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Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 6:27:05 pm
by NekoKyu
I had trouble with that at first too. Turns out the solution is to put a random, nonexistent border around the whole accordion. E.g.: [border=0px solid #D1D1D1][accordion][/accordion][/border] It can be any color I believe, so long as it has a 0px width.

Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 6:35:26 pm
by Padfootsmistress777
OOoooh, awesome, that totally worked! Thank you!

Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 6:40:33 pm
by Iliad
Now it looks like this... which is better than before, but now if I try to add a border back around the box, it either... doesn't work or it brings back the previous border. with the awkward gray outline.

Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 6:58:29 pm
by NekoKyu
Hmm, what's your code look like? Is it multiple slides in one accordion, or several accordions stacked on top of each other? Also, are you putting the desired border around the accordion, or around the slide? Just in case, it should look like this:

[border=invisible border][accordion]{slide=[bg=if you have one][border=button border]Click Me[/border][/bg]}
[bg=if there is one]Read me[/bg]{/slide]


Also, there's a little button at the top of the screen that says 'Use BB Code Editor'. It's nothing fancy, but it turns everything down to code so you can see if there are any misplaced text color or formatting codes that could be causing the problem (I had a random center code that was messing things up for me once). If none of that doesn't help though, then I can take a look at it if you want to see if I can find out what's wrong and how to fix it?
Padfootsmistress777 wrote:That private workshop is amazing and a life saver owo Though how did you get rid of that weird grey border around the spoilers? (It's super annoying x3). I like having some BBCodes because it helps organize thing (though their accordions/spoilers are a bit confusing x3, least I figured out how to make them smaller x3. and I have been totally using your thread for reference x3 (not that pictures though owo). But thanks for the permission to use them x3. I'm still trying to decipher them xD

Neither have I...I don't even know if it's a thing (it probably is though x3), but yeah, only 25 images would be tough =/

Iunno, I think a Gryffindor/Slytherin would surprisingly common amongst those without prejudice x3, they are very similar x3. aybe the playwrite read MI and decided to make it a reality...but better overall and better written x3.

Mehbeh :omg: I don't rememver anymore!

Happy Neko is happy! :D
I love the private workshop, I can now test things out without worrying about actually posting it. They also have regular spoilers as well, but these spoilers can actually be labeled if you felt like it. Accordions are super confusing though, but I also love them so much at the same time. Glad my thread can be of use. ^_^ (I wasn't expecting anyone to use the pictures, since I imagine they likely won't fit any other rp theme besides mine. xD)

I don't know how an image based rp would work though, and it's probably be super difficult to find the right picture. Also, wouldn't they have an even greater chance of accidentally godmodding?

Or maybe someone thought it would be fun to troll the whole world by slipping in as many MI similarities as possible... Or what if the playwrite was the same person who wrote MI? O.o

Neko is happy, but Neko might have to leave the computer because today is her bf's birthday.

Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 7:18:13 pm
by Iliad
Okay, it's working! I had them in a different order so I guess that's what was causing it.
Is there a way to get rid of the border around the actual text inside the slide?

Happy birthday to your bf!

Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 7:38:00 pm
by Padfootsmistress777
I could try using your pictures, but you're correct, it would not fit at all :lol: . I got my accordions to look awesome :yarly:

And yes, you're probably right :yarly: I honestly was just joking when I said it, but now I think the concept would be interesting, if incredibly difficult x3.

Maybe O.o That'd be so weird if it least it's better written x3

Also happy birthday to your bf!

Also I wish I could help with the coding but honestly I haven't a clue .__.;

Re: The Red String OoC

Posted: August 4th, 2016, 7:49:19 pm
by NekoKyu
As far as I know, the only way to get rid of the faint black border (I think that's the one you're talking about?), is by getting rid of the scroll button. If you code looks similar to {slide=300}{/slide} then that means it has a scroll bar, but if you get rid of the 300 or whatever number being used, it will get rid of the scroll as well as the small border. If there is a way to be rid of the border and still keep the scroll bar, I sadly do not know it.

He says thank you. ^_^

Congrats Paddie, you can do it! :lol:

We wouldn't be able to say she hasn't improved at least. xD But I doubt they went that's what happened.