Stories Written by Me and my irl Friends

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Stories Written by Me and my irl Friends

Post by Hollowshield »

Liam watched the door intensely. He had been trapped here for days, maybe weeks. He wouldn't be surprised if it had been months. His cage wasn't anything special. It had a bed, a bathroom, a window and a closet. One would mistake it for a bedroom but you would be mistaken. Because here, he was trapped with two other people.

Cynthia was hanging upside down from the ceiling. Her legs held onto one of the rafters up there. She stared out the window, watching as the sun began to fall again on yet another day. She didn't know if she would ever see the sun again...

Kyle wasn't as patient as the other two, however. He was pacing the floor, muttering to himself. Making plans. Maybe he could attack the guards? What good would that do? Back to square one...

There was a knock on the door before it swung open and their dad walked through the door.
"Kids, time for dinner" he announced.

The three kids cheered and rushed out of the room, pushing their dad out of the way.

Sumer came up next to her husband.
"They seem excited." She smiled.

Dexter hummed.
"They were just being dramatic again, thought they were trapped without food."

Sumer chuckled.
"Luckily they'll never have to understand that feeling."

Dexter smiled.
"Isn't that true." Please click my little ones <3 Image
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Re: Stories Written by Me and my irl Friends

Post by Hollowshield »

I got permission from my friend in real life to post these since I wasnt the only one to work on them. Enjoy the out of context stories! :D) Please click my little ones <3 Image
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MagiStream Donor
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Re: Stories Written by Me and my irl Friends

Post by Hollowshield »

The snow fell slowly, as it had for years, though its covering on the ground never seemed to deepen. It was their favorite place as of now, the snowflakes spiraling around their form, it was relaxing. They laid there for weeks at a time, trying to remember their name, a lot is forgotten when there isn't a real reason to remember anymore, empty streets, empty skies, empty oceans... an empty world.

Sometimes they wonder why they did it, provided the world with paradise in exchange for their own life, now trapped in an immortal body on an empty planet. Their was a novelty to it at first, the silence, the feeling of exploration, but eventually you really have seen everything.

Their deal prevents them from going insane, a comfort at first, but with the loneliness that consumes their soul, they know know that the reprieve insanity would provide is far better than the monotony of eternal sanity.

They're pretty sure they've read everything, but after a while every story felt the same.

As they lay in the snow, just wishing to sleep, even though that will never come, they wonder if the paradise that every other living thing on earth was sent to was worth his suffering of this eternal nothing.

story 2
tw; slight mentions of blood?
censored as best could

"Kevin I don't like this" James said, adjusting the rear-view mirror in the police cruiser to look at the convict in the back.

"You think I'm enjoying this?" Kevin replied, "I've seen everything, from a common thug to murderers, to psychos... but even still I've never seen anything like this" he shivered as he looked back at the convict.

"Same, I've seen things most wouldn't believe, but even still none of this is adding up" James pondered for a second, eyes darting from the road to the convict. "Dude with no history of crime or mental health problems heads to the mall with some long time friends, pulls a g-n and holds everyone-including himself- hostage, sh--ts the mall guard from across the mall with perfect accuracy despite no history of firearm use, and after all of that, immediately surrenders the second we show up? All with that creepy grin" James pulled onto the freeway.

"He also said he would stop if given what he wanted, yet nobody knows what he wants!"

"I can't wait to have this freak out of my cruiser"

"Wait, pull over! They're out of their cuffs!"

The convict in the backseat continued to grin, expression refusing to change as they tore their shirt to peaces and plunged their fingers into the fl--h of their back, not even wincing as they t-re through their own s--n and fl-sh, ripping a hole in their own back as Kevin watched in abstract horror, James pulling to the side of the freeway recklessly and slamming on the breaks. The convict had succeeded at pulling out an extra pair of arms from their back, the limbs looking skinny and malnourished and *wrong*, the fingers spindly and webbed, and with them hanging limply from a hole in their back just sat to highlight that it wasn't right. The convict, grin still in tact, grabbed their hands together and shoved b-ne to the surface, by the time Kevin and James made it to the door, they knew that whatever was in the back seat wasn't human anymore. Please click my little ones <3 Image
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MagiStream Donor
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Gender: Literally just six cats of varying gender identities sharing a suit of human skin

Re: Stories Written by Me and my irl Friends

Post by Hollowshield »

spreading her wings the woman stood on the ledge of the balcony. Watching the rolling storm clouds above with sheer glee, wondering just how active they would be once she got up into the air. The hairs on her arms stood charging the air. Did she hesitate? no, the eletrifying feeling in the air made her all the more eager to get herself going. She stood up on the railing, opened her arms, and fell forewards. Dropping of the edge before rapidly desending towards the ground. At first it looked like she wouldnt catch any air and would just land face first on the dirt outside her winding tree home... but at the last second she adjusted her wings and shot off into the air, a crackling of lightning rushed through the cloud she flew into, the breif deadly light glinting off her blood red hair and violet eyes. Her wings blending into the clouds as she pumped her wings, eyes squinted now before a prtoective film went over them. She took a deep breath, the smell of rain, water from so many places made her calm. But at the same time there was so much adrenaline in her system that she doubted naything could bring her down, even the eletricity flowing inside the nimbus cloud she soared through. She stuck with the storm system for hours through the night... Laughing in pure joy as she rose and fell with the turbulant air currents. She loved the sky, it was her true home, not the ground in which she nested at. She was free up here, and would, even when her wings would fail her in old age... always love the sky and wanted to stay there forever... but sadly... sleep, eating, all of that was a must. So she angled her wings and swung back to head home.. her land home that had her whelp... her nest. Where she would be forever tetherd to the ground, but she didnt hate it.. she just whished she could forever wonder in the sky like the great sky beasts she so seldum encountered now due to thei rmigrationary patterns rarely ever crossing her stretche of sky. When she landed on the balcony she was greated by the sweet sounds of home.. walking inside to bid the sky goodnight for another night. Please click my little ones <3 Image

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