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Arkinine's Azure Liyan Decoration

Posted: December 26th, 2014, 7:23:15 pm
by Arkinine
Not really the first creature you'd think of for Christmas, but hey. Spoiler because the pictures are kinda huge.
This was inspired when I was wandering through my keep, looking for inspiration. I started picturing all of my favorite creatures playing in snow and this just stuck out as adorable.

A Liyan and his snow kitty, made entirely of polymer clay. I tried to paint the Liyan's nose, mouth, and eyes on with acrylic paint, but you can't see it very well in the picture. It's been glazed, which is why it's super shiny. He's got a little bald spot because one of his 'hairs' fell off after baking and I glued it to the wrong place.

Also, I apologize for my handwriting. That is indeed a four, I am not a time traveler.

Re: Arkinine's Azure Liyan Decoration

Posted: December 28th, 2014, 10:08:56 pm
by StormCry
OMG.... he is so adorable! :t-swoon: