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The Mighty Antlion: The First Insect In The Contest

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 8:28:50 pm
by Pokelover22
I am thinking of making an antlion. Here's pics: (larval): (adult):

I am looking for people who think they can make a pixel antlion larva and adult but bigger and even more grotesque then they are in reality. Here goes the ideas:

This egg has pincers and two legs protruding from it. Whenever bugs and large mammals come by, it flicks sand at them as if practicing for it's life.

This egg cracked open and a large grotesque larvae came out. It wobbles around on it's legs. When it gains it's feet, it moves in a cone position backwards and makes a cone- like impression in the ground. A winged cat comes by and it flicks sand at it. The winged cat falls in and the large spiny jaws clamp on it. The winged cat is dragged in and a few minutes go by. A carcass is chucked out of the pit. You start to doubt owning one until, it doodles in the sand. You tuck it in the sand near The Keep and it nestles to sleep cutely.

Your larvae emerges from it's gigantic cocoon of sand. Large wings and a giant tubular mouth part is shown. It starts grooming it's antennae almost immediately. It's abdomen is at least 6 ft. long and the rest must be 5 ft long. It's wings spread out to harden. Within a few minutes, it starts rapidly beating them and you get blown across the sand by the great gust. It lifts in the air and flies around a forest. It swoops down on something. It arises with a puvia trapped in it's legs. It lands near you happily and starts sucking it's victim's blood. The puvia passes out and your antlion nestles the puvia in it's nest. It's saliva is packed with a chemichal that makes the victim lose all memory of what happened. Your antlion takes off and you leave The Keep.

As a larvae these insects are vicious creatures that kill, when adults, these are vicious blood suckers but they don't kill. The larvae dig in sand like their smaller cousins in a cone formation. They catch small animals and liquify the insides. They suck them out and throw out the carcass for scavengers to find. The adults fly through the air as the mighty insects they are. They are the largest insects on the planet. They suck blood and their saliva makes the victim lose all memory of their blood sucking. They live in the deserts, skies, and forests of The Keep.

Another Idea is the jerboa dragon. In case you didn't know, the jerboa is a rodent with stubby arms and extremely long legs and tail. Pic: ... jerboa.jpg

This egg is a Sandy Tan color with a long tail protruding. At the end of the tail, one black band is shown.

Image I know it's horrible... T_T
A tiny jerboa-like creature emerges. It has small unusable wings in the place of jerboa arms and likes to sprint around the beach and eat coconuts. It has the head of a void dragon. It sprints around and likes to jump over antlion pits. It nips you with it's sharp teeth. The small creature uses it's extremely long wing claws to climb trees and nestles in palm trees at night and lulls to sleep with the sound of the waves. You leave it in The Keep to grow.

You come back and you see it sleeping in the forests and feeding on pears instead of coconuts. It takes long, tall strides. You like to ride on it's back as it jumps around. You wonder why their habits change so drastically as they grow not to mention their growth. The only trees now large enough for them to climb without snapping the trees are mighty oaks. This forces them to drastically change their habits and to live in forests. They eat fruit because of the long walk to the beach from the forest. You also notice that they consume protein by eating antlion adults.

These creatures are very cute as hatchlings. They stride around beaches and eat coconuts. They live in the trees and fall to sleep by the waves. If a tsunami is coming, they can sense it from 100 miles away. As adults, these beasts eat adult antlions and fruit. They live in forests and in oak trees. They have long foot claws that can easily defend them. They live deep in the forests, deserts, beaches, and lakesides of The Keep.

3rd last entry for if all else fails. The Bayou Serpent (The MagiStream team may manipulate the name.)

This egg has fins and a long, thin, pair of jaws sticking out. They have a bulbous end.

A little serpentine beast cutely wriggles out of it's egg and into the swamp. It has the head of a gharial, long front fins with three claws at the end, and a big dolphin-like tail. It's top is pitch black and it's underbelly seems to be glowing light green. It swims around and falls to sleep on it's back.

Image My Best Work Yet!
You come back to find a huge version of the hatchling swimming around gracefully through the cattails and mangrove roots. It snags a fish and wolfs it down. You have finally found out the reason of it's "glowing" underbelly. The glow attracts fish and other creatures to their doom. Adult Bayou Serpents are extremely dangerous and should be approached with caution even if it is loyal. It chews on mangrove roots to file down it's extremely long teeth.

As hatchlings, these beasts are very cute. They eat bugs and live deep in the roots of mangroves. They use their glowing underbellies to sttract and kill prey. As adults, these beasts do not ever fall to sleep. They can live in fresh and salt water. They can go out into the ocean and work together to take down a whale, but they go right back to competing for food and mates. They like to trap prey by hiding deep in mangroves. When the prey are attracted, they have no way to escape from the mangroves. They live in the waters and swamps of The Keep.

Critiques are welcome. Please give me your honest opinion!

Re: PL22'S Entry - The Antlion (Looking for spriters!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:00:54 pm
by kevin19980609
Nice descriptions!

Re: PL22'S Entry - The Antlion (Looking for spriters!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:08:01 pm
by Pokelover22
Thank you. Please name your price for sprtiting for me. I will also do free banners and avatars for you as payment.

Re: PL22'S Entry - The Antlion (Looking for spriters!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:09:03 pm
by kevin19980609
I can't really sprite well. When I do it looks VERY bad. :sulk:

Re: PL22'S Entry - The Antlion (Looking for spriters!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:11:05 pm
by Pokelover22
No problem, I'm looking for basic wannabe sprites anyway to start off.

Re: PL22'S Entry - The Antlion (Looking for spriters!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:11:15 pm
by kevin19980609
Besides, I think it is against the rules
2. ALL CONTENT MUST BE ORIGINAL TO YOU. This includes all descriptions and art. Creatures do not need to be your unique creation [i.e. mythical creatures, extinct animals, living animals etc. are acceptable submissions], but all content including the written description/concept art must be created by you.

Re: PL22'S Entry - Antlion, JerboaDragon (Looking for spriters!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:28:31 pm
by Pokelover22
Oh, I would do my own if I had the things for the job.

Re: PL22'S Entry - Antlion, JerboaDragon (Antlion Egg Is Up!)

Posted: September 13th, 2009, 9:46:22 pm
by Pokelover22
The Antlion Egg Is Up!

Re: Antlion, Jerboa Dragon, And Bayou Serpent

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 3:56:56 pm
by Pokelover22
Critiques are welcome!

Re: Antlion, Jerboa Dragon, And Bayou Serpent

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 4:35:28 pm
by Pokelover22
All of the eggs are up! I will do general and physical descriptions maybe later today or tomorrow.