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Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 7th, 2015, 2:47:26 am
by Leorobin
Thanks for the reply, I understand.

I'll post soon ^^

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 9th, 2015, 1:44:42 am
by Leorobin
It is me again XD Cintry gave Ryu a good question, one that I can't answer XD

"Do you know just how far the connection is? I had never asked my previous golem. Too young and stupid to do so. if I feel something, do you feel it, but not register it? If I know something, do you know it? If I have a you have it too?"

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 9th, 2015, 11:08:00 am
by Iliad
... Will post soon... promise... :lick:

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 9th, 2015, 12:02:05 pm
by Cintry
Yeeaaaaaahhhhh, oops. I didn't know if the rumor had been hammered out or not as to if Golem's do have that sort of connection or not. Sorry Leo! it would be interesting if there was that sort of connection...then he would also know the languages that she does as well....

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 9th, 2015, 2:06:09 pm
by Leorobin
I was thinking the same, it would enable feedback form the master to the golem and it would help in many areas. From what has been explained so far it seems they get the memories from before the moment they were awakened and that's it, but I'd rather not make asumptions.

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 12th, 2015, 4:56:03 pm
by PastelPeach
Hey guys, sorry about my absence. There were some technical difficulties. That and I wound up getting heavily distracted by the Sims. >.< I'm considering attempting to make everyone’s characters. Also, my family will be taking a trip to Vegas this week and I don't know if I'll have internet access while there. So if I disappear again, that's why.

I've been awaiting this moment. :lol: Within the rp setting, it is a popular belief that Golems retrieve their talents, abilities, and memories from their connection. However, if that were the case, then in theory Dolls should be capable of everything that their owner is, such as languages, and would have the same memories as them as well. Since this isn't true, the belief is that the connection creates a Doll that is complementary to their owner. In other words, they have skills and knowledge that will be useful to the owner, sometimes even ones that the owner themselves doesn't have. This could create Golems that either have a full copy of knowledge from their owner, or ones that don't.

However, that theory is wrong. The people in the rp don't know that, but it's wrong. The bond serves only one purposes, to provide a pathway for the magical energy. They do not share any thoughts or feelings with their owner. The only reason they share pain is because of the protective seal, and that only happens in rare cases. The truth of the matter is that no one knows why Golems are the way they are. Many of them have their own set of unexplainable talents, and with more emotions there is a small chance that they will get random bursts of "memory". These memories are not necessarily those of their owners, and in the very rare cases that they are, the memory is always from a third person perspective instead of their owner's perspective.

Basically, Golems are still a giant mystery to people. They're brought to life fully capable of speech and walking, and have knowledge of the world despite being completely new. They are not all knowing though. Part of the rp will be directed toward exploring the idea of Dolls, especially in regards to societal views.

...I have no idea if that makes sense. >.< If anything I write ever doesn't make sense at all, feel free to tell me and I'll try my best to make it clearer.

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 12th, 2015, 9:26:55 pm
by Leorobin
So when they awaken they get memories and skills from some sort of Akashic record? And what each gets is somewhat random along with a basic knowledge of how the world works?

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 12th, 2015, 11:01:05 pm
by PastelPeach
Pretty much, yeah. :lol: I wanted to leave it open ended so everyone could personalize the traits of their Golem characters, especially since having them restricted to sharing the knowledge of their owners would be really difficult and complicated to execute.

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 22nd, 2015, 9:40:41 am
by Cintry
Hey y'all, won't be able to post until this weekend. My biostats final is going to take a bit to do! @Peaches....I forgot Ester.....sorry!

Re: Phantoms in the Clock Tower OoC Thread

Posted: July 26th, 2015, 5:30:54 pm
by PastelPeach
Tis alright Cintry. ^_^ I wound up getting sick again, so I had to take some time off myself as well. Good luck on your biostat final though, hope it goes well!