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Affliction. DNP. PM any comments.

Posted: March 31st, 2015, 2:18:23 am
by Lagertha

June of 2010

"In other news, another 3 percent of the population has fallen ill with this strange affliction... This makes the new statistic 15 percent of the population now has contracted this affliction."

A television blared in the back room of the small house which housed a young woman. The young woman had hair black as night and skin as translucent as glass. Every blue vein seemed to pop out of her slim frame. Her veins were so noticeable against her flesh that from a distance they appeared to be intricately intertwined tattoos. Her eyes were such a pale green that they seemed to fade into the whites. She was an unhealthy woman, frail from the strange affliction. Her skin was stretched so tightly over bones that it seemed to not even exist. She was standing at the window of her house, waiting for nothing. She stared out the window with pale, blank eyes.

Like fifteen percent of the population, she was sick; the sickness had ravaged her body. The woman collapsed, falling forward onto the window sill. Her veins faded in color as she laid over the window sill... Then all of a sudden they filled with a magnificent electric blue color. The woman lifted herself from the sill with ease, she leaned against the wall to catch her breath before brushing her long black hair out of her eyes. A bad side affect of the illness were strangely colored veins... But the rest of the affects seemed to make its victim even more beautiful; voluminous hair, full lips, beautifully pale skin, intensified eye color, slim figure. Everything a woman would pay for.

The television continued to blare in the back room;

"This strange affliction is known to completely ravage the human body until you are a shell. It is then known to kill you and then somehow bring you back with new attributes. Doctors are still studying this affliction to understand exactly how it does what it does... But we, at KS10 News, promise to keep you up to date on any new findings on this affliction."

The woman strode to the back room and shut the television off. She had contracted the affliction and become rather gorgeous... But now she had an unsatisfiable hunger, not for anything she ever thought she would want... Blood.