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Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 15th, 2022, 7:36:27 pm
by Shadowfax278
okay and yes, that’s fine ^_^

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 15th, 2022, 8:47:00 pm
by xxavrilxx
Okay!! That works, easy peasy haha

How’s your night going?

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 15th, 2022, 9:57:54 pm
by Shadowfax278
okay ^_^

not great, honestly :t-:(. a deer hit me earlier and my car’s slightly totaled near the front, and on the side bumper over the tire. I’ll have to take pictures of it in the morning, and contact our car insurance company about a claim. the deer wasn’t dead, thankfully and ran away but I’m still a bit shocked and a bit upset about it.

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 15th, 2022, 10:05:29 pm
by xxavrilxx
Oh no, I’m glad you’re okay :t-hugs: your car is replaceable—what’s best is that you’re safe!!! I’m sure your insurance will fix you right up. I’m here if you need anything!!!

I also responded to our thread.

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 7:43:58 am
by Shadowfax278
me, too and I’m hoping that the dent can be repaired. Okay :t-hugs:.

I posted a reply after I got out of the shower and before I went to bed :splat:

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 9:03:51 am
by xxavrilxx
Good morning! Sorry I fell asleep. I am pretty sure I am getting sick again, this is miserableee. I swear ever since I was diagnosed with a skin autoimmune disease, i can't catch a break! Which makes zero sense when it should only affect my skin :|

How are you today? I responded to our thread

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 9:38:35 am
by Shadowfax278
good morning ^_^, and it's fine ^.^. oh no. I hope it's just a 24-hour stomach bug or something that's just temporary and won't last very long.

I'm okay. I'm just glad it's Friday, and the weekend. I replied as well a few minutes ago :bounce:

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 11:21:16 am
by xxavrilxx
I think it is a cold. I have been taking cold medicine today so hopefully I can battle it off fast. I hate being sick, it is always so exhausting. I am way too hyper to sit still for a few days lol.

How is work? I love that it is Friday but I hate how busy my work day is. :bounce:

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 11:50:20 am
by Shadowfax278
I had that last month or so and I took some Zicam medicated gummies in-between feeling the symptoms and it helped it go away faster. that's good, and I do as well. I don't like sitting still either lol :lol:

it's a bit slow-going, but still good.
I replied to your post in our rp via pm to start their next hot, and heavy session <3

Re: Halfmoon Heartache (Shadow x avril) OOC

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 1:07:06 pm
by xxavrilxx
Sorry got distracted.
