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Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: December 16th, 2018, 9:59:00 pm
by blockEdragon
Do we have any woodpeckers? Because a real life jackhammer bird sounds like something that could easily be brought up another level by some magic.

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: December 17th, 2018, 11:43:26 am
by bett132
There's a type of viper that has a fake spider on the end of its tail, which it uses as a lure to draw in birds to eat. There's some pretty good possibility in that.
Also, it would have to be done carefully so as not to just be horrifying, but the Suriname toad carries its eggs embedded under a layer of skin on its back. When they hatch (as fully formed toadlets!), they kick their way out and escape. It looks absolutely nasty, but, again, possibility. It'd just have to be done so as not to severely upset anyone with trypophobia. Maybe if it just kept babies under a layer of fur or feathers.

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: December 18th, 2018, 10:54:17 am
by Leonard
Since we don't have any unicellular or ooze -like companion, what about making one based on the Xenophyophore, the biggest unicellular organisms in existence?

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: December 18th, 2018, 3:53:34 pm
by blockEdragon
The artificer's association should make miniature-plush tinsel wyrms like the Christmas picture.
Seriously, I NEED that plush.

And they should have the same personality as regular tinsel wyrms. A tiny little plush doll strutting around like it's a giant, indestructible dragon and attacking things with its "deadly" scales and tail would be adorable and hilarious.

I had too much fun with the hypothetical description
Plush Wyrms are as aggressive and short-tempered as their living counterparts and must be trained carefully to curb their more violent instincts, they are virtually harmless to almost everything but if they get into a fight with the wrong creature it could end in disaster for the wyrm. Being made entirely of cotton and fabric and much smaller than a real wyrm means that the have no real way of defending themselves from an attacker. They however are seemingly unaware of this fact and believe themselves to be the same as a real wyrm and must be treated with the same respect if one hopes to befriend them. In order to avoid the untimely destruction of their Plush Wyrm magi who own these creatures usually learn to sew in order to mend any injuries sustained from their reckless behavior and usually keep them as indoor pets; watching them carefully when taken outdoors.

Biting back laughter, you watch as a tiny plush hatchling ineffectually attempts to tear apart wrapping paper and everything else it can get its teeth onto. Its little tail whips back and forth angrily as it pounces on an unsuspecting ribbon. This tail has already become a dangerous weapon in the mind of the wyrm, in reality it's as dangerous as a paintbrush and watching it try and fail to destroy things has become a new form of entertainment for you. Tiny scales of soft material make it easy to pick up, and vulnerable to attack. This plush hatchling is virtually incapable of destruction, though not for lack of trying. Like it's living counter-parts it tries to destroy a variety of things, though unlike the real wyrms it lacks any sharp claws, teeth, or scales to do so. Already it has tried to slice up pieces of wood and even small rocks, practicing for future combat. Bored with everything on the floor, the little wyrm turns toward the furniture, and you hasten forward to halt its path of destruction.

This Plush Wyrm sits proudly on top of a couch, surveying the room, daring all to approach. You do so respectfully, a ball of cotton held out in front of you. The Plush wyrm flicks its tail thoughtfully, but accepts the treat and allows you to sit next to it. Mindful of its fuzzy coat, you stroke its flank, marveling at its soft and squishy hide. The toy reptilian stares at you with it's button eyes, contentedly poking the furniture with it's harmless claws. A soft substance brushes against your cheek, and you become aware of a small face next to yours. Turning your head slowly, you meet the gaze of the plush wyrm. It blinks its button eyes slowly before rubbing its fuzzy cheek against your head. You smile widely as you realize you are the recipient of a rare display of affection. You scratch the ridge above the wyrm's eye, rewarded by a tiny growl that sounds suspiciously like a purr.
It's probably not that good but it amused me so a made it.

All the guilds and associations could use some new critters.

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: December 29th, 2018, 10:27:24 am
by Chimera
Rabbitsune/Dusk Bunny hybrid :D

XD Sorry, I got too excited at the idea and forgot to check the first post

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: February 2nd, 2019, 10:29:01 pm
by Avadiller
A haven turtle? That's not the only name I goes by, it's also known as the aspidochleone's basically this huge turtle with a whole biome on it's back. I did not make this up cuz you can see it in tales of ostlea and alladin: prince of thieves
It is one of my favorites!!!
A charbidius would be great too!
A mongolian death worm!
A fruit demon, like Peaches from The Trials of Apollo no. 1 and 2!
Talking Trees!
The wampus cat!
Stymphalian birds!
swamp monsters!
Rainbow serpent!
(I'm leafing through my books on creatures)
Loch Ness!
Scorpion man!
Xolotl! ( a Mayan dog/skeleton beast)
Sorry, I just love mythology and books!!!

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: February 10th, 2019, 6:19:11 pm
by Kastilla
Axolotl variants? (melan, freckled, etc.) Or possibly even "axolotl hybrids" or something similar? An axolotl leviathan sounds nice, lol.

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 7:44:03 am
by Timiyo
This one companion that all magi lack is one of the most important ones. The chicken. Now before you think, "Uhh, chickens already exist in Magistream." let me tell you this, you're basically right. You see, chicken-like creatures do exist in the Magistream universe, but no normal chicken is available to magi for usage or training. Again, before you think, "Uhh, chickens shouldn't exist in Magistream." let me tell you this, they already do! As shown in the descriptions for the Tenabre Fox, Kiwi Bird, and the Pastel and Chromatic Wugu Amagnae, normal chickens already exist in the Magistream universe. I think it would be a good and fun opportunity for the staff to create a completely normal chicken available to all magi, just for the sake of it.

I've taken it into my weirdly misshapen hands to create some egg art and descriptions for my idea. Just egg art though, I'm not good enough to do any other kind.

You look down and see this egg. It doesn't look like much to you. It is plain tan with a couple feathers still stuck to it and some brown markings splattered over it. It looks as if it had just came from it's mother. Who knows where it had really come from! Reminded of a Raza Cobra, you pick it up, brush it off, and take it home, hoping that, despite it's simple appearance, it too will grow into an incredible exotic creature to take along with you on your many adventures!
Your simple egg has now grown into an tiny adorable yellow chick! It reminds you deeply of an Arkenian Goose. Unfortunately, cuteness came with a price. You realize now that this creature was only a simple flightless chicken. A baby chick is very unpredictable. One moment it's resting in your warm arms and breathing softly, while the next moment it's running all over your room and pecking at whatever it can! Chicken hatchlings are very hard to work with! You might decide to be unpredictable as well, one day you're too scared to let it near most other creatures, as you are afraid it might get eaten, while the next day you might consider eating it yourself! Despite being hard to deal with, baby chicks are still very lovable.
Fully grown chickens, whether rooster or hen, are larger, smarter, louder, and no less bothersome. Their feathers can be many different colors based on where they came from. Fortunately, now that your chicken is stronger, you're not afraid to let it outside, as now, despite it's relatively small size, it can fend for itself. On the Keep grounds chickens thrive. Many seeds are scattered along the ground fairly often, so the chickens have plenty to eat. Because of this they commonly grow to decently large sizes, at least, large for chickens. Most grow taller than two feet. Adult chickens commonly terrorized the other creatures on the Keep grounds which led to many of them being killed. Fortunately, most of the smarter chickens caught on and learned not to hurt to other creatures, except on special occasion or in self defense. Often times, magi are not particularly fond of adult chickens, especially roosters, whose wake up call forces them to get up early! Trained roosters will crow when any unknown creatures or humans are nearby, which provides a good alert for any magi on a quest. Because of a chickens mild usefulness, some magi will take one or two of them on some adventures or quests, though usually not more than a few.
Havn't come up with a general description yet, but I think chickens should probably come from almost any place in the known Magistream world, except maybe the cold ones. I'm not sure if the magi would eat chicken eggs, or actually kill and eat the chickens themselves for that matter. You guys can decide that for yourselves if you like this! Let me know if you're actually considering this whole idea! :wee:

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 11:43:15 am
by BBkat
We DO have chickens though. 6 of them in fact (granted they were event creatures and can't breed, at least with each other, they can hybridize with the Vernox Dragons to create Cockatrices)

Re: Official Creature Suggestion Thread

Posted: February 21st, 2019, 5:29:38 pm
by Timiyo
BBkat wrote:We DO have chickens though. 6 of them in fact (granted they were event creatures and can't breed, at least with each other, they can hybridize with the Vernox Dragons to create Cockatrices)
Dangit! I searched all over the site and I couldn't find any. Lol. That was fun anyway. :lol:

I'm just gonna practice making more egg art for fun.