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Steak and Rice, AKA Beef Stroganoff

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 11:47:30 am
by Anira
So this is about the only thing I know how to make without a recipe. It's the one thing my mother used to actually cook (blocking the memory of meatloaf). Otherwise we always got microwaveable dinners, fast food, or Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese. Mom always called it "Steak and Rice" because she prefers it over rice, but it's just our version of Beef Stroganoff.

This recipe doesn't need to be followed exactly. It's very simple and most of it depends on your own personal preferences.

  • 1 package of steak (size varies, usually between 1-2 lbs; our store only has sirloin steak, but you can use whatever kind you like)
  • 1 package of mushrooms (ours are 8 oz)
  • 1 tub of sour cream (we use 16 oz)
  • 2-3 packets of brown gravy mix (25 grams each)
  • **onion optional
  • **butter or oil optional
  • **water optional
How to cook:

I personally chop the steak and mushrooms before I start cooking, because I'm lazy and slow. I use two packages of steak and mushrooms, because I love my Steak and Rice. You should wash your mushrooms first, of course. I don't bother myself.

So cut the steaks into bite size pieces, and slice the mushrooms. Now cook the steak and mushrooms to your liking in a medium to large skillet (size depends on how much you're making, I use 12-13"; this is where the **optional butter or oil comes in). I personally use some butter and partially cook the steak first. Then I add the mushrooms and cook them. This is because I LOVE the flavor the mushrooms get when sauteed in steak juices. Once cooked, **drain the juices (save for gravy if not using water).

**Add in your chopped onion as well, if you like those disgusting things.
Now, while the steak and mushrooms are cooking you can start the gravy. In a medium mixing bowl whisk together sour cream and brown gravy mix (we use 3 packets). **Add water and whisk to desired thickness, up to 2 cups (keeping in mind the gravy will thicken a bit). Now, **water is optional, because I personally use the juices drained from the cooked steak and mushrooms. I like the flavor more. I also like my gravy a bit thicker, so I only use about a cup or so of these juices.
Pour gravy into skillet with steak and mushrooms and mix it all together. Simmer a few minutes to warm up and thicken the gravy. That's it; you're done. You may put it over whatever you desire: rice, mashed potatoes, noodles, whatever. Mom likes rice, so I made rice for it (hence Steak and Rice). I also eat it by itself.
I would like to point out that I HATE sour cream, but this stuff is absolutely delicious.
And now you guys have my family's SUPER SECRET Steak and Rice recipe. Excuse me while I eat some for breakfast. :(