Summer Night

"Summer at the Keep" writing contest
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Summer Night

Post by LovelyDeeps »

It was late in the Keep when Deeps decided to write her letter to Tyris. She plopped on one of her chairs and, picking up her writing feather form her Dark Pegasus, she started to think in what she could write about in her letter. A soft nudge from her Hellhound and a wide yawn from her loyal Tenabre Fox gave her an idea, and she wiggled her toes in the cool breeze that entered from her window as she started writing.

Her Tundra Tylluan blinked in boredom and ruffled her wings, deciding that she could stare at her magi latter and make her sleep time a little uncomfortable.
To Emander Tyris,

Our Summer months in the Keep are always full of extravagant events, although I don't raise many creatures myself I have a rather pretty mischievous lot that always manage to come up with the oddest pranks. I have, normally, help from a few of my creatures to raise babies and take care of my collected eggs, specially from my good companion, Gloss, a Tenabre Fox. She was one of the first creatures to ever encounter when I started my studies, and I can count with her always. It can't be said the same from her mate. He prefers to sleep most of the day, and if he feels like it, play some prank on me or my other magi friends. Just yesterday I got a friend come to my house to complain that Noir had licked all of his furniture, startled all of his Celestial Butterfly and left fur all over his house. I swear this fox behaves like the worst of the hatchlings of his kind.

My daily routine is pretty basic by itself, most of my creatures like to spend time with others of their own kind, but I do get to brush my pegasi's hair and preen the feathers of their wings. And at that, Zyere, my Winged Cat, will want to receive the same treatment to his fur and wings. I also spend some time with my direwolves and kitsune, as they have decided to spend most of their time together and ignore all the things happening around them.

Part of my daily routine is also get slightly 'creeped out' by Ixchel, my Tundra Tylluan, that has made a habit of hers to follow me around my house and the Keep with that blank stare that only them can do. I'm not concerned about her 'head twisting' as I call it, I even find it funny when she does it infront of easily alarming people. She enjoys it so much, and so do I. If I have time, and nothing happens I like to spend a few moments with my Sonerus Dragons before dawn, as they are always making beautiful music together.

I really hope that this letter, even though is short, helps you with your research and I hope to hear from you soon.

"Now, where did that childish fox put my shoes?"

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