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Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 2:44:09 am
by SeagullSongs
Horseback riding! I currently have neither the location, time, or money for it, but I did a bit of riding when I was younger and I really enjoyed being around horses. I wish I had enough experience to work as a stablehand in exchange for lessons--I know a few places that let you do that but I'm way too out of practise to feel comfortable volunteering myself as a worker. I hope I can make it happen someday, though!

What's something about your current self that would make your childhood self proud?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 4:48:52 pm
by ggCyndicate
(I was just talking with a friend about horses yesterday! I've only ever been on horses twice, once as part of an attraction so I only went in circles, and the second time I got to ride bareback all around a big yard! I might've had the same answer honestly lol <3)

I guess I would have to say I'd be proud of myself for putting up boundaries with my birth family (I'm not adopted or anything, just my family now consists of husband and kids). They made me so miserable and confused growing up, and it led to some difficult times as a teen/young adult.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grow/grew up? Has that changed between then and now?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: February 22nd, 2022, 1:51:24 pm
by SeagullSongs
I'm so glad you were able to put up the boundaries you needed; that's not an easy thing to do, and it takes a lot of strength <3

Despite being a really shy kid, I wanted to be an actor (aside from a brief period where I was obsessed with being a tennis player for some reason :lol: ), and I actually did end up studying performing arts! I had to take a break for health reasons, but I'm really looking forward to going back to theatre school as soon as I'm able. Something I didn't realise as a kid, though, is that there's a lot about the performing arts industry as a whole that I really dislike, and in some cases I fundamentally disagree with. So, someday I'd really like to form a theatre company with some like-minded artists so we can have more creative control over our own work, and so we're on more of a similar page with regard to our values and priorities.

What is something small you like to do to instantly make a room feel more cozy? ^_^

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: February 27th, 2022, 2:50:19 pm
by ggCyndicate
- (Thank you, it definitely can be tough at times. What helped me start moving on was someone saying, "If you wouldn't tolerate this behavior from a friend, coworker, or stranger, why do you tolerate it from the people that are supposed to love you the most?")
- (I love the ambition! That's a wonderful dream you've got, I wholeheartedly wish you the best in your endeavors! <3)

Something small... Well, I suppose I like to take a mental note of where the doors and windows are, because I like to know where people will approach from and where the escape routes are. I also take note of which way the bathroom is, and which way I need to go to find refreshments. But mostly, just knowing where the exits are can make me a little more comfortable already.

What's your ideal vehicle (do you favor bike, small car, truck, etc), and how does your area/lifestyle affect this decision?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: March 20th, 2022, 7:59:56 pm
by GuesssWho
I live on an island so I'd like a boat, don't actually have one though.

What's your favorite animal?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: March 22nd, 2022, 4:25:34 am
by CorruptedUnicorn
There's many animals I love, but my favourite of them all is the swan! They are so pretty and elegant, and they aren't skittish around people. This means they will hiss or peck you if you bother them too much. I like that kind of attitude. I've met some swans before, they like to keep their distances but they were very sweet as long as you didn't bring dogs with you.

I also like ducks, sheep, horses and rabbits.

What's your drink of choice? What do you drink on the daily and what do you ask for on special occasions?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: April 1st, 2022, 10:43:09 am
by happylandfills
Coffee! I used to love it just black with the teensiest sprinkle of sugar, but I can't drink it like that because it triggers me. The why is in the spoiler:
I used to be a raging alcoholic and I drank a 50/50 ratio of black coffee and vodka every morning to start my day. Hopefully this is ok to put here, I'm an open book and don't mind talking about it. I'm clean from ALL substances now and I frequent many AA meetings :woo: I even feel guilty when I have a virtual drink at Remy's Inn!!!
So now I can't drink it black. I HAVE to have sugar and cream in it. I drink it whenever I forget to take my meds since caffeine affects me negatively when I'm on them. I'm drinking some now, actually :evil:

Special occasions call for martinelli's, which is non alcoholic champagne basically.

My question is: What is your HEALTHY addiction? Mine is probably MagiStream. I love the community here <3

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 7:22:00 am
by CorruptedUnicorn
My healthy addiction is my personal website!! I got one on Neocities and I like drawing graphics and coding for it. I'm especially extra bad at code and any techy stuff but everytime I pull a new trick on HTML it feels great. And I feel so free there! Free to ramble for as long as I want and make my pictures any size I wish!! I never "clicked" with modern social media and rediscovering the old web was an incredible experience. In fact, the main reason I got here was to find adoptable pets for my website!

What is something you're learning to love? Like a food you didn't use to like, or maybe you're getting used to insects, like me?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: April 17th, 2022, 4:57:18 pm
by Mockingbird13
I'm learning to love...a messy house. I've always hated disorder and mess, and my family's always been pretty neat-minded. Right now my middle sister and I live with our dad, who is retired. And the big change came when my sister got pregnant. Her boyfriend moved in, to start with, which is okay. He's probably even more of a neat freak than the rest of us, even though he is also hugely annoying. But sometimes you just get a hugely annoying roommate so I can deal. That wasn't the big change. The big change came when my nephew was born, and started to grow. He's two now, and since his arrival I have had to adjust to a level of mess and disorder that I never thought I could handle. I think this is common knowledge, but little kids...are very messy. Our house is now filled with toys and kiddy furniture and stickers and just so much kid things all over. There are legos everywhere. But I also love that the house is filled with reminders that there is a cute little kid who lives here. I love my nephew and all the mess just makes the house feel more lived in and warm to me. I don't even mind when he wipes his hands or his nose on my shirt or when he would spit up all over my pants or down my back as a baby. I also have a niece by my other sister who doesn't live with us, and she's over frequently so I can see some of her stuff scattered around. I never thought I'd love a messy house, but now I wouldn't have it any other way.

What is...a beloved childhood pet? Or, if you didn't have one, what is a beloved childhood toy?

Re: Lets get to know each other.

Posted: April 19th, 2022, 4:57:54 pm
by CaptainDucky
I had a beloved early teen-hood pet whom I got when I was 14 or 15. I had to say my final good bye almost a year ago on May 3rd. She was 19 years old cat, she was my everything, best friend, heart cat, and my little world. It was painful losing her, but she has helped me to be who I am today. She was the best thing happened in my life.

What is your favorite hobby?