Dreams..Had any? Share here.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by vipor »

One of my favourite dreams I have had 3 times now always messes me up for a few minutes.

In the dream I am technically a bird, I believe I am an owl. But because my mind cannot comprehend what it would really be to be an owl, I appear and act as if I am angel shaped. So human with wings.
The dream starts with stepping out of a tree hollow at morning. Hopping from branch to branch and catching some air underneath my wings. Learning how to fly. Feeling safe and secure.
(at the second and third time I had the dream I knew mentally how to catch the air and really fly, but the muscles in my wings still had to learn. So I could never skip the first part of the dream.)

Eventually I do get better in flying for a bit, but eventually I am to tired to practice. Sitting on a branch to catch my breath I realise I am far from home and night is falling. Trying to return I start to act more on fear instead of thinking. Ensuring I keep going down instead of up, and ending up on the forest floor. The trees around me are giant and there is no easy way up. Taking a moment to look at nearby trees to find a way up, I feel something is watching me, something out to kill me.

There is nothing I can see, just darkness, but I know a predator is in the shadows. Franticly I run, jump, catch a little air and fall back to the ground. Following a straight path as the undergrowth and fallen branches would take to long for me to change direction. Whenever I do take a moment to look away from the grey-washed scene around me to what is behind me, all I see behind me is a wall of darkness like a dense fog.
the forest ground starts to get wet with basalt stones sticking out. Getting more and more tired and slowing down as I start to jump and glide from larger basalt patches over a sections of water. Wings dipping into the water. Eventually I manage to fly just far enough over the water to land on a small basalt beach and using the last of my strength to fly/climb up the sheer basalt rock-face. Sitting down I look back at where my hunter is and its gone. No fog of darkness, no fear. Exhausted I fall sleep.

Always wake up exhausted after that dream and unnerved due to being hunted so long. But it is one of my favourite dreams. Because at the start, when the sun is still out and my wings are not to tired, I have brief moments of actual flight. With the warm sun warming my back, gliding over the vibrant green trees with a perfect blue sky dotted with white clouds.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by rosemoon »

I had a dream about a rat. According to an interpretation on this site, dreaming about a rat might symbolize facing negative situations or feeling powerless in life. It might relate to the financial struggles I've been facing lately. The rat in my dream seemed to represent the overwhelming pressure and stress I've been experiencing due to these difficulties.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I had a dream I was a guy for some reason, and felt 0 dysphoria or anything about it. I was a guy and I'd been a guy my whole life, to the point where realising I'm AFAB might have made me more dysphoric than usual.

Also, me and my two other best friends (they don't exist irl) were drafted into some kind of really serious military thing, and they made us do drills such as operating tanks and naval ships and stuff, and dress up in the army uniform. We didn't want to kill anyone so we turned into dragons and flew away.

This really pissed off the army we were enrolled in lmao, they were blaring alarms all over the fleet that there were soldiers missing and calling for us to return at once. It was kind of disturbing to see them so angry, but funny because we didn't want to be there in the first place.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I had a dream I was in some kind of exploration group, which would explore haunted locations. I use the term 'haunted' loosely here- we weren't looking for ghosts, we were looking for demons. Many of our team died in the process of many investigations.

I documented a type of snail that eats meat and spins webs to capture their prey- which could be humans. They would wait for their webs to latch onto you, and then they would be attached to you forever and turn your flesh to liquid, drinking it all. We weren't going in houses, we went into many forested places with wooden platforms and rope balconies, where you had to climb to move around, and there was 0 way to differentiate between a regular spider web and the web of a deadly flesh eating snail.

There were other creatures haunting each location, but I'm not sure what they were. I just know that there were deadly things around every corner. I don't remember this dream with much detail.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by EstherGamer »

I'm moving some of mine here from PFQ just in case the thread there is ever deleted for inactivity. The ones in this post are directly copied from my posts there, just with the BBCode fixed for posting here. No text has been edited beyond BBCode tags.
This got long
There was this organization with ranks and stuff (MC asked about those ranks carefully at one point, and one of the possible questions shown referenced PFQ's ranks which was funny (Specifically, the question was something like "Are they similar to the difference between Grandmaster and rainbow Grandmaster?". Second rank doesn't exist here but the first obviously does)). They were admittedly terrifying but in a good way, and had some interesting Fakemon too. MC also had a Fakemon with her, which somehow had quite the advantage (And with that I mean it could OHKO presumably-Steel-Types with a single Fury Cutter...).
MC and two others were like, trapped in the organization's base, which kinda looked like a hospital in a way? And they had to get out. I remember one scene pretty much exactly with the dialogue, so I'm going to put it here.
The scene in question
(The dialogue was in Dutch, but I translated it here)
*The group enters an empty room with three beds*
MC: "Why did we enter this room?"
Character a bit older than MC, while tiredly collapsing on one of the beds: "To sleep..."
MC: "...That's not a good idea."
Other character: "It's quiet here, you know?"
The group's adult member: "That’s much more dangerous in reality."
I'm pretty sure they eventually got out safely as the later scenes happened on a beach instead.

There were also a variety of weapons shown, two of which I remember, one in extreme detail:
The one I remember less about had a name starting with a V, and was a fast throwing weapon that synergized scarily well with the other one.
As for the other one, it was a sawblade-looking weapon called the Zenion, and when thrown it would go straight until it hit an enemy... at which point it would circle the point of impact for several seconds, like 10+ several. And it was spammable. Use it well and you had a screen-wipe.
Naturally I'm keeping that thing.
I also remember a few others shown in a menu, if I remember them long enough to draw some I'll edit this post with some of them. Those weren't shown in use though, Zenion was too good to not use. (Accurate depiction of any competitive game with an unbalanced weapon)
I love my ability to remember my dreams in detail.

Editing to add another one, I meant to post the one below a day or two ago but just didn't have time to work on it in notepad until today.

Who else here has seen Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea? The other day I had a dream that was clearly based on it (May and Manaphy (only in the egg though) were both in it). There's one moment that particularly stood out to me, but it'll need a bit of context due to my username.
the context
To avoid confusion regarding my username and the character that acts as "me" in my dreams, I need to explain a bit about that character. Her name is Esther (I often refer to her as OC_Esther in conversations because of that), and she shares a body with one or two others depending on where in my lore timeline something is placed (technically two or three, but Silvey/Seabreeze doesn't count most of the time because she's weird). The only one that matters for this dream is Glitch, who is at the time thought to be an evil spirit with an unknown origin, but in reality is just someone who, hundreds of years ago, was attacked with a type of magic that reversed their personality and made them evil (Normally they're chill, and at the current point in my timeline they're back to their old self) (I am trying my best to not be confusing, but if you have any lore questions or just want to see my lore thread, please PM me)
Glitch has special powers along with fire and dark magic, those special powers so far mostly being based on what they were named after (Glitches), but they can only take control of Esther's body if she gets too stressed out or overwhelmed.

Anyway, that should be enough context. Anytime I refer to Esther by name I'm talking about the character I just mentioned, usually I just assume my dream self is her, but some dreams actually confirm it directly in various ways (like usage of her abilities, or just the way she acts).
the moment from that dream
There was one scene where Esther was trying to get Manaphy's egg away from the bad guys, but eventually they cornered her, which caused her to get a bit too stressed and lose control to Glitch. They immediately fooled the bad guys with what seemed to be an illusion of the egg, before getting away with the real egg.

The moment of it that really stood out was Esther's reaction to seeing it. Internally, after Glitch made the bad guys look stupid, she commented with a really awkwardly embarrassed tone: "Maybe I should have just let you in control to begin with."
Glitch didn't respond to it, but the tone Esther had was just too fitting. The tone of "I hate having to admit this but I'd hate not admitting it even more so I'm going to admit it anyway" perfectly summarizes how those two got along before a major event in my lore that I mentioned in the context (Glitch being back to their old self).
I really hope I explained things well enough without being too confusing, my dreams rely heavily on the lore I've written and because my lore thread is only on another site it makes things a bit awkward sometimes. If anyone has questions, PM me and I'll try to answer them or send a link to my lore thread.

Guess who is back with another detailed dream?
I need to type these things out on my phone… (Note, I actually typed the events on my laptop, but I was dedicated enough to type the entire character list on my phone)

Okay, so to keep things readable I'm going to split it between a character list and an event recap, so I don't have to explain characters in the middle of a sentence.
This dream seemed to be taking quite a bit of inspiration from Kingdom Hearts, so if you need links to wiki pages let me know. I know that franchise gets confusing.
OC_Esther did make several appearances, but she wasn't actually really the main focus. The main focus was split between three characters:
Lunus: One of Glitch's past hosts (so, someone who shared a body with them before Esther did, I've explained Glitch in my previous post). In the dream he didn't really use his staff (His main weapon) at all, instead using two Keyblades: one was, in Lunus' own words, "obviously based on the Kingdom Key", and the other can best be described as a goth keyblade.

Voleyze: He's actually a pretty unfinished character, an Emolga. I don't have a moveset for him yet and so no moves were used, but he was shown always wearing a hoodie and judging by the fact he was doing just fine in battles, I guess he had/has a weapon too. I always like it when unfinished characters get focus in dreams, really helps me develop them faster.

Roan: Literally an RPG protagonist in a way. I still remember the weapons he used (they were called scythes but seemed more like daggers, and they were described as being made of pure light, which seemed to be correct. I'll draw/sprite them ASAP), and he always seemed to be strategic about the upcoming challenges. He also knew 3 healers but I don't remember any of their names, though one was just the blue crewmate from Among Us for some reason?

Now for the canon characters that appeared:
Princess Peach… she's starting to reach recurring character status, this is the third time she's appeared. She was shown with this sparkly heart keyblade but didn't do much else.

Sora from Kingdom Hearts appeared but he barely mattered beyond trying to get Roan to not attack things weak to light… despite Roan's weapons being pure light.

Three different crewmates from Among Us appeared: Red, Blue, and Black… for some reason. I don't play that game anymore and haven't in years, I promise. Blue was the healer like I said, but I don't remember what roles Red and Black had. Think they were both rangers or mages?

And lastly, a character belonging to someone else I know: Aurora the Flutter Mane. I'll explain her role in the event recap.
Event recap
This is probably going to be in a semi-random order because it was a long dream with a lot going on. There's also probably a lot missing, my memory of dreams can fade quickly at times but I'm writing down whatever I remember.
There was some kind of infection that made people evil or something, and Aurora was the only one with a cure. For some reason she thought Voleyze was infected, despite having found out Pokémon are immune. (Accurate to my lore, too! Pokémon are immune to most forms of mind-control and similar things by default, unless caused by another Pokémon) So she tried to use that cure on him (plus made a Scream Tail joke, for whatever reason) despite him making several attempts to tell her he didn't need it, and he kept dodging. Not sure what happened next there but I believe everything was okay in the end.

In the meantime, Roan was trying to take down a boss creature with one of the healers, having to retreat when the healer went down (smart choice, admittedly, don't fight once your healer is no longer able to keep people alive). That's when he switched from whatever weapon he was using then (think it was a sword) to his "scythes" to try again, this time with one of his teammates, the next attempt's healer, being the blue crewmate. That attempt wasn't really shown though.

Later on Lunus, Esther, Voleyze and several others (not sure about Roan, I think he was present) were all told to choose a Keyblade to bring with them on a trip of sorts. Despite Lunus already having one ("obviously based on the Kingdom Key") he also chose the goth keyblade I mentioned, and the others weren't shown making their choice, besides Peach who chose the sparkly one I mentioned too. I think Lunus actually planned to choose that one if Peach didn't, but I don't understand why he'd choose it… Aside from "sparkles", which to me is a valid enough reason.
If Roan was present, I'm pretty sure he specifically didn't choose any keyblade due to his "scythes" being made of pure light too.

It was raining at the start of that trip, heavily too (classic weather here, and I recognized the area as one I visit often), which annoyed the main characters. During the trip there were several battles too, all of which went well.

And that's all I really remember.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I dreamed about some kind of hotel with an elevator, and a lot of weird buildings in general, and I dreamed about directing a film or series or ARG with two of my paracosms that I've had since I was 15.
They were kids in the series, for some reason. Possibly even pre teens. They were in their own series that took place in the late 1990s, likely even earlier than that, and instead of the internet they were using something else that was similar to the internet but later went out of style.
I think it was the French Minitel?? They definitely had a different name for it, and I remember thinking in the dream what a shame it was that it ended up recalled, because this thing was cozier and happier to use than the internet.

I can't quite recall what they got up to in the series, but they would get up to the stuff that I would be planning in my future webseries called Tactical Fursuits, except with more fantasy elements and more hamminess.
The whole thing had cheesy, low budget family movie kind of vibes, where everyone just kind of did their thing, that kind of fell in popularity ever since the economy seems to have been declining. The whole thing was very bittersweet, like I was finally completing something that I've been wanting to do for a long time, but also made me incredibly sad because it was like a keepsake from a bygone era.

I wonder if it means anything? There's at least two of my projects I can name when I think of how I can relate to this.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by EstherGamer »

Didn't have much time in the morning, and forgot to take quick notes on my phone while eating breakfast, but what I remember from my dream is that it had what seemed to be Cars characters, some Phineas and Ferb characters, and, hilariously enough, a list of questions that could be filled in to take notes about dreams you have. I might steal that list from myself to use later on.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Sharl »

I have been having some *funky weird dreams* lately... fortunately I've not been waking up coughing every couple of hours as my body's forgiving me for getting the Rona, and my sleep schedule's getting back to normalish. But yeah my dreams are weird. Sometimes trippy, sometimes amazingly cool, sometimes just funny (like the wannabe Mean Girls trying to bully my adult self for being a nerd. Sure, kids. Go on back and do your homework.)
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by castlevania »

haalloween ish a very important holiday for me, i alwaysh look forrward to sheeing creatively wwell-decorated ...hic... neighborhoodsh and peeople in ...hic... coshtumeesh on de nigght of it.

ii had a nightmare de oder day dat i shomehoww mished celebrratinng de nnight of haalloween dish year- sho when i actually went ...hic... too celebrate ...hic... (november 1), every place i ...hic... went to wash clooshed, and ...hic... i wassh crushhhed. i dishtinnctly remember one persshon had a dragon decoration perched ...hic... atop ...hic... deir hooushe, and it would sshpray ...hic... a flamedrowerr over a connshiderably gigantic arc in ...hic... front of deir lawn and ddriveway... i wash neearly shcorcched alive pashing drough :|

ii hope ...hic... dat diish ishn't a bad opeen dat ...hic... i'll be forced to shkipp de nighht of halloween dish year, **gigglesnnort*
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by darksouls »

We've had many and without going too far into details, being plural has a very profound and sometimes hilarious, sometimes weird, influence on dreams.
Currently taking a break to focus on creativity and ourselves. <3

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