Guidelines - read before posting!

This is where creature swaps for gender, lineage, color or date takes place

Moderator: Merchant District Moderators

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Guidelines - read before posting!

Post by Morgaln »

This section of the Merchant District is dedicated to creature swaps. A creature swap for purposes of the Kiwik is trading a creature for another similar one that differs in one important characteristic. We currently recognize the following four kinds of swap:

Gender: Trading a male for a female of the same species, or vice versa.

Lineage: Trading a creature for another creature of the same kind but bred from different parents

Color: Trading creatures of species that only differ in color, e. g. a Pink Rose Imp for a White Rose Imp. Please note that this only applies to different colors of equal worth. Trying to trade a stream Narwhal for a shop Narwhal for example is not considered a color swap.

Date: Trading a creature for another creature of the same type but born on a different day

Any post that does not fall into one of these four categories will be moved out of the Kiwik and to the appropriate section.

In order to run this forum smoothly and efficiently, we ask that you adhere to the following conventions
for posts in this thread:

- Please put the kind of swap as well as the species and gender of the creature you are offering in the title of the post. It is recommended to also add your creature's generation to the title. Here are a few examples for post titles:

"[gender] male SB Direwolf"
"[lineage] female 3rd gen Fire Gryphon"
"[color] female 1st gen Red Rose Imp"
"[date] male GB White Elk"

- If you have several creatures to swap, you may create a separate thread for each or put them all in one thread, whichever you prefer. If you add them all to one thread, please put all applicable designators in the title, as well as something akin to "multiple creatures" (e. g. "[gender][color] various pets").

- Please make sure to put a link to the creature you are offering in your post, so those interested can verify the information in your post title and check out any specifics you might not have mentioned.

- Put as much detail as possible in what creature you are looking for. Be certain to mention species, gender and generation you are looking for, as well as any other information that might be relevant to you (e. g. birthdate or whether you accept hatchlings)

- We recommend you lock your topic after you find what you seek, that will make it easier for people to weed out offers that are no longer valid.

ATTENTION: Due to the fast-lived nature of this kind of thread, any topic that hasn't been posted in for 14 days will be deleted automatically. Please keep an eye on your threads if you need to keep them longer and don't forget to bump them (within the rules, of course).
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