✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Raffles, contests and giveaways can be held here

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✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by sammythethief »

15th Magiversary Free Raffle!
To celebrate MagiStream's upcoming 15th birthday, I've decided to hold a free raffle. There are a grand total of THIRTY (30) prizes to be won, which means thirty (30) winning tickets will be drawn!

The prizes are:
15 Purple Elder Crystalwing Hatchlings
15 Golden Elder Crystalwing Hatchlings

That's right! Thanks to the site's incredible team opening the Shimmering Shop, MagiStream's first ever donation creatures are available once more! I know many people are unable to currently donate for all sorts of reasons; those reasons are your own and shouldn't stop you from obtaining these incredibly rare creatures. I know I've always wanted them, but the opportunity has never been afforded to me until now. I'm fortunate enough to be able to obtain my own, and I want others to have them too.

I'm opening the raffle today, April 12th, so that people have time to post. I will bump the thread daily for visibility if necessary. The raffle will end on May 11th at 12:27 AM, site time. Here is a link to the clock. All tickets will be selected using Random.org to guarantee fairness. I will begin acquiring the eggs from the Shimmering Shop on May 1st and will do my best to get them hatched before the raffle ends. If, for some reason, they are not all acquired/hatched, please be patient. I use the click threads, the Image-Free MagiStream Nursery, Yarolds, and various daycare services to hatch eggs. The hatchlings will be stored in a protected, unhidden tab in my keep titled '15th B-Day Raffle'.

✧ One ticket per person.
✧ This raffle is open to EVERYONE - mods, admins, advisors, artists, etc.!
✧ There is no cost and no form. Simply post and request a ticket.
✧ One prize per winner.
✧ You may only request a ticket for yourself.
✧ Any tickets requested after the cutoff time, which is stated above, will not be honoured.
✧ Ticket numbers will be assigned in the order people request them. I.E. the first person to post receives ticket number one.

This isn't a rule, but I'd love to hear it anyway: tell me what your favourite creature on MS is, or tell me a creature that you collect or army! Bonus points if you say why they're your favourite!

If you win, please be aware of the following:
✧ I cannot guarantee low or specific percentages. The hatchlings will be placed in the protected tab as soon as I'm able to get them there. I do work full-time, but I'll try my hardest.
✧ The gender will be random.
✧ I can freeze a hatchling for you before I send it, if you don't care about gender/percentages.
✧ Please let me initiate the trade with your prize in it.

I hope you'll enjoy the raffle and the prizes! My sincerest wish is that you all are able to get as much joy out of MagiStream that I have over the years. Ups and downs, lags and crashes, the rapture raptors, the loss of beloved friends and the warm, globe-trotting friendships that have formed... MagiStream is here, and you are here, and I hope you adore this place as much as I do.

Ticket Holders
Last edited by sammythethief on May 12th, 2024, 10:19:30 am, edited 10 times in total.
Be kind.
Please do not click any hatchlings in my Main tab. Thank you.
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by crazyflight »

this is fantastic! thanks madame!
i'd like one ticket. as for my favorite creatures, they have to be gemstone kirin. apart from the complexity of the lineages and hybrid forms, and the lineage that i've created that completely avoids inbreeding by only breeding each kirin once in little family units, i also love that the sprites are big and majestic, and they embody the kind of fantasy creature that i enjoy most on this site. i can't believe we're coming up on 15 years! i've grown so much on here, and i appreciate the community so much.
always looking to buy streamborn opal and diamond gemstone kirin!
<3 <3 <3
happy pride!
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by BBkat »

I would like one ticket please and thank you! :angel:

As for my favourite creature on MS? Hmm. I think it might be the Mohrior. They're based on the Irish Puca which is one of my favourite faeries :D
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by Altairia »

I would like a ticket, please! My favourite creature on Magistream is the Sunburst Kirin, they are majestic, beautiful, and cool! Thank you for holding this raffle! <3
Visit my new shop!
Looking for gender swaps- see the corresponding tab in my keep!
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by MackerTibbs »

may i have one entry ticket to the raffle please?

my favorite creatures are the Quetzalcoatls; ive always loved them as a mythological creature and the sprites are -chef’s kiss-
x x x x
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by NaoKitsune »

I’d like to sign up!
I think my favorite creatures would have to be the kirin, both donation and stream hybrid. Really enjoyed breeding them and love the lore <3
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by popa16 »

I’d love to get a ticket please!

My fav are I think purple torveus dragons, because I have weak spot for torveus dragons on magistream (and I hope one day we will see more of them again!), and my artistic small business is called Purple Dragon, because I *might* be slightly obsessed with both purple and dragons.
The other creatures for me are tzunun mice and savis mice… I just love rodents
LTB any and all Purple Torveus Dragons and Ardulen Grotesques!!!

Wishlist: ardulen grotesque, royal squilla, silkhound or courshound, any gen viyasant
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by Tree »

I would love a ticket <3

My favorite MS creatures are the crystalwings. Iconic. Diverse. I might be slightly obsessed, honestly.
the turtle moves on but the tree persists

Buy from Winter 2011 & 2012
Gemcrafter Lineage

Thank you for all the gifts! <3

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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by Nicoleknb »

I’d like a ticket please!

My current favorite MS creature is probably the Blue Kynrel. I love alien looking creatures and the colors are so pretty.
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Re: ✧15th Magiversary Free Raffle! 30 Prizes!✧

Post by falsanthin »

I'd like a ticket please ^_^

As for my favourite creature i'm not sure i have an absolute favourite at the moment but i've always loved slyphs, particularly the pocket sylphs. Having trouble finding parentless ones but when i am done with catching up on my collection i would like to make a small army of them

Pumpkin Wyrms, Heligres, Amarth/Coria Alagos, Tenebre Foxes, Serendins, Hippocampus and Oinari are up there among my favourites though. If most of them weren't donation creatures i would like a small army of them too XD

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