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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: May 29th, 2018, 12:37:41 am
by Goldenwolfmidna
Balmos, God of Anger.

Balmos is created with the pure emotion of Rage. He is often confused with other gods of war. He is often prayed to before wars and battles, with bloody sacrifices. He returns his worshippers with pure rage, like that of a barbarian.


Yt'raija'r, mighty god of

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: June 2nd, 2018, 2:28:55 pm
by epiphany24
b̶o̶d̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶f̶u̶n̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶s̶ Strength and exercising stuff.

Whenever you feel flabby, go visit Yt'raija'r. (trying to say his name will give you plenty of exercise). He will direct you to somewhere amazing to strengthen your mind, soul, and body. For example, a forest to practice stamina running away from wolves. Or a mountain, where you can have fun dodging them landslides. He knows all the great exercising places.

Tomo is another god

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: June 2nd, 2018, 6:19:00 pm
by Soprano
of quarrels.

You bet you wouldn't want him at your party, because after a few seconds everyone's going to be arguing about who ate the last slice of pizza. Wherever he goes, he manages to stir up some kind of argument. No wonder he's the least favourite god and never gets a temple built in his honor.

Nala, the goddess of

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: June 5th, 2018, 11:04:44 pm
by MIA12912
Nala, the goddess of love She is often seen with many lovers of many genders. Worshipers come from all walks of life and sexualities. Her sacred animals are the peacock and the lioness. Occasionally, She is portrayed as a maned lioness. Temples of Nala must face west, with Her statue in the east: the direction of new beginnings. To the left of her statue, there must be a statue of a lion with a golden collar, protection those who were hurt in a relationship. To her right, a peacock, representing that one must work hard for love. Monks of Nala often take in those who need protection from an abusive partner, lover, or family member. They may also provide care to pregnant women and young children. Sacrifices to Nala include: 12 red roses, 1 quart sacred oil, 47 sprigs of lavender, or a pice of rose quartz.

Menjes God of.....

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: July 10th, 2018, 8:57:51 pm
by NightGaze666

Known to bring sickness, death, and stir up the inner demon in people by magic, Menjes is also known as the Grim Reaper to many. Covered in a black robe, he carries around a leather bound book that glows when someone dies. He keeps recocored of all dead people. He never speaks and beaver shows him face, leave people, gods, and goddesses to never know what he is feeling. No Sacrifices or tributes are made to Menjes, as they seem to anger him.

Phirerphiox, God of....

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: July 16th, 2018, 10:32:16 pm
by dinsfire24
Fire and cooking.

He often cooks for the gods' parties, and he is known to be the best cook in the world. He is described as being a tall man with a chef's hat and a white robe, sometimes holding a cookbook. He has fiery orange eyes and silky black hair. He is worshipped by cooks, and enjoys gifts of food and drinks.

Teirna, goddess of...

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: August 11th, 2018, 5:26:07 am
by Philomene
the lost and the found,

She gallops through the night sky, riding on wind, scaring away clouds so they don't hide the stars from the travellers. She is the keeper of the night sky always making sure the stars are in the right time in the right place. She is often painted as a fragile, middle-aged women with deer antlers pointing at the stars above her. Dressed in long dark dress, whitch is often pictured as the one and true map of the night sky at any point of time. Teirna is worshipped by common folk and the royalty alike, being the patron of the travellers. It is said, that to guarantee oneself a save journey, one must offer the goddess a gift consisting of a thing that is somehow connencted to the subject of one's travel, and a baloon to raise the gift up on the night sky so night wind can catch it, and bring it to their master.

Nehrr'di god of...

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: September 21st, 2018, 2:52:42 pm
by Athenaash

Nehrr'di's moonlight colored skin shines as he sails across the sea, his kind eyes searching for a soul to help. Never taking a break until the world is full of love and happiness. People of every walk of life pray to him before admiring something. He seems like the mom of the galaxy.

Yena the god of..

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: September 22nd, 2018, 4:04:00 am
by nyghtshadow
Right and Wrong. (Yena made me think of Ying and Yang, sorry!)

Yena is prayed to and asked for guidance generally before a big decision, most times one to be made by a ruler, to stay their mind on the correct path, the path of Right. Those whom have fallen from his favor due to actions of cruelty or harshness, even meanness, to anything, will find themselves generally making the wrong choice, resulting on the being on the path of Wrong. He is a forgiving God, however, he still holds a grudge at times. He is not a god you wish to be on the bad side of, lest you fall from his favor.

Resha Goddess of.....

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: October 5th, 2018, 10:38:19 am
by Inkwel
Desert and Desolation

Resha holds her rule over all the deserts of the world, and is seen as a malevolent goddess. She is only prayed to when in times of extreme danger, as she is believed to remove her forces of desolation from those who pray to her. When travelling in the desert, one would want to pray to her for safe travels. If no prayer is made, one can expect a sandstorm to occur early in the journey.

Nemara Goddess of ...