Do you believe in anything supernatural?

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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by froglady »

I do believe there are aliens, but watch the Andromeda Strain and you'll see why we haven't found them. They probably aren't humanoid. They might even be based on silicon instead of carbon, like the Horta from the original Star Trek series (yes, that's chemically possible). They might use nitrogen instead of oxygen or cobalt instead of iron in their circulatory system or thrive in sulfuric acid or caustic soda.

Ghosts? Maybe. If there are ghosts, they spend most of their time in another dimension and only occasionally interact with ours. I think all those ghost shows are a ton of hooey, but I've encountered some stuff that makes me think it's possible.

I come from Pt Pleasant, WV. For real. I was a kid when all that Mothman stuff happened, and let me tell you it wasn't like the movie. At all. There's a spot in Mason County we call the TNT area. It was a munitions factory during WWII. There was a shipbuilding yard near town, too. Everything got shipped down the Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans, where the pieces of the ships had their final assembly and the munitions were sent directly out to Europe and the Pacific Theater. Because who would look clear up in WV for where the ship "kits" were being built? Anyway, the area was so polluted by the munitions factory that it ended up on the Superfund list in the 70s (and still hasn't been cleaned up, because it's Podunk, WV). You can drive around up there and see pits filled with water of all different colors, with nothing growing in it or living in it. It's out in the boonies even for WV, because they wanted it hidden. So teenagers used to go up there and park, drink, smoke dope, drop acid, do shrooms, etc (yeah, that stuff was around in the 60s). Dirt/gravel roads honeycombing miles and miles of forest with no one around to catch you doing something you shouldn't. The first sighting was by two teenaged couples who were so loaded they had to be helped out of the car into the sheriff's cruiser and be driven home. And of course the tales got wilder and wilder as they went around the school, so everyone and his cousin was out there every night looking for the thing, and the bigger the tale you could tell about it the higher you got on everyone's popular person list. Eventually the sightings stopped, probably because all the people who were talking about having seen it graduated and went off to work/college/whatever and weren't in a big group of people who believed them anymore. How do I know this? My aunt was only 11 years older than I and was in PPHS at the time with all the hoopla. She knew these people. They were her classmates.

Act 2: The movie. First, they were going to film it in town "for authenticity". Everyone was so excited, because the businesses thought it would be at least a small boom while the company was there filming. But they decided it didn't look "rural enough" (a town of 2000 that used to be 5000 and one of the biggest towns for 50 miles in any direction you'd care to drive wasn't rural enough, LOL), so they went and filmed in a suburb of Pittsburgh instead. I'm of the opinion that there weren't enough 5-star hotels and Starbucks and Michelin restaurants for the cast, so...
We have a movie where the young, handsome reporter comes down from NY to interview the young, pretty sheriff about the Mothman. HOLD UP!! I can tell you that I know the reporter whose work got picked up in NY and he WAS from NY state, but had moved to Pt Pleasant years before. He was middle-aged, as well. And a female sheriff in Mason County, WV in the 1960's?! Still hasn't happened. And the Silver Bridge? It was one of 3 built to the same model. Due to money-saving efforts during construction, the builder halved the number of eyebars per link from 4 in the original design to 2 in the two bridges across the Ohio River (the third was in South America, had 4 eyebars per link instead of 2 and is still open).

Act 3: The bankrupt town. Everyone was brainstorming for what to do to increase tourism (lots of people used to come see Fort Randolph and Cornstalk's grave, but the mass exodus from the area when the plants all shut down kind of killed that). Someone came up with using the Mothman like Roswell uses its UFO. Open a museum. Put up a statue. Hold a festival. Yeah, that ought to do it. So 40 years after the last Mothman sighting, Pt Pleasant started making beaucoup bucks off something that 90% of people in the area thought probably never existed, anyway.

I'll reserve judgement on the other cryptids, but the Mothman is a total joke. Take it from someone who was there when it happened.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Razoreniye »

Do dragons count as supernatural? I also believe that aliens exist, but not the sterotypical UFO ones, more like creature on other planets like Earth.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by AshenGrove »

I believe that there are things out there that we cannot explain. There are similarities between various cultures that span ages of creatures and mythologies and what have you for there to be any sort of coincidence that we humans don't actually have all the answers.

I believe in ghosts. Had a few encounters in my life I couldn't explain as anything but. Most of them were benign but one in particular felt very aggressive.

My first ever job was at this retail place in my home town. The automatic doors would just open and close on their own. Those doors were checked over and over but nothing was ever found to be wrong with them. I've heard heavy boot steps when no one was around after those doors would open. I saw empty jars fall off shelves that had no reason to fall (far from the edge of the shelf and no vibration to knock them off).

The aggressive one was mostly a feeling. It was at my aunt's house. One of my cousins was out at camp (the eldest), so I was babysitting for my aunt in the meantime. I was trying to get some sleep one night in my cousin's room. I immediately feel a presence. Like someone very angry was upset I was in their room. I tried to just go to sleep, then it felt like a pressure on my chest, making it hard to breath. I got up then and left the room, not wanting to press the issue with whatever it was. All sensations and feelings left as soon as I walked out of that room.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by missshadedlove »

Oh I absolutely do!!!! I have seen things myself. Saw a guy dressed in all red at my grandfather's funeral and then at my ex fiancé's house i saw head and shoulders of a shadow person!
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Razoreniye »

missshadedlove wrote: March 21st, 2024, 7:10:49 pm Oh I absolutely do!!!! I have seen things myself. Saw a guy dressed in all red at my grandfather's funeral and then at my ex fiancé's house i saw head and shoulders of a shadow person!
I see shadow people often too, one I see commonly in my house!
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by missshadedlove »

Razoreniye wrote: March 22nd, 2024, 8:41:02 am
missshadedlove wrote: March 21st, 2024, 7:10:49 pm Oh I absolutely do!!!! I have seen things myself. Saw a guy dressed in all red at my grandfather's funeral and then at my ex fiancé's house i saw head and shoulders of a shadow person!
I see shadow people often too, one I see commonly in my house!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that's creepy!!!
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by MackerTibbs »

ghosts are real, however they come to be they’re real.

my now-husband and i were dog sitting for our friend in his apartment when a ghost whispered in our ears—his in only the left ear and mine in only the right meaning it was sitting right between us
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by TheWolfieNebula »

I am quite scientific, so I'm never 100% able to believe in supernatural things however I do think there some elements of truth in certain ones (like ghosts, even if I prefer to think of them as spirits more). I am a little superstitious though, for similar reasons I think. The magpie rhyme is the one I most strictly follow - I always verbally count how many I see throughout the day and if I only see one at the start of the day I have to salute it and go "Hello Mr. Magpie, how's Mrs Magpie?" and if it flies away I go "He's flying away, so my sorrow's flying away".
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Perkon »

I absolutely believe in Skinwalkers. I live extremely close to native land, and I have seen things at night. You'll hear things as well often, people whispering, quiet knocks on your front door late at night, strange animal calls, and more. I don't like being outside at night and am glad I moved to the third story of my apartment.

I also believe in spirits; my family sees things sometimes. For example, I'll see little shadow figures in the corners of my visions when I'm in "bad" areas. It's hard to explain but it lets me know to go. I think some are helpful, some are warnings, and some are out to get you. I saw a lot of them before my dad passed away and right before my grandfather did as well. I think the ones in my childhood home though were out to get us. Just a lot of malicious things happened in that house (Ie freak large tree branch falling off the apple tree and almost killing my mom, the storage house with the door that would slowly close and would latch on the outside trapping you in, etc)

I have a plethora of other things. Didnt help I grew up on military bases and constantly saw wacked stuff.

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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Syth »

Angels, for one, but there are others.
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