they received the news.

Fera grew up the youngest of three siblings alongside her brother -older by three years- and her sister -older by five years. While she and her sister never really fought, per se, Fera tended to get along better with her brother, and still does, simply because they're more similar. Fera was always a tomboy with terrible fashion sense and therefore simple taste in clothes, while her older sister is just the opposite, so they don't have much in common.

She and Lord Lynder got along fairly well when they interacted, and she misses his company from time to time as there's no one else to really joke around with or send her on some sort of mischief like he had (the latter was often times without her knowledge, and the Lord would get a proper laugh out of her reactions when she confronted him about it later). As much as she would like to find her Lord, though, she has little optimism of him -or any of the others- still being alive, but she keeps these thought to herself as she doesn't want to squelch anyone else's optimism without concrete evidence that doing so would be best.
Weapons: She has a set of six thrust daggers, a shashka, and a claymore, as well as a set of spiked knuckle dusters.
Other: While she'll eat almost anything, Fera has a major sweet tooth. She's easily bribed with food, especially expensive things she wouldn't normally have access to. Dogs seem to adore her, while cats seem to despise her with every fiber of their being.
Last edited by Kirorokat1132 on May 22nd, 2016, 12:07:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by DaedAir »

Sorey wrote:I just realized I initially said angel when I... think I meant dancer? :derp: I don't know how my own brain functions sometimes, I am sorry.
That aside, that all sounds great! I'm very excited about this (particularly:
DaedAir will also focus on creating a strong bond and friendship. Aka character development.
Finding the Lords will be no walk in the park (I will guarantee that). The same with the Cinder of Ash. I will ensure to test each and every character to their ultimate limit.
those parts hahaha. :devil: ) though admittedly I probably won't be able to post much... (or just very slowly)... until about the 26th when I get out of school.
No worries. Duragi and I are in the same boat as you are Sorey. I understand and that's okay.

Also...accepted Kirorokat. :)
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by Kirorokat1132 »

Woot! Thank you.
I really need more active RP's to be in, so if y'all know of any hit me up!
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by DaedAir »

Does anyone have any questions or comments yet??

Yes...we will be starting out in a group. And I'll get to that later once everyone has turned in their character sheets.
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Re: Seekers Of Ash | OOC | Sign Up

Post by Iliad »

Kirorokat1132 wrote:Really, no one's ever sure how serious her threats to kick someone in the shins are until it actually happens, and God help the poor soul that isn't wearing armor when it does.
Never have I ever before been so glad that Isa is not the provoking type?
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