The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by Guardian_of_time »

I have one more character

Username: Guardian_of_Time
Name: Arali’blen; in Basic Arali Blen
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Race: Twi’lek
Appearance: A lean peach colored Twi’lek with lilac colored stripes on her body. Standing at 5’4” she doesn’t seem like much of a threat, but she makes up for it in other ways. Her eyes are a deep blue color setting off from her skin.
Affiliation: Empire/Republic/Neutral
Force sensitive?: Yes/No
Weapons: Dual Twi’lek daggers, a custom vibroblade, various darts that can stun, poison, kill, etc. and a blaster pistol.
Skills: Silent, deadly, seduction, lithe, and quick.
Short history: Arali’blen was born on Ryloth and subsequently taken into slavery at age 9. While being transported the slave ship was attacked by pirates who took Arali and the others in as part of the crew. Arali rose through the ranks of pirates and eventually left the crew. She then trained as an assassin/mercenary. Now she travels the galaxy looking for jobs and using her skills to finish those jobs.
Other: She’s an assassin if you couldn’t tell.
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by Snapfog »

I'm ready to start and I'm excited, as we go along I might make another character as an orphan or something. Oh and I was thinking of making a banner for this roleplay!!! So I will have it made up hopefully tomorrow.
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by Wishtobeawolf »

Ah i really don't have many ideas for a starting post though maybe something so a few of the characters can meet up since Silver and Romm will already be a group from the beginning
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by PhantomOG »

Username: PhantomOG
Name: Ellisiv Aelith
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Race: Cyborg
Appearance: Ellisiv is a rather average looking young woman. She's an average height of 5' 5" with a rather curvy body shape. She has close to an hourglass figure with a larger chest and larger hips, but a small waist. While athletic as all Jedi are, Ellisiv still manages to maintain a soft, rounded appearance about her instead to the sharp angles of most other female Jedi. Now, she is not overweight, but she simply maintains some of her baby fat as one might call it. Her has long limbs and fingers, giving her an air of delicacy and femininity to her. She is covered in freckles from head to toe. Her left eye is actually a cybernetic replacement and the attachments next to it help control movement and sensory input. In addition, she became deaf in her left ear due to the same accident where she lost her eye. She also has cybernetic enhancements to restore her hearing. She also has scars stretching from the corners of her mouth.

Ellisiv has rather large innocent eyes. Her eyes are a blue green hazel that almost always stare at you inquisitively. While she doesn't have any particularly strong facial features, her lips are full and her freckled cheeks are almost always rosy in contrast to her paler skin. The young woman has dark brown hair that frames her face and falls to her shoulder blades. She almost always has it up in some way. Her favorites are Frech twists, fishtail braids, and a curled ponytail. If not in a situation where she expects to fight, she will either let her hair down straight, or she'll curl it and put on a thin headband.

Ellisiv wears the bulkier armor of the Jedi Knights, but as a Sentinel, her armor is not as heavy as the Guardians. Her armor is standard issue, covering her chest, thighs, and shoulders. The silver armor is decalled with a white and a purple stripe both sides of the chest plate and it continues onto her thigh guards. Her shoulder guards have the Republic crest on them in white and her gauntlets are silver dusted with white it highlight the mantras engraved there. Underneath her armor (or when not wearing her armor), the Jedi Sentinal wears a rough spun cotton tunic with a purple jerkin over it. The jerkin is trimmed in and embroidered in gold. She wears a silver segmented belt which hold her two lightsabers. Her Jedi cloak is a dark tan with golden trim.
Affiliation: Empire/Republic/Neutral
Force sensitive?: Yes/No
Weapons: She wields two purple lightsabers to create a flurry of blows to batter her foes. She also uses a stealth field generator when she needs to be more discreet. She has an aversion to blasters as that is how she lost function in most of the left half of her face.
Skills: She uses a combination of Juyo and Shii-cho forms, although much more proficient in Shii-cho. She isn't the most Force proficient. She uses mostly basic force push and pull. She is agile and acrobatic as many Sentinels are. Because of her smaller size though, her blows sometime lack the power needed behind them. This is why she uses a combination of Shii-cho and Juyo. She is well read and knows of Sith alchemy. She has considered its uses in the Jedi Order, but she knows she would be automatically rebuked, so she keeps her thoughts to herself.
Short history: Born into slavery under the Sith Empire, Ellisiv's childhood was far from pleasant. She and her family were forced to work in quarries on Balmorra, mining day in and day out. When she was eight, Ellisiv was separated from her family. They were taken to another slave plantation on Tatooine while she was left on Balmorra. She was understandably distraught. However, the Empire allowed no time for grieving. Ellisiv was still expected to do her work in the expected time. During this time, she became rather robotic, simply going through the memorized motions of her work. But she never seemed to look at anything. She just stared at the ground blankly. The only times she was out of this stupor was when she was punished. But that was only because of the pain. It would snap her back to reality so that she would scream and whimper and cry. Then after it was over, she would stare at the ground, unfeeling once again. Almost a year after she was wrenched from her family, a transport arrived with slave transfers from Alderaan. One such slave was a young 12 year old boy whose green eyes shifted around nervously. Stationed with children similar to his age, he met a young vacant eyed girl who never looked at him or spoke to him. From his eyes, Ellisiv was a walking corpse. But one day, while working deep in the quarry, part of the landing she was on broke, sending her tumbling down, rocks battering her frail form. She landed on her stomach, bruised with scrapes everywhere. Part of her hand was sliced open and oozed blood. She looked at the cut as if confused, not understanding what had happened. It would be much harder to get work done with only one hand. She got up shakily and went back to resume her work, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Are you hurt?" She turned and saw the green eyes of the young boy looking at her concerned. She tilted her head at him as he took hold of her bleeding hand. "Looks like you might need some help today. It won't be easy to complete everything with your hand like this." The boy quickly ripped off the hem of his tunic and made a crude bandage to wrap over her hand. "I'm Ikol." Ellisiv, for the first time since her parents were taken from her, smiled. "I'm Ellisiv."

From that day on, the two of them were practically inseparable. They always worked together and watched each other's backs. Ikol became very protective of the girl and would often take the blame for her so that he would be punished instead of her. A few years later, when Ellisiv was thirteen, a Sith arrived looking Force sensitive individuals. Ellisiv got in a troubling situation due to this. The Sith began to Force choke her, but Ikol saved her. Unfortunately, the Sith didn't take kindly to being pushed over. The Sith started torturing Ikol. Ellisiv began screaming and the officer who was escorting the Sith pulled out his blaster. He intended to shoot her in the shoulder, but his vision began to warp and his shot instead strayed across her nose, grazing her eye and completely destroying her ear. Ikol, overcome by rage, created an illusion using the Force. The Sith Lord immediately realized what was happening and knocked him or. The Sith Lord took Ikol with them to train as a Sith. Ellisiv was given minimal medical treatment for her wounds, and received no cybernetics to replace her ear or eye. For the rest of that year, she would constantly cry out for Ikol to help her and that she was scared. Eventually, one of the overseers got tired of her whining as slit the sides of her mouth to make her unable to open her mouth without a lot of pain. A month or so after this, the quarry was liberated by the Republic. A Jedi was with the squadron as rumors of a Sith Lord being at the quarry had been reported. There was no Sith, so the Jedi simply roamed the quarry helping to look for the slaves. The Jedi Knight found Ellisiv huddled in a corner. She had hidden there after she heard the commotion. The Jedi slowly approached the girl as if she was a wounded animal. Ellisiv tried to crawl deeper into her crevice. The Jedi stopped and sat a few feet in front of her. And they talked. And talked. The Jedi noticed that the girl did have a connection to the Force, and took the slave girl with her. With the destruction of the temple on Corusant, the Jedi Order needed new Padawans if it wanted to survive. The Jedi noticed the infection that was spreading from the left side of her face. She got the young girl the medical attention she really needed, but they couldn't do anything about her ear and eye. After being advised by her liberator, she decided to get them cybernetically replaced. The cuts by her mouth eventually healed, but she still has the scars. And so Ellisiv became a Padawan a year after being freed. She trained vigorously for the next five years and became a Jedi Knight. She has never forgotten Ikol, but she knows that he's either dead or that she'll have to kill him next time they meet.
Other: N/A
Username: PhantomOG
Name: Ikol Nos'yefual
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Race: Human
Appearance: Ikol is tall, about 6' 4", commanding attention with his regal appearance. While muscular and well toned, Ikol is more lithe and wiry than other Sith. He does not rely on his brute strength, but rather his speed, precision and tact. He has almost perfect posture, merely adding to his royal facade. His arms and legs are long and slender; his hands, large, with long, but delicate fingers. His clothing only accentuates his frame, making him graceful yet menacing. He only wears light weight, flexible, and close fitting armor. He greatly despised bulk as it slows him down. His black Sith robes cling to his torso, showing the hardened lines of his chest and waist, before being cinched in by a belt at his waist and flaring out from his hips to around the middle of his thighs. The high fluted collar, with its green trim, draws attention to his long neck. His small shoulder guards are black as well, but have gold accents highlighting the Sith crest and dusting other markings. From the shoulder guards, his dark green tunic can be seen before disappearing once more underneath gold dusted gauntlets and long black gloves. The belt around his waist is black, trimmed with green and a thin strip of gold His legs are covered in black cloth pants tucked into his dark brown boots. His cloak is rather unconventional for a Sith. While the outer side is black, as per the norm, he lined the inside of the cloak in dark green cloth. His cloak is standard issue other than that, and he is almost always seen with his hood up, hiding his face.

Ikol's hair is coal black and reaches down to his shoulders. His hair is almost always slicked back with gel and either rests gently on his shoulders or is tied back into a thin ponytail. Ikol has a scholar's face- high, but thin cheekbones, thin mouth and sharp jawline. He has piercing green-blue eyes that change from blue to green depending on lighting. His eyes tend to almost always be narrowed or hooded as if he is always studying or scrutinizing what he is looking at. There is great intelligence hiding behind his veiled eyes as well as great evil. Ikol's skin is very pale, almost alabaster. It has an unhealthy grayish undertone, giving him the appearance of ill health. The only skin that can be seen on him is part of his collar bone, his neck and his face. Ikol has thin, vertical scars all around his mouth, giving his mouth a skull like or tooth like appearance. He has these scars from when his lips were sewn shut.
Affiliation: Empire/Republic/Neutral
Force sensitive?: Yes/No
Weapons: Single golden bladed lightsaber, but he relies much more on his Force abilities than his physical combat and weapon.
Skills: Impeccable use of Force Lightning, uses Force Push and Pull, can use Dark Infusion (healing), and has been one of the most successful users of illusions, madness and corruption in recent Sith history
Short history: Ikol was originally from Alderaan and was part of a Republic Household. Most of the house was killed by the Empire when the house was invaded. Ikol was put user slavery and was sent to Balmorra to mine. There he met a young blank eyed girl who just walked around like a ghost. He shadowed her, making sure she didn't hurt herself. He quickly followed her after he saw her fall from a landing. After making sure she was safe, Ikol finally learned the girl's name. Ellisiv.

Ikol became Ellisiv's big brother and protector. If she ever needed help, he would be there. He felt it long before his younger friend did. He loved her. He would notice the small things. The shine in her eyes. The smile she gave when she saw him. He never wanted to lose her. So when he saw a Sith Lord choking her, he snapped. He tackled the lord before going to Ellisiv to make sure she was okay. But the Sith Lord quickly recovered and kicked Ikol away from Ellisiv. Ikol knew he couldn't win this battle, but at least he had diverted the Sith Lord's attention from Ellisiv. He lay there writhing in pain as the Sith sent lightning coursing through his body. He heard Ellisiv crying, but when he heard her scream he opened his eyes and saw Ellisiv, bloody and screeching in pain, clutching her eye and ear. And Ikol lost it. He tapped into the unconscious ability to use the force, and caused the officer who shot Ellisiv and the Sith Lord to hallucinate. But he was quickly knocked out by the Sith.

When he woke up he was on the Sith's ship. He was in a medical ward. The Sith was sitting across from him looking at him. Ikol learned that he was going to be trained to become a Sith. Ikol refused, wanting to go back and stay with Ellisiv. The Sith denied him his demand. Ikol tried to threaten the Sith, but the Sith quickly silenced him. The Sith sewed the former slave's lips shut to have him take orders without being able to refute. The Sith wanted to teach the defiant young boy respect and obedience. Over the next year, Ikol served this Sith Lord, all the while unable to speak. At the age of 17, he was sent to Taris to train as a Sith. The year later he was apprenticed. In the last year he has risen above his master. He has become a very adept Sith Sorceror, and one that many fear.
Other: On occasion, he will switch from his golden blade to a dark green one. This is very uncommon though. He is very mischievous and plays awful tricks on people.
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"He's adopted..."
"Puny god."
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by Snapfog »

ooooh when can we start I am excited
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by Vitek »

Allowing 1 more?

Username: Vitek
Name: Narvi
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Race: Chistori
Appearance: Image
Short, approx 5'4'' and somewhat scrawny. Weighing about 140 pounds. Has muscle built from the work he has had to put up with but also shows signs of malnutrition.
Affiliation: Neutral
Force sensitive?: Yes
Weapons: Double bladed red saber. Narvi relies on his martial abilities slightly less than his force abilities. Despite being a formidable fighter, his size usually disadvantages him to large opponents. Now having reach or power, he uses his force powers to control the battlefield to his advantage.
Skills: Piloting, engineering, lightsaber combat, hand to hand combat, force abilities.
Short history: Narvi was born to a world where the force is a strange and foreign concept. Being an outcast, he lived a lonely life for the longest time. He found purpose when a Sith came to the planet for a resupply and felt the force power within him. He was taken in as an apprentice and learned under the sith. However, the sith thrust upon Narvi the mind set of 'fight for what you want'. Anything Narvi wanted, food, clothing anything, he had to fight and work for it. The treatment eventually lead to contempt. After years of struggle, Narvi realized that no matte where he was, no one was on his side. He was on his own in the universe and everyone was going to stand in his way. He killed his master and stole a frigate and fled.
Other: His ship
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by CursedNyte »

All characters accepted and I've made the first post. Feel free to make yours when you can.
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Re: The Screaming Jawa Cantina(Deciples of the Force BS)

Post by Snapfog »

Ahh I will have a post up tomorrow sorry, didn't see any posts till I got home

i made a banner


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the woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I've got promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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