Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

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Should roleplayers choose their Golem character's name or appearance?

Name, but not appearance
Appearance, but not name
Total votes: 12

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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

Hmm, I'll have to go read again. Did you want us to PM you questions about the golum's (not the purchase of a specific one) or can we post here?
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Eh, I guess it depends of what the question is? :t-sweat: If it's something that poses a risk of reveal the identity of Golem characters, then I would say to PM it. If it's something genericly safe that could be useful to all members to know, then posting it should be fine.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

I think it would be an all member thing.

So, when ordering golems, as in when the characters are first beginning and walking through the shops, ect. How do we know which golem's are taken and which are not? Are we supposed to PM you which one we want out of those that are available or is it like any shopping experience; window shop until you find one you like then buy?
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Kind of like window shopping. Before the rp starts, I will make a separate list of the Golems that are currently for sale that also have someone roleplaying as them. When a Golem has been properly awoken and bond, I will make a proper form for them so that members will know which are already bought and which are still for sale. To buy a Golem, simply have a character approach the Golem they want to buy and say to the salesperson "I want Golem 3716" or "I want the Golem with glasses". Granted, there are only three Golems that are actually being roleplayed for the time being, so the actual For Sale list is significantly smaller than the one currently up in the roleplay. Also, even if someone else is showing interest in the Golem you want for your character, it is still technically available to them so long as it hasn't been woken yet. Just have your character offer a higher price ("I'll pay 375 bullets for that one!"). In cases like this, if you feel a response might not be done fast enough, you can just PM me that you are also interested in the same Golem as another person, in which case I will delay a response from a salesperson to give you more time to write a response. You are more than welcome to PM me which Golem you are interested in though, however I can't promise anything. I can at least tell you if a Golem is already taken or not, but I can't make any reservations for specific Golems.

If I misinterpreted this and it is actually about whether the Golem has been taken as a character, then the answer would be to PM me the image of the Golem you want to be (assuming you are intending to use an image from the RP thread and not one of your own choosing). I will then respond with whether or not someone else is already roleplaying as them. In this case, I can reserve the desired Golem character for you.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

I am just tickled pink with how well you have thought all of this through. The first part of your post was an answer to my question and I thank ye kindly for it. :)
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Thank you very much! ^_^ I have a little notebook filled out with potential spells and elements; I put soooo much thought into this (brain power I probably should've used to focus on school work >.> ) You're welcome, just glad I could help.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

I have a feeling we both are going to be saying that. Do you write? If not, you definitely should because I looked at your other RP's and they would make fantastic novels, short stories or novellas.

Oh! And one last question...for now. Are you going to make a post as to when players begin posting?
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

I do indeed write, although I have been a bit lazy on that front >.<. Most of my rp ideas usually double as story ideas that have been stored away for a later time. Thank you very much though! ^_^

And indeed I will. I will post a starting post to help establish the setting and feeling of the roleplay. Although it'll be some time before the post gets made (I intend to start the rp once we have enough Golem characters for each human character to buy at least 1. Which might take a while. >.<). Once that post has been made though, human characters will then be allowed to roleplay (I will also announce when it has been made here for any that might miss it). As to Golem characters, they will only be able to post when they have been awakened. I'll send out PMs in this case, so that Golem rpers can get the heads up for when their character has been purchased and can officially be roleplayed.
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by Cintry »

You are quite welcome my dear. I do the same with many RP ideas. Sometimes, having people play things out can be the biggest help to getting through writer's block. :)

And from my understanding, there is only one male and two females, right?
I really hope people sign up!
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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Exactly. Sometimes other people can give a good boost of inspiration and are especially helpful if I'm struggling with figuring out parts of the plot.

And yup. A bit of a shame they aren't getting filled up a bit more quickly, but hopefully people will jump on. I'm trying to think of ways to help encourage more people to join as Golems, and so far all I can think of is giving people the option to choose the first emotion that will be unlocked for them when they are given their first upgrade.
You and me both! :D

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